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Posts posted by Susita

  1. NEVER say bad things about a childs parent to that child. You may as well blow your brains out if you do.

    :thumbs: well said

    meaning he calls the kids during the relationship and after you get married?

    If you care about the kids, you will be happy their father calls & talks to them. This is a GOOD thing for them.

  2. I think the more important question is, "Can you live without beer!? :wow::no:

    I don't care for beer, I'm a sangria kind of girl... but my hubby would freak out without cerveza! He takes his beer quite seriously, he's a bit of a beer connoisseur. :lol: He makes a point to try beers from all over the world.

    And we eat a lot of chicken, so no we could not live with out it. :no:

  3. Hello well my fiance has tried numerous times to call the embassy in Peru, to find out about our fiance visa and when they will send it and when the interview is. Because we know the NVC has sent the pkt on 6 January and she was calling to find out information but they always always put her on hold and she is on the line for an hour or more and noone answers the phone and this happens every time. If anyone can give me information on how and when this pkt will be sent and how long this process is. We are so very eager and anxious to get this started but she cannot get a hold of the embassy on the phone and she even went to the embassy and they said they cant give her any information. Pleaseeeeee help..thank you

    Can you go to the Embassy's window hours? I'm not sure where in Peru you are but it's fairly easy to get to in Lima. They'll just give you the packet there. I know because my husband's never came and he had to go pick one up.

  4. In the 2011 fiscal year, border agents made 327,577 apprehensions on the Mexican border, down 80 percent from more than 1.6 million in 2000. It was the Border Patrol's slowest year since 1971.

    I don't think it's the border agents being ineffective, I honestly think it's a slowdown due to the poor economic state in this country & the limited availability of jobs for these immigrants.

    Maybe these new regulations will help, but I feel they'll only be really effective if they're coupled with stricter enforcement of businesses employment practices here in the states. If there's jobs, people will come.

  5. Everyone should give this a shot in life sometime...living simply...it will eliminate a lot of the 'fear' that gets built into us as we grow up under society's eye.

    We live pretty simply. I've always been against the "keeping up with the Joneses" mentality. I think that's the problem in this country. We buy things that we don't need, with money that we don't have, to impress people that we don't like.

  6. I have some advice for the OP. NEVER say never.

    Why am I telling you this? Well, you guys are newlyweds and don't have any kids. I don't know if you're planning on it, but let me tell you, I WOULD KILL TO HAVE MY IN-LAWS HERE FOR 6 MONTHS OUT OF THE YEAR. Yes, I said it. :lol: I like to shower. I like to go to the store. I like to use the bathroom without 3 children banging on the door as soon as I get in there, asking for string cheese. I like taking more than a 3 minute shower. :help: I like these things. I don't often have moments to myself.

    So just because it's a big NO now, it doesn't mean you'll always feel that way, so don't be too adamant about it, or you may back yourself into a corner. :rofl:

    - Advice from a mom of 3 (almost 4)

  7. This is true and I believe it was part of the INA of 1996. The law allows for filing a waiver in certain cases. And the law is quite specific on who and under what circumstances one is eligible. Check out Section 212(a) of the INA for more info on the waiver for grounds of inadmissibility.

    :thumbs: this is true. The outrage over this procedural change by Repulicans & the praise Obama has received from his supporters is silly IMHO. It s nice that the time frame was reduced and the process was simplified, but it only helps the same people who were eligible for these waivers in the first place.

  8. Around here, S-Bone, it's called "arroz con arroz con mas arroz y de culo" or similar, or other emanatory apertures, si man. Even the cat's soft glop has rice in it, although admittedly it's the doing of the factory, and not Mrs. T-B., si man and no man. Try scraping stepped-on rice off the floor after it's been stirred around ineffectually by the high-tech rag-on-a-stick, si man.

    Right now, the sink, every dish in the sink, everything around the sink, and both dish-towels are permeated with rice, see man.

    And I'm not that silly a gringo if I appreciate rubias (blondes), no man. :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:, si man.

    :rofl::rofl: :rofl:

    We have the stepped on rice problem too T-Bone. It turns up everywhere!! Rag-on-a-Stick is gone though... :dance: modern technology rocks (a.k.a. mops).

  9. Mrs. T-B. makes enough rice to feed said army (and to choke a small horse), si man, but nothing else is typically in proportion to the needs of the husband's stomach, no man.

    That's why it's "arroz con pollo" and not "pollo con arroz" T-Bone. :bonk: Rice has to outdo everything else on your plate. You married a Latina, this is like common knowledge. Silly gringo! :lol:

  10. hola a todos

    solo queria poner mi respuesta a mi propia pregunta, ya q Reniec me respondio acerca de la duda sobre renovacion de DNI en Peru que a expirado y cambiar mis datos como mi residencia en el extranjero y mi estado marital.

    aqui les copio el correo de la RENIEC

    Estimada ciudadana:

    Reciba un cordial saludo y relación a la consulta le informamos lo siguiente:

    Podrá realizar el trámite de DNI en el Servicio de Atenciones Especiales implementado por RENIEC para aquellos connacionales que radican en el extranjero y están de paso por el Perú, otorgando el DNI en dos (02) días hábiles (tiempo record). Para acceder a este beneficio sólo tiene que solicitar su trámite en la Oficina de Atenciones Especiales, ubicada en la Av. Javier Prado Este 2388 2do. Piso - San Borja (frente al Museo de la Nación). Los requisitos son los siguientes:

    1. Original del Recibo de Pago de S/. 24.00 correspondiente a trámite por Renovación de DNI.

    2. Una fotografía actualizada, tamaño pasaporte a colores y con fondo blanco.

    3. Original y copia simple de pasaje aéreo de retorno al país residente.

    4. Para cambio de domicilio en el extranjero será declarativo en el Ficha Registral, si desea la dirección en territorio nacional deberá presentar recibo de servicio público (agua, luz y teléfono) en original y copia con una antigüedad no mayor de 06 meses desde la fecha de emisión del recibo.

    5. Si desea realizar alguna rectificación adicional en los datos de su DNI, deberá presentar el sustento correspondiente según lo establecido en el TUPA del Reniec.


    Oficina de Registros en el Exterior



    stimada ciudadana:

    Si su matrimonio esta registrado en consulado peruano, también podrá adjuntar una declaración jurada de estado civil con su firma y huella índice derecho, asimismo indicando el nombre y apellidos de cónyuge, el consulado donde fue registrado el matrimonio y la fecha del matrimonio.


    Oficina de Registros en el Exterior

    Gracias por la info Veroka :star:

    Mi esposo tiene que hacer esto, y le he dicho mil veces que averigue como hacerlo, pero está recontra relajado y nunca lo hace. Siempre me dice "mañana, ya?" :bonk:

  11. Paul... I was in a similar situation when my husband came to the US. I was paying for school by myself, working full-time and going to school full-time. My family didn't approve. Oh well. He's here, I'm done with school, have a good job, he has a good job, and we're fine. My family loves him by the way, as he's a great husband and father to our kids.

    Do what's right for you. If you think you need to wait, wait. If you don't, don't. Ultimately, it's your decision.

  12. She should call 5 minutes after two, 'cause they only attend visa info from 2 to 3, so if she calls 5 minutes earlier, she will be put on hold for a short time (that's what I did) And they take almost 5 days to schedule your interview, so maybe she should call or email them tomorrow, that way she will have the answer by friday or monday.

    And one more thing, if she's given a date, she should wait for the packet only for a prudential time because sometimes it never arrives so be prepared, if that happens she can retrieve a copy at the Embassy from Monday to Friday 9 to 10 am in window 14, just telling she's going to have a copy of her k-1 packet!

    Best wishes! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

    Great advice, I agree. My husband's packet never came & he had to go to pick it up @ the embassy.

    Also calling the embassy es un DOLOR DE CABEZA!!! but eventually you do get through, just make sure you have enough saldo on your phone. :lol:

  13. paint gun, squirt gun, caulk gun, grease gun, soldering gun, dispensing gun, nail gun, staple gun, tie wrap gun, glue gun, soda gun, cookie/icing gun, ....

    omg ... we've got an arsenal at home ... :o

    Us too :thumbs:

    :star: NATTY!!! :dance:

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