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Posts posted by ronjie

  1. u think he just happened to have a pipe leaning against the wall near his daughters bedroom? anyway I'm sure he won't have to repeat himself to get the point across...NO DUDES ALLOWED.

    she will have a tough time getting a date now. maybe he should have just sat on the bed and explained to them the concept of safe sex !!! coz having sex in daddy's house just ain't safe !!!

  2. Hollywood has already shown filipinas the good side, everyone knows america is a paradise already, I don't see the point of showing people that yes, you can earn more money in the US, you can have a good life, your own private jet, whatever... that's already the expectation (OK, I don't think people expect their own private jet). As for seminars for american's marrying foreigners, I think awareness is plenty high already, I've heard the warning about women marrying for visa's plenty of times, nevermind the fact that one of the first things I did was look into various scams and problems I could run into when I first considered any kind of relationship with someone from another country...

    If you can't understand why they focus on what they focus on in the films, take a moment to consider what it's actually like if you are in a foreign country, an emergency happens (I have no idea who to call in the philippines if say... a kid fell off a roof and no one was around), the person who you most likely rely on, your future husband, happens to be manipulative and abusive, it happens, sometimes the things you find out about people you thought you knew are down right amazing, and unfortunately even when marrying in your own country, people end up in abusive relationships, but in your own country you *should* know how to get help, in a country you've only been in a short time you may not know where to go, especially if you haven't any friends, family, or even co-workers who you can rely on for help yet. I know that in the philippines I'd be lost in a lot of situations, as a foreigner I wouldn't know what to do at all... of course, filipinas in the US probably know enough english that they aren't quite as lost as I am in the philippines... but they are also on average about 5 inches shorter, and 30-40 lbs lighter than the average female here, nevermind the guys here. Basically an abusive husband with a foreign wife is a worst case situation and I'm willing to bet that domestic abuse is not as rare as you might want to think, maybe I'm going off the rails but heck, look at the sexual offenders lists (they actually map out where they live these days) if you want a wake up call of sorts on the kind of problems that exist in america.

    I can't wait for my fiance to be here in the US, but I also worry about her safety here, being victimized in any way would be pretty devastating, even though I know she'll be able to rely on me. Our own schools teach our kids all kinds of things, like don't talk to strangers, if someone touches you a certain way tell your parents, an adult whatever... should we stop showing these educational films just because you yourself aren't a kidnapper, and are insulted someone might insinuate that you possibly could be because we teach our kids not to talk to adults they don't know, including you?

    As for those fees though, I have to agree, it does pretty expensive compared to what people living in the philippines actually make.

    ok, I understand what you have said and I agree with you !! but from what my wife has told me. the movies seem to be a lot more to scare than to educate. maybe they are trying to use a shock factor for educational purposes. I remember years ago they had a series on tv called scared strait, it reminds me of that sort of tactic. only used for educational reasons.. anyway I wish all the foriegn women no matter where they are from, a safe and happy life with their husbands in their new enviroments

    My fiancé went to her seminar after passing the interview. We thought the seminar would tell you everything about the USA, and what to expect and how to count money or something Or about the weather or something educational and helpful. Instead they flooded her brain with discouraging stories and videos of the Filipinas that got treated bad. Stories, pics and vids of prostitution, beatings and death etc. Can you believe the embassy passed fiancé visa interviews and the couple have only known each other for a month or so.. This really pissed me off to know they do that during the seminar instead of making you feel comfortable. I mean the process is frustrating enough, and then they do that at the end of it to stress you out more. How sad is that. And you have to pay for it.

    Shame on The U.S embassy in Manila

    MY fiance arrived on my bday. sept 2 woohoooooo!

    While it doesn't sound like it was presented in the best manner, I think it is important information to be made aware of.

    agreed !!!

  3. are you trying to start an arguement with me? coz if so I will ruin your day !!! no, I didn't attend the pre-marriage seminar. I know what your talking about, but I didn't attend it. the things I wrote are my opinion. so just let it go, and we will both have a better day !!!!


    what are you talking abt??

    why are you being aggressive??

    why do u think im arguing with you??

    im just replying to your post based on what i know..

    and dnt scare me with your "i will ruin your day" statement..

    oh yeah im scared..?? :rofl: :rofl:

    the things that i wrote are my opinion too..

    like what completely said, seminar is a normal thing is the philippines..

    that is why i asked u if u attended one before u got married..

    cos with your post earlier, it seems that your not aware abt the pre-marriage seminar for locals..

    well, now i know why you're not that aware abt it..

    cos like what u said.. you didnt attend it.. :whistle:

    so there.. thats my point.. cheers! ;)

    MAYBE BEFORE THE USEM gives out the affidavit of eligibility to marry papers to the us spouse, they should have them attend a seminar and point out all the bad things about PI girls and scam marriages.., but that wouldn't be fair either since we know that is a very small percentage of the philippine girls. the point here is that yes there are bad people everywhere and we need to be aware of this. but being an adult I would assume you are smart enough to already understand that. and you would be careful before you marry someone. did your husband get a prenuptual before he married you to protect himself (just incase you are a gold digger) or did he enter the marriage with trust and faith. of course you want him to trust you and there should be no need for a prenuptual. and if you trust and love him there should be no need for the seminar. and yes in the US if a woman is abused there is many places where she can get help for FREE. and that would be a place to stay, money, lawyer services, etc. so its 2008, but there are still FREE services for abused women. and I would think that the response time would be relitively slow with some of the numbers the girls are given from the seminar. If someone is being abused in anyway they should immediately call 911 and report it. I'm sure that will be the fastest way to get help !! and of course I am aware of the pre-marriage seminar. which I did go to but did not have to complete and was excused from. so cheers to you sweetheart and have a great day !!!!

  4. PS: ronjie i noticed you're under k3..

    did u get married in the philippines?

    if so dint u attend the pre-marriage seminar?

    are you trying to start an arguement with me? coz if so I will ruin your day !!! no, I didn't attend the pre-marriage seminar. I know what your talking about, but I didn't attend it. the things I wrote are my opinion. so just let it go, and we will both have a better day !!!!

    Hi Ronjie,

    Seminar is normal in the Philippines.. getting married, going to work overseas, marrying someone from the other countries..

    These seminars are being done because some of my fellow filipinos did experience abuse and bad treatments from different countries, so our government is just there to guide us, but this does not mean to scare us but to increase our awareness and what to do when we come to the Foreign Land.. They sure did show the beauty of the country they are going to but of course, they have to show the negative side of it..

    Before I went overseas to work in the Middle East (where women are dressed up with only eyes open), they briefed us how to take care of ourselves, what to do, and what should not..

    I have never done CFO Seminar when I married my husband because our visa get processed in Middle East... But I think this seminar is just an awareness that maybe it could happen to any one of us....

    Most K-1 Visa,whether what country they are from,.. (although they married for love Im sure), but majority of them just met once for how many days..... If you read some topics in Forum on Effect of Moving in the USA.. you will understand what I mean.. Someone told me before that you will not know the person until you two live together..

    I am glad your wife found a nice husband like you.. I'm sure, that thinks about the good things you can give for your wife.. but all countries has bad apples and oranges..

    If someone thinks the seminar in a positive way, this is just basically a situational awareness... Like when American goes overseas, when they came on board, during the inprocessing, my job is to brief them about country terrorism, a situational awareness in the Middle East not for them to be scared but for them to be aware of what is happening outside their country for their safety.. Some dont give a #######, because for them its a waste of time, but majority of people appreciate the briefing we always do to increase their level of awareness..


    ok, I do understand what you say. and thank you for sharing your experience with me. have a great day....peace to you also..

  5. PS: ronjie i noticed you're under k3..

    did u get married in the philippines?

    if so dint u attend the pre-marriage seminar?

    are you trying to start an arguement with me? coz if so I will ruin your day !!! no, I didn't attend the pre-marriage seminar. I know what your talking about, but I didn't attend it. the things I wrote are my opinion. so just let it go, and we will both have a better day !!!!

  6. I couldn't agree more with you. what a bunch of bullsh-t. they know who's money is paying for this #######, airfare and hotels for some of the spouses/fiance's. and then when they get the visa, they have to go back to have it stamped.

    you dnt have to go back..

    you can go to CFO branches where you can have the seminar and stamp same day.. ;)

    that is why it is best to attend the seminar after you got your visa..

    just wondering if they showed the other side to the lady's... like the house in the country. or the new car she will have. or maybe the man that works 50 or 60 hours a week to give his family everything he possibly can. how about the day trips, weekend trips or yearly vacations. or maybe the christmas tree with many gifts under it for the family.

    if they are only showing the bad ####### that can happen then its wrong. they do this just to make money, there are other ways to inform the girls, like papers attached to their visa or whatever.

    i go into my marriage with full trust and faith that it will be forever. I never asked for or wanted a prenup. If my wife were to bring phone numbers with her, (just in case) I would be offended. for me, when it comes to trust, its all or nothing. I have explained to her in ANY emergency, she should call 911 and get help. OH by the way,... what does the men from PI who immigrate here watch ? Is it the same movie ?

    yes.. :yes:

    guys watch same movies too..

    like what other peeps said, the seminar is not to discourage women/men to marry foreigners..

    it is to open the eyes of filipinos.. that it is not always a good fortune for everybody..

    and also i would just like to react on the highlighted part..

    with all due respect, i dnt think that's the point of marrying a foreigner..

    we fall in love regardless of where that person is from and what that person has..

    i mean i believe most of us here marry someone cos of LOVE..

    not cos of money or any luxurious things on earth..

    if you marry someone and u get to have the nicest things on earth then it is just a plus, IMO!

    also, why would u get offended when your wife would bring phone numbers?? :blink:

    i mean it is not a bad thing.. i dnt see why u would get offended..

    of course it is for love !!, I'm just wondering since they pointed out the negative things, if they balanced it by pointing out the positive aspects. and I explained why I would get offended so if you don't understand I won't explain it again. besides do you have any idea what kind of things a foreign wife could do to a spouse here in america ? we don't sit around watching movies about the GC searching, gold digging, home wrecking, foreign spouses. yes, that happens too !!! we are all adults. and we should do our homework and learn who are SO is before we engage or marry. terrible things happen home and abroad, why don't they have these ceminars before locals marry each other ? if its so important and they care for the women so much, and they want to be a womens advocate. then why isn't it FREE ? wake up and smell the coffee. do the math. how many spouse/fiancee visa's a year for PI x the fee they charge. its always about money.

  7. I couldn't agree more with you. what a bunch of bullsh-t. they know who's money is paying for this #######, airfare and hotels for some of the spouses/fiance's. and then when they get the visa, they have to go back to have it stamped.

    you dnt have to go back..

    you can go to CFO branches where you can have the seminar and stamp same day.. ;)

    that is why it is best to attend the seminar after you got your visa..

    just wondering if they showed the other side to the lady's... like the house in the country. or the new car she will have. or maybe the man that works 50 or 60 hours a week to give his family everything he possibly can. how about the day trips, weekend trips or yearly vacations. or maybe the christmas tree with many gifts under it for the family.

    if they are only showing the bad ####### that can happen then its wrong. they do this just to make money, there are other ways to inform the girls, like papers attached to their visa or whatever.

    i go into my marriage with full trust and faith that it will be forever. I never asked for or wanted a prenup. If my wife were to bring phone numbers with her, (just in case) I would be offended. for me, when it comes to trust, its all or nothing. I have explained to her in ANY emergency, she should call 911 and get help. OH by the way,... what does the men from PI who immigrate here watch ? Is it the same movie ?

    Yes, same movie... you gonna watch it by group, so if there's a man with the group he will also watch it. Like when I attended this seminar there's one guy in our batch...

    thanks for the info !!

  8. I couldn't agree more with you. what a bunch of bullsh-t. they know who's money is paying for this #######, airfare and hotels for some of the spouses/fiance's. and then when they get the visa, they have to go back to have it stamped.

    you dnt have to go back..

    you can go to CFO branches where you can have the seminar and stamp same day.. ;)

    that is why it is best to attend the seminar after you got your visa..

    just wondering if they showed the other side to the lady's... like the house in the country. or the new car she will have. or maybe the man that works 50 or 60 hours a week to give his family everything he possibly can. how about the day trips, weekend trips or yearly vacations. or maybe the christmas tree with many gifts under it for the family.

    if they are only showing the bad ####### that can happen then its wrong. they do this just to make money, there are other ways to inform the girls, like papers attached to their visa or whatever.

    i go into my marriage with full trust and faith that it will be forever. I never asked for or wanted a prenup. If my wife were to bring phone numbers with her, (just in case) I would be offended. for me, when it comes to trust, its all or nothing. I have explained to her in ANY emergency, she should call 911 and get help. OH by the way,... what does the men from PI who immigrate here watch ? Is it the same movie ?

  9. My fiancé went to her seminar after passing the interview. We thought the seminar would tell you everything about the USA, and what to expect and how to count money or something Or about the weather or something educational and helpful. Instead they flooded her brain with discouraging stories and videos of the Filipinas that got treated bad. Stories, pics and vids of prostitution, beatings and death etc. Can you believe the embassy passed fiancé visa interviews and the couple have only known each other for a month or so.. This really pissed me off to know they do that during the seminar instead of making you feel comfortable. I mean the process is frustrating enough, and then they do that at the end of it to stress you out more. How sad is that. And you have to pay for it.

    Shame on The U.S embassy in Manila

    MY fiance arrived on my bday. sept 2 woohoooooo!

    I couldn't agree more with you. what a bunch of bullsh-t. they know who's money is paying for this #######, airfare and hotels for some of the spouses/fiance's. and then when they get the visa, they have to go back to have it stamped.

  10. Hello,

    I looked at the timeline information concerning the application dates which are being processed at this point in time. I am still a little confused.

    My German wife's 129f form is at the Vermont Service Center and was received April 10, 2008. Thus far I have received the NOA1.

    What have people seen recently in terms of applications being approved?

    Thank you very much!


    VSC is on vacation and will be back january 2009, please be patient.......

    read the k3 forum and look for recent approvals

  11. YOU should explain to your wife that trees like any other landscapining in the yard add real value to your homes worth. just think of what a small tree would cost to buy and plant. and then multiply it by 50 or 100 for a mature tree. now keep in mind the priorty should be your home first. so the tree should not be to close to the house causing damage to the roof (could be elevated away from the roof) . and the root system should not be lifting at the foundation, walkways, driveway or entangling in the septic or drainage system. although roots can be trimed to an extent, just not as easy as the branches above. also any branches over the roof should have approx. 10-14 foot clearance, each tree is differant and it depends on their size. this will help on your utility bills (free airconditioning). what you should look for is a tree that is in balance with your home. have an arborist visit your home for a free evaluation of the safety of your trees. deadwood and broken or damaged limbs should be removed. you don't want them to fall and hurt anyone. especially if children play under the tree. there are signs that an arborist may pick up on that you would not. like mushrooms indicating dry rot and weak wood. good luck and feel free to pm me if you have questions. trees have been my business for over 20 years.

  12. Excerpts from a Dog's Diary......

    8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!

    9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!

    9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!

    10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!

    12:00 pm - Lunch! My favorite thing!

    1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!

    3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!

    5:00 pm - Milk Bones! My favorite thing!

    7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!

    8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!

    11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!

    Excerpts from a Cat's Daily Diary. .

    Day 983 of my captivity...

    My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects.

    They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are

    fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for

    the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in

    order to keep up my strength.

    The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an

    attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet.

    Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their

    feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it

    clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made

    condescending comments about what a 'good little hunter' I am.


    There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was

    placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event.

    However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard

    that my confinement was due to the power of 'allergies.' I must learn

    what this means and how to use it to my advantage.

    Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my

    tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try

    this again tomorrow -- but at the top of the stairs.

    I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and

    snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly

    released - and seems to be more than willing to return. He is

    obviously retarded.

    The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with

    the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My

    captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell,

    so he is safe. For now................

  13. most all of us here are doing things the right and legal way, and we can do very little other than wait for our approvals of petition and visa's. sounds like he has been here a long time since his visa expired. and without money for a very good attorney your chances of keeping him here are slim to non, thats the reality of it...

    ....are you implying the OP's boyfriend was doing things the wrong and illegal way?

    Because if you are, I wonder how you can come to that conclusion with the little bit of information we have been given.

    NO I'm not implying at all... I am making a statement !! he overstayed his visa by years !!! and that is illegal. so I'm surprised you didn't catch that with all the info provided !! so he got caught and now she ask the good and legal members of VJ for help. so whats new?

    most all of us here are doing things the right and legal way, and we can do very little other than wait for our approvals of petition and visa's. sounds like he has been here a long time since his visa expired. and without money for a very good attorney your chances of keeping him here are slim to non, thats the reality of it...

    ....are you implying the OP's boyfriend was doing things the wrong and illegal way?

    Because if you are, I wonder how you can come to that conclusion with the little bit of information we have been given.

    Well.... his visa is expired. I mean, it shouldn't have happened, he should have just gone to the doctor at the time so he would have gotten an excuse and not failed his last semester. I didn't know him back then and I didn't realize it was expired when we first started dating, but have known it now for over a year. I think the policy is silly, you should be able to renew in the US if something like that happens (like you could before 9/11) but yes, we are sort of going about this the, er, wrong way. But I have no choice about it, and I personally haven't done anything wrong.

    no, you didn't do anything wrong.. b ut he did..

    and i couldn't agree more. the policy's are silly.. I should be able to have my Wife here with me now. but thats not how life works... and we do things the legal way..

    Maybe it was the above posts. portions of which are in red, that could quite possibly be the reason so many on this thread "twisted" your words? They do have a decidedly judgmental tone to them by the frequency of which you mention the word "legal".

    To the OP: I hope you have been able to glean out the sound advice from this thread. I can't elaborate on any of it but I do wish you and your SO the best of luck wading through this difficult situation. :)

    did you read the last line. about where you can go. you need to get a life. ta-ta clown

  14. mefrie, the good people of vj have a funny way of twisting words. if you read the original post #8 again with an open mind I'm sure you will understand the intent.. let me refrase it, and see if that helps. most people here are doing things by the book (right/legal way) and it is still an uphill battle the whole way ! now you will need an expert attorny in the field of immigration and deportation. I understand that money doesn't grow on trees and finances are tight now. but without an expert attorney on your side and your boyfriends, the chances of him not being deported are slim to none. and that is the reality of it. I mean no disrespect to you at all. has anyone offered you more useful information like an attorney you could make payments to. or maybe a way to delay the process so you can come up with a solution ? if so, I must have missed it. offering nothing but false hope will not solve the problem. to you I will apologize. to every body else that jumps on the hate wagon, well you know where to go...LOL

  15. and getting married to avoid deportation is not legal. so I don't know what your thinking about. I have my doubts if we read the same post !!!

    Getting married while in removal proceedings, and getting married to avoid deportation are two entirely different things. The outcomes *might* be the same, perhaps in this case, but they are different situations with wholly different intents.

    ok, I understand ur opinion, but in my opinion the intent in this case was to avoid deportation. we are both entitled to our opinions. thanks for sharing yours..

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