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Posts posted by Oana31

  1. PB&JAM,

    I've been thinking about your situation, and because I had an overstay I also studied the waivers (in case I needed one). My conclusion, based on all that it has been said on sites like immigrate2us and visajourney, is that you need a lawyer, a damn good one.

    Now, the problem is which lawyer would be the best one? I strongly believe that the best lawyers for this are the ones who are, themselves, immigrants. They specialize in immigration, as they already been through that, and they have the advantage that they speak the client's language. As an example, an immigration lawyer that speaks romanian, will always be asked by romanian people to handle their immigrationg situations, first because they can talk romanian to the lawyer, and second because it is an immigration lawyer. So, this is how they know immigration rules and regulations, as they always have clients.

    I'm praying for ya! :innocent:

  2. This is SOOOOO sick!! How can they do such things ?? I know it has been said already, but how about contacting Michelle Obama ? Maybe not directly, but through some kind of organization, like Women's Rights or somebody. You definitely don't have the energy now to start going in a new direction, but consider this: figure out how to contact them, and then get them involved.

    I am praying for you Sara, and I know that everything happens for a reason, even if it is that hard for us, human beings, to understand! (L)

  3. Salut eu sint Victor.

    Let me add mine to the bunch. hehehe.

    I'm the USC, from Puerto Rico specifically. My sweet angel is romanian....from Prahova. We just applied almost a month ago after spending 3 wonderful weeks together.

    Anyway....just wanted to get into the club. hehehe


    Welcome/Bine ati venit, guys !!!!! (F)

    Wish you all the best! "Ai-ai-ai-ai-ai Puerto Rico" :dance::dance: (I love that song, I think Vaya con Dios sings it)

  4. Blessings, everybody! So, it's true! Everything moves with the speed of light after you are out of CSC !! Yesterday I called the Embassy to make the appointment, and I was so shocked to hear "How about next week?" :dance::dance::dance:

    Sara, I don't know if I said it already, but I know people said it before me: even though I am out of this club, I will be checking on you, to see where am I to sign the petition (and my fiance, obviously) :thumbs:


  5. just as soon as kim tells me the addy of the web site i will post it on here ok


    Sara, I am checking this thread every day, waiting for your approval or, if not yet, waiting for that petition site. I really believe that we can do something about your case, if we all sign that. I mean, it is something without precedent if so many people, who are also ex- I-129,130 petitioners or petitioners, protest against somebody's misfortune! :thumbs:

    USCIS will be like :blink::wacko::(:hehe::huh::o

  6. When will Matt finally be home? Don't know.

    When is the wedding? After all, many people have to get time off work, arrange flights etc. Don't know.

    You haven't even made any arraingements yet? Nope. Can't.

    How can you have a wedding with your family if you can't even plan it? Don't know.

    Well do you think he will be here by summer? I DON'T KNOW !

    How many more hours of tears do I have ahead of me? Does anyone know.

    So tired of the questions, I know many of you must get the same ones. I know there isn't anything I can do about it. I think I need to be banned from this website, because every time I check Igor's list and see all the approvals on petitions that were filed after mine, or I see people get approved in just weeks, I want to scream, throw things, and cry. Yes, I know it has only been 110 days. Yes, I know other people often wait longer. We have a very straightforward petition as far as I know. I can't think of any reason for a denial, but every day with no website update, no touch, no RFE, just nothing...is an eternity. I don't know how so many of us do this and remain sane. All that BS about petitions being approved in the order they are recieved makes me want to throw up. It just makes no sense...

    How do I not get angry with him for not filing sooner? He wanted to stay and work and save money....but he lost his job anyway, and if we had applied when we originally discussed, he would probably be here by now. I have to be one of the most impatient people in the world, I don' think I hate anything more than waiting. I know there are people that hate it as much as I do...how do you do it?

    Try to think there are still people who are waiting for almost a year for their NOA2, and in the meantime they CANNOT visit, since they live in a country that requires visas! :angry:

    Please, be more positive about that! And my opinion is that NO, you don't need people telling you "Awww, it sucks, it is so unfair, and bla-bla" !!

    Everything happens for a reason...so don't make it worse for yourselves by saying "if we had applied when we originally discussed, he would probably be here by now".

    Stay strong, dear!! You can do it, as we ALL can!!!!! (L)(F)

  7. thank you, u guys are right about perviz hair i just was shocked i think and focused on that rather than this visa process.


    On the other hand, Sara, I'm not saying you should focus on the visa process alone...What I was saying: people when are overwhelmed with issues (visa, your health, moving to India) tend to quarrel and say things they don't really mean. So just be aware, please, not to allow these little devils to jump in.

  8. well he has an appointment towards the end of may for it, im sure he wont mind if the noa2 came and he had to give up that appointment lol

    ok i want everyones opinion........one night he came for chat after many months and gave me web cam......he had so much hair, i thought he had a wig on and i said take it off he said i cant its real, well we have been sort of disagreeing over this as i called it wig he finally owned up and said sara i had a hair transplant u know where they take it from the back of ur head........now i under stand that some men can really be upset when their hair starts going at an early age, but i feel he should have talked to me about it before doing something thats for ever am im being wrong about this i mean i told him after finding that out ok if u did this for urself then i will learn to live with it and i will get used to it but seriously he was good looking before doing something like......i dont understand the need to do something that drastic


    Sara, I really think you are close to your approval. They might have done something terribly wrong in your file, but trust them that they'll fix it ! :thumbs:

    As for what Perviz did, my opinion is that things like this do not necessarily require prevous talking to the partner...Don't waste your time talking about things like this, when you are both so overwhelmed with this K1 process! :no:

    Praying for you! (L)

  9. "... my senator's office...."

    oops... I meant congressman. errrrg! I get that mixed up all the time. I contacted a senator first who ended up referring me to the congressman cause I didn't know what I was doing :wacko:

    I feel for ya... But right now you don't need me to tell you how injust everything is, what you need to know is that it WILL come to an end, your approval is close now. I've also been told that, when I was almost losing patience, so I am saying this to ya now: you will soon be out of the woods and from there on, the road is very smooth. We just got our NOA2 April 22nd and yesterday my fiance called NVC and found out our papers are on their way to Bucharest already. He was shocked beacuse of the speed, and because he actually got to talk to a live person who was extremely nice. :thumbs:

    Sara, I have no idea about American procedure, but isn't there any possibility that they just give an explanation as to why you are being checked so much ??? :blink:

  10. Hey Oana31, I'm glad to see your petition got approved. I hope things go better for you now that you are out of USCIS.

    I was also curious, what did they send you an RFE for?

    (they seemed to send the RFE late for you - at 8 or 9 months)

    Hey, there! My RFE was sent because they needed information about how we actually met, and how we got in touch in the last 2 years! But we provided those things...we just sent them again, this time with a long letter of bla-bla about how we kept in touch from 1991 until today ! (Imagine, it was a LONG story!)

    Thanks everybody for your congratulations!!! I hope it will be shorter from now on! :thumbs:


  11. Well, people, I am happy to inform you that officially we are out of this club, as of April 22 2009 !!! :dance::dance::dance::dance:

    It was a loooooong journey (10 months) and it was no piece of cake! Last night at aprox 4 am when my fiance called to give me the news I was not sure if I was dreaming, or it was for real. I had to turn the pc on, and check it our for myself. :blush:

    So, besides the fact that they signed for receiving the RFE on April 3rd and they say in an e-mail they received it April 15th, I am quite happy. :thumbs:

    Question: what next? How do I keep track of things with NVC ? (Gee, I thought I would never get to ask this!)

  12. We do have one good news, one ray of light in all this darkness: the Secretary of one of the Senators we contacted called my fiance, and told him the CSC officer said we were out of the background checks, he is only waiting to get some more info from us (the RFE that has to do with us meeting, and us meeting in the past 2 years) :thumbs:

    So, at least we won't get to hear the "background checks" story anymore. :dance:

  13. Sweetheart, it's a pure lottery. I mean, look at my timeline...what wrong did I do? Not to mention that my fiance was in the military. He was good enough to risk his life for USA's sake, but when it comes to his sake, USA gives him the middle finger back !! :angry:

    I found out something, like unofficial news, but confirmed: CSC is working 24/7, in smaller shifts, to catch up with the amount of files they have to solve. So don't be confused if you see a touch or NOA2 on Sundays. :star:

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