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Posts posted by rocks

  1. 21 Years for killing 77 people including how many children? Now that's justice right there. I hope they are at least going to force him to eat his steak without A1 sauce.

    It's the maximum sentence he can get. He won't be allowed out of jail.

    The indeterminate penalty, called "containment" (Norwegian: forvaring), is set at 21 years imprisonment, and the prisoner is required to serve at least 10 years before becoming eligible for parole. If the prisoner is still considered dangerous after serving the original sentence, the prisoner can receive up to five years additional containment. If the additional time is served, and the offender is still considered dangerous, a prisoner can continue to receive up to five years additional containment, and this, in theory, could result in actual life imprisonment. "Containment" is used when the prisoner is deemed a danger to society and there is a great chance of committing violent crimes in the future.[2] However, the offender can be paroled or released at any time if it is determined that the offender is no longer a danger to society.
  2. Ah, George Lopez.

    Brave enough to attack Sheriff Joe Arpaio on TV. Too much of a coward to sit down with him face to face. Lopez has zero relevance to a political discussion, unlike other (funny) comedians (like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert)

    Who would want to waste their time talking to that moron? I'm not a George Lopez fan, but the material he had on Arpaio/Romney was good. It made Arpaio really mad. :devil:

  3. He can't invoke his father because then he'd have to release his tax returns as his father did. Don't think that Latinos will are where the ** his father was born. They care about his hard right wing stance on immigration issues. And yes, telling seniors that he will re-open the doughnut hole and force them to pony up more for their out of pockets isn't going to make him popular with old folk. Not sure how he thinks he will pull it off. Voter suppression is going to do some of the work for him but it's not going to be enough.

    George Lopez pretty much tore Romney down for not admitting he was Latino. Not sure if you saw that, but it was pretty funny.

    Seniors are the most guaranteed voters, they have the time to go out and vote. Maybe he is banking on them having 5 second memories, as many people seem to have when it comes to politics? I am looking forward to voting for the first time this year, even though I know my vote won't make any difference.

  4. I don't see him winning here. He's obviously fcuked it up with Latinos. He will be seen with Rick Scott who is about as popular as hemorrhoids. The Medicare debacle that Romney has tied around his neck with Ryan - not good in a state with so many seniors. I know that Charlie Christ is going to campaign for and with Ben Nelson. I could very well imagine ole' Charlie stumping for Obama, too. Looks like they are just looking for a spot where Charlie can run for statewide office in Florida as a Democrat. Folks down here still like Charlie - he connects. Trust me, team Obama is not going to let Florida slip.

    Romney could use his father being born in Mexico as an advantage, for some reason he doesn't want to go there? Attacking seniors and their access to healthcare by saying he will repeal "Obamacare" on his first day in office doesn't seem like a wise move either?

  5. breaking news....its 2012. bush has been out of office for nearly 4 years.

    Clearly you didn't watch the video. It's a lot of different people saying dumb things from various times. Some of these things are things Republicans also said.

    "The truth is," he said, "we have had virtually no oil. If you were on the Mississippi Gulf coast anytime in the last 48 days you didn't see any oil at all.

    All the turtles and dolphins just died on their own. :whistle:

  6. I personally think it's 2 bad choices this year. I don't think Obama has a clue, and Romney gives me that feeling when I leave a used car lot and just got ripped off by some smooth talking salesman with a blow dry hair style.


    I totally agree with the bold part. I have mixed feelings about Obama, he's doing an OK job but what about issues like Guantanmo? It's still open! In the end they're just politicians, they will say anything to get elected. I do much prefer him to the used car salesman though.




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