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Posts posted by jmmr

  1. I just checked my status and the I129F got approved today!

    As per a couple messages i posted yesterday - it never showed the updated date for when it was last "touched" and suddenly showed as approved!

    NOA1 date - 02/19/2008

    NOA2 date 07/14/2008

    finace country - india

    Filed in the Vermont service center.

    WOO!! Lots of CSC APprovals today!! This makes me full of joy :star:

  2. Hi everyone, we are getting a little closer! This morning we received a nice e-mail from CRIS saying that our I-129F had been approved and that a Notice had been maoled to us. YAAAAAAAAY! :dance: Now we have to wait for it to arrive at my US address so that my sister can forward it to us here in the Philippines, since I'm staying here with my Honey! This calls for a celebration....guess we will have a BIG Breakfast! :rofl: We will update more as the NOA2 comes in!

    :dance: GOod luck on the rest of this process!! :thumbs:

  3. Hey Marchies! Has anyone else been touched recently? I sent an email to CSC a week ago and all I got back was an automated message instructing me to contact USCIS. However, I was touched on July 9th! I hope this means something!!! :innocent:

    NO touches for me yet! But I hope it means something good in your case!!! :thumbs:

    USARMNYNURSE- I didn't mean to be offensive :wacko: I just think this is a frustrating case to be patient for everybody. I wouldn't want to keep calling them repeatedly because it could cause delay on the case. Just be careful ok? Oh and I'm a girl :star::P If you do call, and it seems to have worked for you, let us know, ok? still keep an eye out for that NOA2 within the next couple of weeks. :)

    Stevi- I'm so glad you came back to say hello :P

    On another note!! Today feels like an awesome day. I had a dream last night, it was one of those really short "clip" type of dreams. I walked to my mail box and THERE WAS MY NOA2!!! Heeheee :D Even though it was only a dream, it sure made me feel so happy today. I keep telling everybody how happy i feel. I just try to look at everything in a positive way. Things happen for a reason. And those things that are negative, we need to learn to use them to our advantage and learn from them. I hope everyboy else has a wonderful week.


    :unsure: I just noticed I wrote this to wrong person.. I meant Bevs not USARMYNURSE :bonk: Sorry! I get typing-crazy sometimes :blush:

    I feel so happy for all of those who have gotten NOA2s today. i just logged back on and saw so many new ones ! WOW! :thumbs: Hopefully everybody is doing great! :innocent:


  4. Hello everyone,

    I'm a newbie around here, but I am also a March filer waiting anxiously for that email that says we've been approved. I thought maybe I was unusually obsessive about checking the USCIS website for an update three times a day(still no touches at all)...but now I see I'm not alone :D

    I'm glad I found you all so I have some waiting buddies, and we can all share in the joy that is the NOA2 :lol:

    Good luck everyone!!

    Amy (L) David

    HELLO and WeLcOmE! Nope, you are not alone :blink: I check that darn website so many times a day. I work on a computer ALL day long. So when i get a short moment, I click Internet and check :whistle: I can't help myself lol :bonk: It's ok. Welcome to the website! You'll find a lot of useful information here. :)


  5. Hey Marchies! Has anyone else been touched recently? I sent an email to CSC a week ago and all I got back was an automated message instructing me to contact USCIS. However, I was touched on July 9th! I hope this means something!!! :innocent:

    NO touches for me yet! But I hope it means something good in your case!!! :thumbs:

    USARMNYNURSE- I didn't mean to be offensive :wacko: I just think this is a frustrating case to be patient for everybody. I wouldn't want to keep calling them repeatedly because it could cause delay on the case. Just be careful ok? Oh and I'm a girl :star::P If you do call, and it seems to have worked for you, let us know, ok? still keep an eye out for that NOA2 within the next couple of weeks. :)

    Stevi- I'm so glad you came back to say hello :P

    On another note!! Today feels like an awesome day. I had a dream last night, it was one of those really short "clip" type of dreams. I walked to my mail box and THERE WAS MY NOA2!!! Heeheee :D Even though it was only a dream, it sure made me feel so happy today. I keep telling everybody how happy i feel. I just try to look at everything in a positive way. Things happen for a reason. And those things that are negative, we need to learn to use them to our advantage and learn from them. I hope everyboy else has a wonderful week.


  6. That's too funny lol. Maybe that other person will get their approval soon as well. I wonder if that other person is a VJ-er :lol: Wouldn't that be craZy? I'm glad you got yours. Hopefully they'll get their butts in gear and keep them coming! :bonk::yes::yes::yes:

    :P Maria

    I hope so!! I'm glad I got mine, but there are so many other people waiting...I wish they'd just get on with it already!! How hard can it be "Male is legally free to get married...female is legally free to get married...oh look...a picture, how cute...and they've been together. Great! *stamps with approved*" That took me like...30 seconds. :)

    :thumbs: Well said! I agree! *sigh* It's sure frustrating. I have NO children, neither does he, No Prior marriages, No criminal background WHATSOEVER... OK so i got 1 speeding ticket :unsure: but really! Uhm! We are about 4 years apart... 'cause you know that can make or break a case too. I spoke to him earlier and he said he got a really weird feeling when he woke up. He's kind of like me in the aspect that I go by gut feeling a lot. I feel really good actually. I'm pretty pumped that we are so close. I love looking at Igor's list 'cause it shows a Feb 29! Makes me excited. :star: It's such a complicated thing, though because there ARE still some January filers waiting... :wacko: So it's just weird. My dad has also had a couple of dreams with him. The last time was about a month ago. He said Jorge was in our house and he was crying because he was so happy to be here. I believe in all that stuff. It keeps me faithful. Hopefully we'll see a lot of action this week. Good luck on the rest of your case. :star:

  7. Hi Andrea, Congrats! I'm just curious did you get touches (except the June 3 touch) before your case was approved. I'm thinking of asking my fiance to call them up tomorrow.

    Honestly...I have no idea. I got my case number off the back of my check after it had been deposited and never bothered to check it against my NOA1...I'd been tracking the wrong case number the entire time! The other case number happened to also be a K1 petition that was received by USCIS the same day mine was, so I never questioned it. I didn't realize it was wrong until the lady from CSC told me so.

    Chica- Do you think your NOA1 date is different then? Check your NOA1 letter and see if it's still Feb 9. I wonder if it was a different date...? Since you waited 5 months....

    C'Mon CSC Let's get Marchies rollin'!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :dance: Maria

  8. Girl,

    Let's just be patient :) Our time is coming so much faster than we realize. If i were you, I would wait out the two weeks and see if you hear anything. Also, keep us posted. :thumbs: We are a lot closer than we think. I have a wonderful feeling inside. They seem to have picked up a bit, which we should see more approvals this week. I've been watching Igor's time line and it looks like they have some late Feb approvals. Hopefully that means they're picking up on March. Remember that there are a WHOLE Bunch more files than this website. This is just a small fraction. I wouldn't be calling too many times, until you reach your actual "expected" time (6 Months). So really, we are getting approvals faster than we SHOULD be. Let's be thankful. :)

    (F) Maria

  9. You'll love Seattle. So much to do, so much to see, so MANY people!! I would love to live there someday. But it rains there more than here... It's kinda cloudy too. BUT you will enjoy it. I love driving there because there are so many beautiful trees, and oMg the mountains are awesome, the waterfalls, everything is so pretty. I'm sure you will love it. There is a lot going on in Seattle: big city. I have a lot of friends who go to UW, that is such a HUGE school. I went there on a trip and i got lost so many times! :unsure: There are plenty of job opportunities, schools, and great shopping malls :thumbs: which are VERY important :whistle: I'm excited for you! ENJOY SEATTLE-TACOMA!!!!!! DOn't forget to visit the space needle :)


  10. Aww don't worry, relax. That's cool that you're going to live in Tacoma, that's only 2 1/2 hours away from me!!! My fiance will also be flying into SeaTac Airport so that I can pick him up there and ejoy the weekend there. When i flew down to Mexico City and Back, I did it all by myself. I haven't been on an airplane since I was 8, and I just followed my parents. SOOO YES i was very scared. Just remember to not panic, and ask questions to people who WORK THERE... I capitalize that because I asked some guy for help and he didn't work there, and he turned out to be CREEPY! SO just make sure you ask for directions to those that actually work there ok. Good luck, pray, and relax :) Enjoy the view!!!!!


  11. Josh and Nathalie..... May i ask you where you did that? I'm thinking i should do that.. What i did was the actual packet that I sent to the USCIS, well... I made 3 copies. I gave him one, and kept one for myself. It's an exact copy. He has a color copy of my BC and my Passport... But I'm wondering if that is not enough for the interview. It's true that it is good to have it just in case... I just REALLY don't want to send that... :wacko: Thanks you guys.

  12. Thank you for your response. I spoke to my babe yesterday and he helped me feel better. I'll just keep going until school sarts up again. I'm sorry for my rambling. This is a good source for venting for me :blush: Anywho!

    I hope you DO get your NOA2 in 2 weeks. Yours is pretty darn close to ours. Mine was started on the 18th of March. I'm still thinking i wont get an NOA2 any later than mid August. I hope... There ARE still a whole bunch of Feb filers left. But in our favor, it looks like the website isn't working properly with updates.

    Every time that I have called USCIS they just tell me the same thing. That they are working on (now Dec 18) which is weird. I'm not sure how that works if there are Feb approvals. I don't seem to get any answers at all. I've called 3 times total. Well. Good luck again. Have a great weekend :)

  13. Hey everybody. It's the weekend. I have yet another question. What would be the consequences if I decided to leave my full time job that pays pretty ok and go work somewhere else part time... and not make poverty levels this year. As much as i love my job..i think it's best for me to leave. I don't want to go into detail but several things have occured at work recently that I cannot handle anymore. That's what i get for bottling up so much anger. Anyways. Not important why I would like to leave. Right now i make 10.75 an hour for 40 hrs a week...my plan was for Jorge to work with his uncle in construction when he got here. (his uncle lives here). They have discussed pay and such and it's great. We talked about me working part time because I want to focus on school more than work. Work is getting too stressful for being just a job to me. BUT My question is... can i quit NOW and still be ok on the process? I did not file with a co sponsor... Just me. What do i do? Any suggestions? I am sad :( I had a major down day today. I'm sorry I'm not so peppy today... I hate backstabbing hypocrites... Sorry. :angry:

  14. Buenos dias a todos! Tomorrow is F-R-I-D-A-Y! Que bueno! Looks like there are some feb approvals coming out...without touches. I wonder if we'll be more an August month... Yea.. probably :(

    Currently I am working through my prereX for the nursing program. I will probably be going to school for the next 4 years. I'm hoping to find a part time job later this year/early next year so that i can focus more on school. Working full time and going to school full time is very stressful. I do love where i work, though. But it is very challenging. But so far so good. Thanks for your caring! :)

    I hope everybody had another great day. Everyday is another day closer. Still in schock that it's this far into July...I mean jeez. Next tuesday is payday=halfway through july=pay phone bill=+3 days = exactly 4 months of initial file. Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts.

    I am sending Jorge copies of my phone bills, emails, receipts for shipments that i have made to him, a really cute hallmark card, and a Carlos Mencia movie that he wanted me to buy for him. The fact that it's time for me to send him this means a lot to me..

    You guys.... I really don't want to mail my real birth certificate or passport down there.... i had sent him a package one time and things were missing out of it. I just don't feel safe doing so.... is it necessary that i send him that? I don't think I am going to fly down for the interview either; if i get to go, i will take all of those things, but if I don't.... i hope it isn't essential.... :star:



  15. I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO NOA2's!!!!!!!!!!! In a long time!!!! :rofl:

    it's ok. We'll get ours soon :) Hey... K1 Visa is the easiest/cheapest/quickest method... soo really can't complain too much. I'm in schock it's already been 4 months.

    I keep coming up with "reasons" to their slowdown. Oh well. I''m just going to keep waiting. we've passed 7 months already (since I left wenatchee). Time flies like birds :yes:

    Have a good Rest of the Week! :yes:

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