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Posts posted by jmmr

  1. What i always did to get someone on the phone was call the USCIS number, hit 1 then 6. I would ask the lady if it's ok for her to answer some questions for me. She told me "according to your choices on the touch tone phone, you need BLADEBABDEE BLAH" and i would say to her, Oh I'm sorry that is not my issue but I do have some questions. Would you be willing to help me?" Be nice :thumbs:

    Good luck to you :)

  2. Hello everybody! I am also very sleepy. I took such a great nap a little bit ago. Me and a few friends had a pic nic at the park; it was fun. One of my girlfriends is having a baby in 2 months and we got her a HUGE baby jumper. It's awesome! Me and Jorge were discussing wedding plans just 5 minutes ago! I'm so excited!! He kept sighing a lot because he can't believe it! He is happy but nervous as well. He actually asked me about a honey moon; something that I haven't even thought about :wacko: We want a small wedding, perhaps 30-40 people. I don't know yet. I haven't even looked for a reception place or for the ceremony. :wacko: I think we will start planning all that when he actually arrives. I also told him about registering for gifts :lol: he didn't even know people did that. He was surprised. He was like, OOH PUT REALLY EXPENSIVE STUFF!! I told him we can put whatever on the lists but people get to pick from it. He thought it was cool. It will be a HUGE help too for us. Especially with dishes and pots and pans. I think I will put that on the registry for our wedding.

    I'm so excited! I can't believe we're getting married in possibly 2 months!! WOW!! :bonk: I'm going to have a husband :blush: It's NOW starting to REALLY hit me! :thumbs:

    I am going to take a shower and go to sleep! I hope everybody had a refreshing weekend. i get off at 3 tomorrow :dance: Because of a favor I did yesterday YAY I Like short work days, especially if they're paid! Have a great week you guys!! :) :) :) :)


    PS THanks for reading my rambling everybody. :P

  3. My first post on this forum, yet I have been lurking for several months now ;)

    Everybody's so helpful, and just having the stats around is great.

    I am so happy for the March filers starting to get approved, and we hope our turn is coming soon.

    Things have been very quiet for us since we got our NOA1, but lo and behold, our application was touched today July 27 (they work on Sundays???).

    I hope it's a good sign.

    BTW, I have email notification turned "on", but I did not receive an email. Maybe it's lagging the web site update?

    Anyway, I'll post later for hopefully some good news.

    OO Touched is a good sign! At leat it has been lately :thumbs: Hopefully this means your approval is getting approvd soon!! I don't know if they do work on Sundays. Maybe? GOod luck to you and the rest of your process :)

  4. Good luck to you guys are still left :yes:CsC is getting yours ready! I know it!

    -Just to ramble because I am bored- :)

    I keep checking for apartments here in Wenatchee...Oh man but they are soo expensive! I'm really hoping that it won't be more than 6 weeks for him to get here! Are you guys going to join your loved ones for the interview? I'm so nervous. i won't get to but I still have a lot to do on this side of the world to prepare for his arrival. My dad is allowing us to stay here for a while, but I don't want that to be the case. I would like to find a place before he flies here. That way it won't be awkward.... :lol: I haven't even started to look for a wedding dress!! Have you guys? Our plan is to get married through the court first and then settle down a bit before we even make plans for a ceremony. I think we need to take things step by step because we really don't have the money to afford a wedding like we would like. One step at a time. He has my wedding ring on hold in Mexico but i have NO clue what it looks like. I told him that I want it gold gold, not white gold. It matches my skin tone better :D He is going to surprise me ... I can read him like a book. I heard him talking to my dad over the phone and my dad was giving him his cell #...I know what they're going to do! But we'll just wait and see :) Have you guys any plans on weddings or places to live? Jorge has a job lined up here, it's not 100% but it's probably 95%... I suppose. Tell your stories!!

    well obviously I am bored and I am watching True Life on MTV :lol: (good show!) I hope everybody has had an awesome Saturday. Enjoy your relaxing day of Sunday :)


  5. CAITYROSE!!! That rocks!!!! YAY :dance::dance::dance: Good luck on the rest of your journey :)

    Stevi- You're too kind :blush: I get told that a lot. My supervisor tells me that I always say the positive in everything. It makes me laugh because I never realized I did that until everyone at work pointed it out to me. Thank you for your compliments :) I do work at a bank, but I am also going to school for nursing. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE helping people when I can. I think I would be good at it. I'm a "lead teller" at that bank. It's hella fun. I get to help customers all day and it's very fun to do so. But the pay isn't that great. It's ok for not having a degree. :yes: Again, thank you for your kind words. *HUG*

    I received my NOA2 Hard copy today woo! It was funny because it happened A LOT like the dream i had a while back. I'm wearing a white T-shirt with black shorts and my hair all poofy and curly JUST LIKE IN MY DREAM!! Oh and I also knew it was coming...like i felt in my dream. It was too weird. I was actually driving back home because it was 1:30 PM and I thought the mail man would have already come; he was putting the mail in our mailbox when i got home :lol: I thought it was a funny coincidence.

    I'm super psyched! We keep getting closer and closer! :bonk:

    I think I'm psychic :lol: Just kidding. :P That would be awesome!


    Everyone enjoy your weekend. And for those Marchies left...It's coming!!! Let us know when it does! ;)

  6. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR NOA2!! WOOOHOO!! Caity, yours is coming pronto! :thumbs:

    Stevi- I LOVE THOSE FACES! They make me smile because they're so darn cute!!!

    I am also very thankful that this process is just about over. It still is amazing to me that we have been approved so quickly, really I mean 4 months is not that bad. I was worried for a while there. I was praying and praying and praying and praying and praying because I have so much love for this man. I know he is the one for me. Everything about him just excites me and i just want to jump his bones!! :rofl: No but seriously.. him and his family wow. They're just wonderful. I'm in love :) Even the fights we have I like...because it teaches us about one another. We talk through everything. Being apart like this will definitely make our relationship stronger/same with you guys! If you can go through this #######, you can go through and defeat ANYTHING in the world. I know it. Keep your head up and keep walking. Don't slow down.

    Thank you all for being so kind, warm and welcoming :)


  7. For those of you left, I also am praying for your approvals. Keep your hopes up and your fingers crossed!! You guys are next! :thumbs:


    It's Friday woohoo! I hope everybody enjoys their weekend! I had a crazy day at the bank today! I made several mistakes, but it's ok! Because EVERYTHING can be fixed :thumbs: Thank goodness for that!

    One more week is gone! So we all know how quickly this process can go. Josh-Nathalie, good luck to you guys on your NVC/Embassy process. I called NVC today and still no package there :wacko: But i know that because it's too soon :bonk: OK I will make it my goal to wait until Wednesday. THEN I will call and see. That gives me a total of 7 days of waiting :lol: IT's so hard once I know we have defeated the toughest part.

    Stevi- Anything new with your case? Still in the same boat as me?

    The guy from NVC, his name was Carl, he told me to follow the instructions on the NOA2. :lol: I don't even have that yet(THe hard copy). Oh well. I'll probaly get it tomorrow. (saturday).

    Amy And David/SK&SP/- Keep your fingers crossed! You're next too! Don't lose that hope ok! Keep your head up :yes: We're all here to support you through this process.

    Meljesca- WELCOME!!!!!!!!!! :yes: Good luck with this **WONDERFUL** process :lol: Keep hope ok :)

    Love you guys *HUGSS* Have a great weekend :)


  8. Hello everybody. I'm normally hangin' out in the K1 thread but I thought maybe this one might have some answers for me. :thumbs: We just recently got approved on the 22nd and I wanted to know if anyone had an estimated idea on how long it will take for Ciudad Juarez to recieve my petition? I'm guesstimating that my fiance will be here in a little over a month... any suggestions on whether this is a possible statement? I got a touch on the 23rd and I was told that it could possibly mean that they are preparing it to send it to NVC, or that it was sent out to NVC... What do you guys think? I realize there is no interview date necessary for Ciudad Juarez, but I would like to know an estimate because, like everyone else, I am impatient and I want my honey home so we can live our lives together.

    Thank you everybody for your help :thumbs:

    Good luck to all of you! (F)


  9. I've been calling NVC every week since we received our NOA2 on June 5. Every time, I'm told that it could take up to 90 days. It's been exactly 7 weeks since then. I sent an email to my congressman on July 17th, but I haven't heard from him yet.

    I just got back from my Infopass appointment and the lady told me I'd have to fill out an i-824 (Application for Action on an Approved Application or Petition) which costs $340. Have any of you had to fill out a form? I feel like USCIS is attempting to swindle money away from me...but at the same time, i'd do anything to get the ball rolling.

    I already bought my ticket to the philippines (september) to officially propose. By the looks of it, it doesn't look like she'd be coming back with me.

    I called NVC and asked what would happen if a case number hasn't been assigned after 90 days. They said, i'd have to send over a copy of my NOA2 to get it processed. I was telling the rep that i'd be happy to forward it right now, but she advised me to wait the entire 90 days if it comes to that point. I'm telling you...this is MADNESS! I wish we were in the same boat as all the other January/February filers that have their petitions in their respective embassies. I wish you all a smooth journey.

    I'm sorry, but what is an Infopass?


  10. Hi! So I called the CSC today to try (again) to change my fiance's address and change the destination for the petition from Nairobi to Lagos... long story... but the customer service rep that I spoke to said he couldn't help me because... our petition was approved yesterday!!! I was super excited, but I called CSC again just to here that wonderful confirmation through their automated system, and it still says our petition hasn't been touched since it was received in March. The website hasn't been updated either. So now I'm nervous! Was this a sick joke?! We only started this process 141 days ago, which is an eternity of course but actually seems kind of fast considering it's CSC...

    I guess I'm asking, how long does it take for the website and answering system to be updated to reflect the approval of a case? Share your stories and ease my mind! I'm tired of refreshing the webpage compulsively :)

    GREAT!! COngratulations on that approval!! :thumbs:

  11. I was approved yesterday, but I have another update today...Is that OK? WHat does that mean?


    upon reading this i checked ours online and got another update too,so i guess they're be forwarding it now to NVC :)

    You guys... I got that one touch on the 23rd.. does that mean it was sent then? I called CSC today and the lady told me that I had to wait 30 days bla bla bla and that there is no way they can track it....? But looking at others' time lines it looks like it's just a matter of days.... I'm hoping for my honey to be with me in about a month since we don't need to wait for an interview date. What do you guys think? Wishful thinking? :unsure:

    On average...how long does it take from CSC to NVC and from NVC to CDJ... AND CDJ to P3? Anyone have a clue?

    Sorry I ask so many questions... :unsure:

    Thanks guys.


  12. Hello everybody i'm a newbie here. I just feel so bad after waiting more than 4 months. i'm a march filer. we followed everything that said on Visajourney checklist but still we got and RFE. I checked my status at USCIS last sunday july 20,2008 it was said that on July 19,2008 they sent us REquest for additonal Evidence and until now my fiance haven't received that notice they sent. how long will it take for my fiance to received that notice??we've been waiting for 5 days now and my fiance is residing in Yakima,Washington.hope anybody/anyone can answer my question.Thank you and i'm so happy for those march filers that receievd their approval. pls pray for us. thank you and God bless everyone.

    I'm so sorry you got an RFE.. :(

    Yakima! I live about an hour from there :P Keep being patient hon. You may not have to wait THAT long, even though you need to give them more information. I have to say, I'm not sure how long it will take... You can probably call USCIS and ask them what was missing so that you can prepare it and have it ready for when the packet arrives. Just my thought :D

    Take care ok.

  13. HELLO. I called CsC today and asked if it was shipped out yet. She said Nope that I had to give it 30 days :lol: I know that's standard. Oh well. i will wait til next week to call NVC. I'm so glad we don't need to wait for an interivew date! YAY Other good things: I was reading on the Mex Embassy and it looks like they usually give a visa that same day or the day after...AND the medical is right next to the building woo! I hope these following steps go by fairly quickly.


    Josh- That was super fast. I'm surprised it was that fast. How long does it normally take to get to the embassy? You only waited 9 days! :wow: Congratz!

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