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Posts posted by GiGii

  1. Cobbs my friend, you are a work of art. Just because you are an immature 25 yr old, doesn't mean the world should feel sorry for you. You know who I feel sorry for? Your wife. Whether she has a mental illness or not, she married you cause she loved you, she needed a companion, a friend, a lover, a soulmate. You say you had no idea about her, cause she only came for 8 days. Then why on God's earth did you get married??? Why are you complaining about her talking to her mother, her sex stories, her not asking you to pimp yourself with the opposite sex after 2YEARS? I think this annoying stuff would have come out much sooner. Why didn't it? Cause you worked hard to get that 10yr GC. Its not your property. Its your permission to stay here with your WIFE.

    Now onto mental health. Why are you such a looser to stay with this girl for 2 years and not get her any help? This is your responsibility as her husband. I think she could have a case of abuse against you for failure to help. Problems can get fixed if 2 parties work on them. She may be helpless to herself, and hence relies on her mothers advice, because you are a little kid and offer no support. Days of pimping are over when you get married. This is normal with marriage to hang out as a couple.

    Based on your description, she doesn't seem schizo, maybe manic depressive or bi polar, but not schizo.

    Here's my recommendation. If you love her as your wife, treat her with respect, get her medical help. Get her evaluated, get her on meds, ensure she takes the meds, and keeps her Dr visits. Go with her to every visit to see what progress doc says is occurring. For the time being, set her first. Stop pimping with the single ladies, give her the comfort she knows you are only hers. Wherever you go, take her with. More social time does wonders on a persons self image. Don't let her sit at home alone, it leads to worse stages of depression.

    As others have said, marriage is "through sickness and in health". If you genuinely married her out of love, as oppossed to a 10yr GC, then man up, start acting like a true partner. Show her you care and help her.

    If you run like forest, you are a sissy, a 25yr old boy acting like a 12 yr old that wants to out to play. Your choice. Make it the right one.

  2. I second the idea for going to couple counseling. If you dont do anything about this, he will get worse and think its ok to treat you this way.

    Personally, if he raised his voice at me, I'd tell him I will not accept it. I am a human being that deserves respect, don't treat me like a dog. If he continues, walk away from the situation. If you have a fight that late, I'd tell you to have a close friend at whom's you can spend the night. He'll realize his wrong when he sees your hurt reaction.

    Seems you are a nice girl, dont let your patience & quietness be his advantage. Speak up.

    Words such as 'I'll throw you out, you'll be going back home" are unexcusable, especially when you gave up your home, your family changed your whole life to be with this person.

    In addition to the couple counseling, he should do some anger management... but maybe the couple's therapist can see & recommend this to him.

    Do you know how he treated his mother, sisters? Usually, this is a good inclination to how he will treat other woman close to him.

  3. I kept my maiden name and never changed it. For one, I have degrees in my name, I dont want the mess of changing names with SS, ID's, passports, all that drama. He had no issue with it, so I left it.

    Everytime I say I'm married, they think my husbands last name is mine... and they think something is wrong when its not. Annoying a bit, but got used to it. Most Russians when they hear my name differing from husbands, give me a dirty look, like something isnt legit. But it is, and I dont care of their old way of thinking.

    My MIL has her maiden name, with a hyphen and husbands last name. I hate when people do this, so I didn't.

    We didnt have a problem anywhere with USCIS due to me leaving it.

    Now about your feminine version of the last name, I say do it. Let it be Smirnova, most will know its the same name. Other nationalities also have this variation. The only tiny problem I see with this is, that if people see your husbands name first, they may think your "a" at the end is a typo and leave it off future stuff. So be cautious to correct, or get used to seeing it both ways.

  4. I hate Norton too, it slows down your system A LOT! I had it 2 yrs ago on a laptop I bought, and then paid to have the non trial version. After 2 months I deinstalled it, because it made my computer run much slower than the old one I replaced.

    Now I got a new laptop, and it of course again came with trial of Norton. I have to say this one isnt that bad in terms of slowing down system, but still does it, and shouldn't. It definitely overlooks viruses. When I scanned the portable HD it missed a trojan. Some trojans it doesnt even know how to remove, it promts you to a microsoft site for guidance, that is a load of #######.

  5. Clinton is the biggest two faced liar I ever heard of. On the campaign trail, she promised to get jobs out of China, and back into the US, to lessen our dependence on them for goods. Now she goes over there making promises of all the stuff we'll import to get them out of a downturn? Who is going to help us get out of our downturn?

    China is a big scam, our gov't being fed money to shut up. Products produced in the US would be about 40% more expensive, however, every darn American & immigrant would have a good paying job if we produced everything we consumed. Economies of scale would further go into use to bring down costs.

    Now Obama's $32 (or something to that effect) more per month that you will get in your paycheck, due to the stimulus, will just bring a wealth of cash into American homes. The guy must be dreaming in a fantasy. What is $32 a month for YOU? For me I would feel no difference, no change in spending, no change. Yes, this will help save 3.5 million jobs.

    I love democrat lies.

  6. I think the gov't has a responsibility to educate kids with taxes paid, that's it.

    I dont think they should be giving housing to those who sit on their azz and play stupid. I dont think those same people deserve healthcare, or any rebuilding. You own a home? then get home insurance.

    This country has too many leaches sucking it dry, and that's why the rest of the hard working folk are getting screwed.

    How much is Iraq/Afghanistan costing us monthly? Like $12 billion? How about take the money from the stupid bailout, send every family and gift card to use only at stores, and watch the economy start blossoming. The companies will take the money in their own CEO pockets... kinda like Goldman Sachs did.

    Work hard to play hard.

  7. I can't remember if I read or saw her in an interview say how she idolizes Angelina Jolie, that she is a good mom, willing to take care of many children, and still doesn't sacrafice her beauty. I guess this nut job thinks she is the second Angelina, isnt that why she had the cologen injection, to immitate Jolie's lips?

    I think the irresponsible doc that implanted all those eggs should take some responsibility. The lady has no naturally conceived children, each were invitro with same doc. He knew she'd get pregnant with 1 egg, yet he gave her 6.

    I still wonder, how this unemployed mother was feeding 6 kids while going to school, and was able to afford invitro once again. I mean its like $12-16K a pop.

    Grandma is in arrears on the mortgage like $23K... dont they start foreclosure after like 2-3 months of no payment???

  8. I suspect the confusion has to do with context. Once a letter is signed giving permission to immigrate (by definition, that's "permanent") the letter probably doesn't expire. When you ask for clarification, make sure you ask the right question, which would be, "What is required from the other parent to give permission to immigrate to another country?" I suspect the answer given by the authorities in Ukraine will be different than for pleasure travel. Context is sometimes King and the devil in the details.

    I believe the letter that is good for 30 days is like if the kid was going for vacation to the US, not permanently to live here. Check with the consulate maybe here in the US or ask your wife to do more inquiries at home.

    Even though a letter says "immigrate" I think the border control may not let the kid go, if its an old letter and doesn't have the word "permanent" in it. They can be hardasses about it, and say "no word permanent, kid no go". Also, notaries in Ukraine are not like notaries in the US. They are more like our US equivalent of an attorney. However, have no fear, if you wave some $$$ magic happens. If you want to be on the safe side and stress less, fork over some $$$ and get a post dated letter from the father.

    By the way, guys that disappear for months at a time have super sneaky deals indeed. I heard stolen cars come from the US, this is the time to pick them up, forge papers, sell or auction them, and bounce back home.

  9. i hear you and understand of ur lately reaction

    but i was thought that my friends told be that its okay to get do two petitioner filed me anyway its not my profile wil be check its the profile of the men....

    its just like a bidding style , who is the more capable man on me will be the one to have more action by the law firm

    and one thing i was really wonder till now havent heard an approval from my old bf

    and ops my new bf havent started yet, okay?

    Perhaps you haven't heard, USCIS is not a new version of Ebay honey. You pick 1 man, yes one, and fall in love and then when you decide that you cant live without each other and want to move. You dont go around gathering boyfriends, and asking each to file a peition. If your not really after a green card, what are you after, a record of bfs?

  10. Thanks guys for the info.

    Does the I-130 & I-485 get filed together at the same time?

    Also, will this situation require the "I-485 Supplement A"?

    I also read that when filing to adjust status, that you should send proofs of your living together, etc. What if they just get married & file, do they bring the items to AOS interview? Or is it better to wait and have the lease, common bills, etc in both names before filing?

  11. Hello fraudster, welcome to VJ.

    See this forum is based on "family immigration", not "how to get in the US no matter who petitions". So since you love neither guys, and seems as though you are looking for a ticket into this country, I'd recommend not filing at all. Not only will 2 petitioners cause you much drama and a denial of visa, but you are hurting two guys who have no clue they are with a fraudster chick.

  12. I have a friend (USC) who is getting married soon. I thought her fiance was a green card holder, but it turns out he isn't. He came to the US a while ago on a student visa. He completed his studies, and got his student visa renewed. But later on it expired and he still remained in the US. His overstay is 3yrs+.

    I recall reading here that overstays are forgiven due to a marriage to a citizen. Do they have to file a waiver for the illegal overstay time? Or do they simply file for AOS, and if so, what forms apply to this situation.

  13. At least they are being honest. In the last administration, all they could do is make up reasons why they think they are right. Here if they are not being overly optimistic.

    The executive office is about leadership and it is truly a "crisis of confidence" (fu*k u Carter) when the leadership isnt giving the public some confidence

    What a load of #######. True leadership is not to lie, and provide false hope. The first bailout did nothing for the economy, I think everyone knows the second will not do magic either, just push us into deeper debt.

  14. Breast feeding is best for the baby. It's sad when the mom doesn't want to try long or hard enough. I understand after birth you are all exhausted, but its your baby, aren't you supposed to do everything in your will to give it the best? 9 months of pain, a couple extra days trying to feed won't kill anyone.

    Breast milk has many nutritional benefits that formula's try to duplicate, but can't. Take a formula, even with Liptin (for better brian/eye development), right there on the bottle there is a statement that compares it to mother's milk, and shows its only like 30% less nutritional. Nice advertising for one. But then again it shows you breast milk is not duplicatable.

    Studies show, that breastfed babies develop mentally quicker, are smarter throughout life, stronger overall.

    About the ADHD, yes more kids are weird now, however I believe it has to do with all the chemically engineered food we consume as a society. In parts of the world where organic/natural food is more prevalent, you dont have many ADHD kids. Also in the US, they are quicker to mislabel misbehaving kids as ADHD, pop them a pill and say they'll be fixed. Sometimes parents don't devote enough time to raise & discipline kids appropriately and like to blame "the times" or "society" or whatever for the problems.

    Isn't it odd, that when mothers used to stay home with the kids (meaning not working), raise them, feed the family with foods from scratch, we didnt have all this drama that goes on in families? I think the lack of the mother at home has a huge impact on kids.

    BTW - I want my bio baby back, and no vegan/vegitarian diet for my kid. He'll eat what I do.

  15. "If you really want to fight terrorism, come and cooperate with the Iranian nation, which is the biggest victim of terrorism so that terrorism is eliminated. ... If you want to confront nuclear weapons ... you need to stand beside Iran so it can introduce a correct path to you," he said.

    Yes, the US will surely want to hear the "correct path for you". I wonder how open for dialogue he'd be if Obama said he'd like to introduce the plan for Iran to follow.

  16. What is a couple month delay going to do? The people that have to buy converters will still have to buy them. If they haven't saved the $40 to get one, within a whole year of preachings that the switch is coming, then tough luck.

    Stupidist thing Obama could work on.

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