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Posts posted by Talyss


    Hang on everyone, around 7 weeks is the timeframe!!!!




    One question, for everyone.

    What date are you all using for your NVC Received filed in your timelines?

    What we have there, is the date our first letter from NVC was dated (18th December).

    I used the date I was told by the nvc that they had received it (our letter was dated 2 days later)

  2. This is nothing more than satisfying my curiosity since I'm way past K-1 stage now (thank goodness).

    I was reading here about ACPOs pilot programme for police certificates for visa purposes and I was wondering what the benefit is? Does it actually give more information than the old style 'subject access requests'? Apart from the photo that is? Or are they being introduced because the embassies weren't happy with the documents we were taking in the past? Does it mean that the US embassy in London isn't taking the old type any more?

    What's the justification for a three-fold price hike, or have they just realised that they can make a fair amount of money very quickly by charging would-be expats £35 instead of the £10 that I paid not so long ago?

    This is all speculation based on the fact that I have never applied for police clearance under the old system for visa purposes, just for job purposes (also been a manager who lost great potential employees because police clearance took so long they took internal promotions instead :( )

    Umm maybe allows them to set up a seperate department for visa certificates - which gives guaranteed turn around times and doesn't get mixed up with all the other requests for police certificates thereby making things a bit faster for everyone. I paid for the standard 10 day service and it was back in that time.

    are the police certificates for jobs nationwide? people i know who have had them and they had to re-apply when they have moved out of the area they were working in.

    I don't think they are even area wide. When it comes to the NHS - they were needed even for very localized moves :(

    I actually felt very relieved I wasn't joining that queue with this process even if it did cost more

  3. Latest update on the Embassy web site

    02/03 February 2009 Adverse Weather Conditions :

    Employees: Local authorities are making every effort to restore transport links in and around London. Embassy staff will be expected to report for work on Tuesday. Please advise your supervisor by Tuesday at 9 am if you are unable to safely access transport or unable to arrive at work for other reasons.

    Visa & American citizen services: The Embassy is making every effort to restore full consular services. American citizens seeking services do not need appointments and will be assisted. Visa applicants who cannot make their appointments should call the toll-free number 0800-027-0051 to reschedule. They will be given priority in scheduling appointments.

    Updated: 02 February 2009 at 21:20

    awesome news for Dawn and Zoe :dance:

  4. So they really said it was random, cdneh?

    I hope ours is, as well. The only reason that comes to mind (for us to be kept in there, in the first place) are my four denied visitor visas in only 10 months... If they even case about that kind of thing, that is.

    I had had an interview last time I enetered the US to visit because I had visited too often that year - I had wondered if that was the reason but had seen lots of folks have the same thing or get sent back even who hadn't ended up in the black hole of the NVC. It also hasn't effected our processing so far at the embassy (once it eventually got there that is).

    Now if only mother nature would stop being so wicked an disrupting London with snow I might get an interview date /sigh

    I do hope you get good news soon Badgerella

  5. This is nothing more than satisfying my curiosity since I'm way past K-1 stage now (thank goodness).

    I was reading here about ACPOs pilot programme for police certificates for visa purposes and I was wondering what the benefit is? Does it actually give more information than the old style 'subject access requests'? Apart from the photo that is? Or are they being introduced because the embassies weren't happy with the documents we were taking in the past? Does it mean that the US embassy in London isn't taking the old type any more?

    What's the justification for a three-fold price hike, or have they just realised that they can make a fair amount of money very quickly by charging would-be expats £35 instead of the £10 that I paid not so long ago?

    This is all speculation based on the fact that I have never applied for police clearance under the old system for visa purposes, just for job purposes (also been a manager who lost great potential employees because police clearance took so long they took internal promotions instead :( )

    Umm maybe allows them to set up a seperate department for visa certificates - which gives guaranteed turn around times and doesn't get mixed up with all the other requests for police certificates thereby making things a bit faster for everyone. I paid for the standard 10 day service and it was back in that time.

  6. my fiance was supposed to have his medical in london on wednesday...but it doesnt look good for anyone trying to travel in there.

    thank God it was just his medical that might have to get canceled and not his interview

    My fiance is used to the snow now tho, lol....since he has visited chicago SEVERAL times when chicago has dropped inches upon inches of snow in a few hours and all the while it was -35F wind chill. I think I have readied him for the london every 20 years of snow they get.

    good luck to everyone who has any time of medical/interview going on in this next week in london!!

    I hope everything clears up VERY soon!!

    It should be ok for Wednesday the severe weather warning is only in place for the next 24 hours, good luck

    Well snow isn't going to be the problem in London tomorrow so much as ice on the roads according to the met office. Hoping this means good news for Dawn and Zoe.

    Lets just hope that the embassy is open tomorrow, Dawn made it down to London and is staying in a hotel not to far away, and Zoe is getting a lift in

    I am not a praying kinda gal but I might have a word with him upstairs tonight for them

    I would try them all - even the God of Puddles may be able to help!

  7. my fiance was supposed to have his medical in london on wednesday...but it doesnt look good for anyone trying to travel in there.

    thank God it was just his medical that might have to get canceled and not his interview

    My fiance is used to the snow now tho, lol....since he has visited chicago SEVERAL times when chicago has dropped inches upon inches of snow in a few hours and all the while it was -35F wind chill. I think I have readied him for the london every 20 years of snow they get.

    good luck to everyone who has any time of medical/interview going on in this next week in london!!

    I hope everything clears up VERY soon!!

    It should be ok for Wednesday the severe weather warning is only in place for the next 24 hours, good luck

    Well snow isn't going to be the problem in London tomorrow so much as ice on the roads according to the met office. Hoping this means good news for Dawn and Zoe.

  8. Couldn't get out today to post my Packet 3 response as the snow made the roads too dangerous to drive on, and couldn't book my medical because the bad weather made their computer systems go down (they couldn't schedule me an appointment) .. I moan all year that we don't get snow, because I usually love it, then as soon as we do get it, it delays my K1 progress a little :angry:

    I hope I put my response together correct.. are you meant to send all of the forms in dulpicate to them? Is the one that says 'don't write below this line, the consular officer will help you will this in' the only one that you DON'T sign? because I signed the others when they prompted me too.

    Argh this whole process is making me so paranoid about forms. I just want to be in the US with my boyfriend :(

    No only the DS 156 is in duplicate and that is the one I told you not to sign so you are ok

    I hope your fiance does not mind that you have a boyfirend :whistle:

    Haha I just hate that term :(:ot2:

    The website said three of the forms need to be in duplicate? I'm confused :unsure:


    I think its new that they want the others in duplicate - I sent my packet3 back before I received the letter so had not sent a duplicate of the 156k but they have me on their system as eligible for an interview. The 157 is only for male applicants I think.

    I am finding the snow so frustrating - I know it is worse for those who have interviews this week, but if the embassy is shut no one is scheduling interviews either :(

  9. the package 3 letter I received from London last week just refers you to these 2 websites to download the documents you need to return and for the info for the medical.



    You can print it all off and send it without having to wait to receive the letter again from them.

    That's fantastic, but the first link doesn't work?!

    Thanks tho :D

    Bah I typed it wrong sorry


    I checked this one - it worked :)

  10. Fingers crossed for all who have interviews that they get the roads cleared/gritted and at least some smeblance of transport normality going so you can get your interviews on time.

    We have a bit of snow here, but not as bad as elsewhere

  11. Way to sneak that little 'approved' in your signature cdneh! How did it go?!?! We're all anxious to hear :)

    It went well...practically painless...in spite of all my concerns. Being stuck at NVC for all that time did nothing at all for my cheery disposition. :no:

    My interviewer said...'oh...you were stuck for some time in RANDOM checks...." Random. So all we did was draw the short straw :lol:

    Fantastic news - congratulations!

    Just to let you guys know she was approved today. :)


  12. Yeah I can give you one guess who said that and I bet you are right. Thank you so much. For some reason it wont decrypt the document on my computer so I can ask my friend to download it to me and email it to me so I can print it out. Thank you again I appreciate it. I think even if you send me the link I still wont be able to open it. Dont know why that is happening.

    is it a pdf document. I was having problem with one of the online forms untill I downlaoded the latest version of adobe acrobat

  13. To be honest with you I would not arrange anything until you get the visa, you just cant guarantee how long it can take

    If all goes well then you should have your visa by November but it is not a certainty, I woud not take the risk of booking anything you dont want to be dissapointed

    I agree - March to November is only 8 months and many of us are at the 8 month stage and waiting for interviews, if you are planning a big wedding and inviting family to travel you could be disappointed.

  14. Hey All........another week huh?

    My well wishes for your interview CDNEH!!!

    As for me.......I called today to check if my case was still there...(today makes 6 weeks and 4 days).....a nice girl answered and told me it was still there.....then I said "Wow, on Monday it will be 7 weeks, that sure is a long time"....then she asked me if I wanted her to ask a supervisor to check on the case.....I said "that would be GREAT".....so she put me on a hold for a long time and then came back and said that the supervisor was going to follow up on my behalf and it shouldn't be much longer until my case heads to the embassy......so, I asked her if I could call back Tuesday and she said sure.

    So, that was bad news and good news.....bad - it is still there, good - a supervisor may be checking on the delay........

    I really hope to not be the one to break the 7 weeks 3 day record.......actually, I hope none of us have to!!!!! So, hang in there all......let's see what next week holds!!!!!

    I do hope the supervisor gets things moving for you

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