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Posts posted by GiGii

  1. They did not favor young married women. They were child bearing age, and expected them to be baby machines soon after marriage, hence didn't view them as prime hiring material.

    Look at the date. In 1943 it was in WWII and women were needed in the war effort.

    I saw the date, that's why i wrote what i did. They favored SINGLE ladies, with no kids, no, families, no problems to worry about.

  2. interesting how people's perceptions have changed in 65 years.

    There's no longer any question whether transit companies should hire women for jobs formerly held by men. The draft and manpower shortage has settled that point. The important things now are to select the most efficient women available and how to use them to the best advantage. Here are eleven helpful tips on the subject from western properties:

    1. If you can get them, pick young married women. They have these advantages, according to the reports of western companies: they usually have more of a sense of responsibility than do their unmarried sisters; they're less likely to be flirtatious; as a rule, they need the work or they wouldn't be doing it — maybe a sick husband or one who's in the army; they still have the pep and interest to work hard and to deal with the public efficiently.

    2. When you have to use older women, try to get ones who have worked outside the home at some time in their lives. Most transportation companies have found that older women who have never contacted the public, have a hard time adapting themselves, are inclined to be cantankerous and fussy. It's always well to impress upon older women the importance of friendliness and courtesy.

    3. While there are exceptions, of course, to this rule, general experience indicates that "husky" girls — those who are just a little on the heavy side — are likely to be more even-tempered and efficient than their underweight sisters.

    4. Retain a physician to give each woman you hire a special physical examination — one covering female conditions. This step not only protects the property against the possibilities of lawsuit but also reveals whether the employee-to-be has any female weaknesses which would make her mentally or physically unfit for the job. Transit companies that follow this practice report a surprising number of women turned down for nervous disorders.

    5. In breaking in women who haven't previously done outside work, stress at the outset the importance of time — the fact that a minute or two lost here and there makes serious inroads on schedules. Until this point is gotten across, service is likely to be slowed up.

    6. Give the female employe in garage or office a definite day-long schedule of duties so that she'll keep busy without bothering the management for instructions every few minutes. Numerous properties say that women make excellent workers when they have their jobs cut out for them but that they lack initiative in finding work themselves.

    7. Whenever possible, let the inside employe change from one job to another at some time during the day. Women are inclined to be nervous and they're happier with change.

    8. Give every girl an adequate number of rest periods during the day. Companies that are already using large numbers of women stress the fact that you have to make some allowances for feminine psychology. A girl has more confidence and consequently is more efficient if she can keep her hair tidied, apply fresh lipstick and wash her hands several times a day.

    9. Be tactful in issuing instructions or in making criticisms. Women are often sensitive; they can't shrug off harsh words the way that men do. Never ridicule a woman — it breaks her spirit and cuts her efficiency.

    10. Be reasonably considerate about using strong language around women. Even though a girl's husband or father may swear vociferously, she'll grow to dislike a place of business where she hears too much of this.

    11. Get enough size variety in operator uniforms that each girl can have a proper fit. This point can't be stressed too strongly as a means of keeping women happy, according to western properties.

    Where in the world did you get this? It seems some things dont match the logic of thinking back in those days. They did not favor young married women. They were child bearing age, and expected them to be baby machines soon after marriage, hence didn't view them as prime hiring material. They knew they'd be out of the office for maternity leave, and cause disruptions. Also points to women's sensitivity and keeping women happy at work very much dont seem the norm for guidelines back then.

    Please provide a link to the article.

  3. ...what happens when you build a house of cards.

    should've used crazy glue.

    Should have built a proper house to begin with..

    they had one, its when they let too many yuppies into higher exec positions make stupid decisions that were geared by the monthly bonuses they received, not by long term plans.

    The problems these companies face today, are all as a result of planning for a 3-6 month cycle, versus long term. Employees planned based on what their paychecks were based on.

  4. U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez (D., N.J.), a majority member of the Senate Banking Committee, said Tuesday on CNBC that he would “look favorably upon” using government money toward a bridge loan for American International Group Inc. Such a move would give the cash-starved insurer time to increase its liquidity but wouldn’t increase risks due to moral hazard or unfairly burden taxpayers. A failure of AIG “may very well present a systemic risk” to the nation’s economy given the company’s breadth of coverage, and that may be the deciding factor in whether the Federal Reserve gets involved in any rescue effort, Menendez said.


    This is basically what the talking heads were saying last night. Apparently AIG dwarfs Bear and Lehman and nobody really knows the extent of their exposure in this mess.

    They've sort of migrated into many business areas outside their core business in big ways.....and supposedly even AIG doesn't know the extent to which they're exposed and everyone fears the ramifications of a collapse as a result.

    Oh, AIG has plenty of actuaries, they know their exposure quite well, hence the panic.

  5. McCain admitted he doesnt use a computer or email, because he can't type. He said he has some wrist problem. I think its a coverup for being slow :)

    I wonder with his wrist problem, and inability to type on a keyboard which is fairly HUGE compared to blackberry, how he invented it. He must be talking to Gore to much these days.

  6. What happens to policyholders if AIG goes out of business?

    They're fcuked.

    Ok, auto insurance policy holders - they have to have insurance... so when AIG "goes away" and they go knocking on GEICO or Allstate's doors, if they're smart, they could pretty much gouge them, right?

    Why gouge, when they know they have to compete amongst each other. Go to progressive, don't you see their ads, they'll give you the best price. :lol:

    I think they may be doing this (meaning AIG ready to go bankrupt), in anticipation for claims to be filed in connection with Ike.

  7. We chose to get married because we loved each other and yet our family is being punished because the current legislation doesn’t make any sense.

    We have received the support of our local congress person to help get this amended. What we are currently looking for is to put together a list of others that have been affected by this. We need to be able to show congress and the senate that this flaw in our immigration law is affecting others aside from just us.

    I have no idea where you are seeking support. You guys were irresponsible and didn't check into immigration laws. You thought as long as you are a USC everything should work out. Your ignorance is your own fault, dont blame the current legislation. This site is based on all the people that research AHEAD OF TIME the process of how to be together legally. You too had that opportunity, you didn't take it. Why do you call your own slacking a flaw in immigration? The rules are laid flat out. You had the possibility of marrying your wife, having her go back to Russia and file a K3, and she'd be back here legally & it would all be good.

    The situation you are in, is not the result of a flaw in immigration, not a result of anyone punishing you. Its a result of your own failure to plan.

  8. Such a tragedy for all involved. I hope her husband realises that a quarrel is not the proximate cause, and that she had deeper issues that perhaps even he was not aware of. (F)

    Perhaps she was in a stage of depression. Frequently suicide thoughts come on suddenly. Too late now to think about the what-ifs.


  9. none of this sh!t really matters (fmla, unwed mothers, et al) ... when will one of these two candidates step up and talk about how they are going to fix this country before it collapses under the weight of its own debt....

    Speak for yourself my friend. For thousands if not millions of people in this country, thiie "#######" matters.

    but if the country as we know it dies... does it really? My point is that the energy needs be focused on salvaging this country first.....

    I think this does matter, and a lot. Other countries provide a much better standard of living, not on the basis of wages, but quality of family life. In the UK mothers get 1 yr maternity leave, in Sweden they get 18 months, yes 1.5 yrs. And in the US 0 weeks. Now take away the FMLA and people wont even be able to keep their jobs, to go and take care of a sick family member.

    This country is sophisticated, it can take care of more than one problem at a time. Besides, no one thinks this country needs to be salvaged, they keep thinking there is no recession. You can't help someone in denial.

  10. Shamelessly stolen from Fark:

    Dear Santa,

    I've been really good this year. As an early Christmas present, could you make the first question presented to the VP candidates in their debate, "On this blank map of the world, please point to Afghanistan." Make both of them answer at roughly the same time. I realize that isn't really a debatable postulation, but it'd be fun to watch all the same.


    Why do we assume she must be stupid?

    Since she's been to Kuwait and has a son serving in Iraq I'm pretty sure she knows where Afghanistan is

    Because she has a 17yr old knocked up daughter and she thinks every american family is cool with it. Maybe she needs to do some educating at home first, before she starts preaching to the rest of the nation of what she can do for us. Perhaps she has some items on her 'to-do' list at home that aren't taken care of.

    My sister was pregant at 17 - is my mother stupid?

    She lacked to teach your sister some items. Your mother is not running for the VP of the US either. With that type of status, you should have a solid background, and her's is closer to Britney's than to a real VPs.

    And to Gary's "are you running scared" I'm running and laughing my a$ off with this nominee. I think its a joke.

    Is that so now? How is it that my brother and I had exacly the same background and both were not teenaged parents and went on to get advanced college degrees and great jobs? Just like Sarah Palin also raised a son who is serving our country in Iraq. Do you know how condescending and sexist your remarks sound?

    My comments were to be condescending. They are not sexist. I dont care what you or your brother, or your neighbor ended up doing in life. I dont care about your sister either. 17yr old pregnancies are wrong. A VP should be a role model, as a leader, as a woman, as a mother. Not teaching your kid and setting them up for a hard life is a failure as a parent. Certainly not VP material. So get up off your high horse, this is not about your or your family.

    That's really uncalled for. Robin is making a point that what a 17 does or doesn't do isn't necessarily a reflection of the minor's parents. Anyone who's been a teenager or has one knows that to be true. Secondly, it's got nothing to do with Sarah Palin's ability to lead this country, whether you agree with her politics or not. Harping on this issue as Robin keeps pointing is only drawing more sympathy for Palin as a mother and woman trying to make it in a man's world.

    It's nice to see that you get it Steven. Others here should follow your lead. :thumbs:

    Sure it does have something to do with the issue. She can't manage her own house well, how is she going to do that with a country? Not a mans world issue, this is an issue if you have kids. 17yr old pregnancies are not looked upon favorably, hence she knew what she'd face.

    She is not experienced in anything, most certainly not enough to run a country should the need arise. She's been selected so all the eyes are on her for a while instead of McCain and his lack of change. Maybe he's out counting the number of houses he has.

    And here will probably come Gary's question, "what about Obama's experience?"

  11. Cuello also said police recently began working with the Mexican Consulate in Chicago to produce a video that will inform undocumented immigrants of their rights if stopped by police. Police brochures will also be translated to Spanish.

    your tax dollars at work.........

    “We want our immigrant illegal community to know that we are here to serve them and that Chicago is a safe refuge,” she said.


    My tax dollars are going to go to protect & educate the illegals how to represent themselves AFTER they break the law & how to get out of ICE trouble. Nice indeed!

    Maybe I'll go educate myself how to get ICE to round them up, the next time they decide to do an immigration march & show off their illegalness.

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