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Everything posted by Rosaly

  1. I have indeed looked in the consulate info on this website, but the included links to websites aren't working. Apparently a form is Included to list your addresses since age 16? Also a form is included to request your appointment? Can I download this somewhere? Of all mail of course packet 3 had to get lost 🙄 I don't know if I should feel sad or angry or both, but I do know it don't help me, that's why I come here🤭
  2. My mail sadly still has not arrived and the consulate has not (yet) responded to my questions. I went ahead and signed and submitted the DS-160. I have looked online for the list of required documents to take with me to the interview, but I have found 2 different ones, both from the consulate in Frankfurt, but different dates on which they were issued (2021 and 2022) they both give different information! 🥴 Assuming the one from 2021 is no longer used when the one from 2022 was made, I'd say stick to that info, however 😅😅 what if they since then made a new one?? Does anyone know what the consulate specific instructions are for Frankfurt these days? Does anyone here know if I do need to email this confirmation page to the consulate? If so, what do I put in the subject line? In the 2022 letter it says I22 - and then the FRN casenumber. Is it now I24 because it's the year 2024?😅😅 At this point I stopped hoping my packet 3 will just arrive late, I have accepted I will not get it at all. 😕 this is not a full stop to the process... just more hoops to jump to get where I wanna be. Please, anyone. Help.
  3. Alright, so that means that form, letter, whatever it was that needs to be taken to interview is packet 4, which I already learned is going to be an E-mail. 🤔 Here's hoping my mail gets delivered tomorrow or Tuesday. The list of what needs to be collected I already found. I'm nervous and sad 🤣 I wanted that letter!! Thanks again for your information
  4. Does packet 3 also contain the letter that needs to be brought to the interview? I found a letter with the checklist online, bit it's from 2022. So im not sure how accurate this still is.
  5. I tried to keep my mail as short as possible, assuming they rather don't read essays 😅 For now I need to let this go. Nothing to be done at this time of night 🙈 Thank you for your help. I really hope this works.
  6. Thank you, I did contact the mail service here in the netherlands, and they just said wait a week. The thing is the letter popped up a few days ago as well, and then it didn't reach me either. I think contacting the consulate is my best option. I did find an email address, but I have no idea if it's the correct one (frankfurtvisainquiries@state.gov) is this the correct mail for an issue like this? It's the mail I found in a letter online, where it states to mail the confirmation page to them. Do you think I could just go ahead and do the DS-160, mail them the confirmation page and in same mail request for the packet 3 info? I was so happy when I learned the letter was on its way and now I'm just nervous 😅😅 the whole process is confusing and stressful as is🙈
  7. Hi everyone, On the app I have on my phone, I was notified I'd get mail today with a picture of what I would receive. And one of the envelopes was the letter from the frankfurt consulate. Unfortunately, they had a wonky way of putting my address on it, and it was never put in my mailbox today. Even worse... the app doesn't even show the envelope anymore! 😨 Can someone please put my mind at ease and tell me what to do if that letter never reaches me? I fear the address confused them and they just didn't deliver it.
  8. I got confused, When i look up the case status on CEAC i have to select immigrant visa. 🤔 Do i need to look at it like this: the petition is non immigrant and the K visa itself is immigrant?
  9. Where did you find it will be good for 12 months? 😶 i must have overlooked something, i feel. Thank you! it is good to know.
  10. My attorney told me that Yes, you are allowed to visit at any time in the entire process as long as you have the ESTA, but he advised against it. He explaind this is because there's a whole history of people getting into the states and then staying while they actually aren't allowed to do so yet. He gave a whole bunch of details for people to be denied, such as them having no jobs in home country, or no house/permanent place to live, having overstayed the 90 days in the past, secretly had jobs in the states while not having a work visa or permit, not having any family or close family bonds in home country or any reason they couldn't proof for that matter, that they would be returning to their homecountry after their intended trip. He also told me, this is country specific in most cases and that it also depends a great deal on the judgement of the officer at customs. Evidently so, People from trusted countries have been denied entry far less than people from countries with, what he said, had a high risk rate of abuse of any kind of visa issued. This happens so much that officers have become more suspicious when you want to enter the US while they can clearly see you applied for a permanent visa, or at least one that gets you in the process of staying permanently. I myself am from the netherlands. As far as i know thats a trusted country. After consulting my attorney, i also checked any information on US Goverment website and travel websites. Which all say to expect more scrutiny and be ready to provide proof of returning to home country, with examples of said proof. I have never overstayed my welcome, never worked in the states, never used my ESTA for anything other than normal vacation trips to my fiancé, always spoke the truth while talking with the officers, and could proof i work and have a house here in the netherlands. I made 1 trip after filing the Petition in september last year, which went smoothly, Although while standing in line at customs i nearly had a nervous breakdown. I indeed collected evidence of everything i could think of in case they would take me to secundary. this never happened, Officer was friendly welcomed me to the states and wished me a pleasant stay without even opening my passport...🥴 So fair to say all my worries were for nothing. Even in the phase of the process i am in now: Consulate ready to plan my interview, gathering missing documents, DS160 etc.. i think i would be low risk because my situation has not changed, but i still wont do it. Especially with the possibility of finally being together being so close. Now, The reason i advised OP against it was based on this coversation with my attorney and my personal decision on the matter, in this very phase of the process. A decision i made with all of the above in mind. I have tried to expain shortly, but given all the messages with disagreements... maybe worded wrong? Needed more info?🤔 OP still will make this decision for themselves regardless of my personal decision. It not relevant, even. i merely wanted to help. To be fair, the little extra info i could have included: the bond and contact with my family is strained because i plan to move to the states to live with my fiancé... They dont agree with the relationship either and told me to choose, my fiancé or them. An unfair ultimatum if you ask me, and i feel that could be a big deal to any officer at customs, trusted country or not. (sidenote: this is also my one and only worry for the upcoming interview... how am i going to explain this and is it considered a red flag? Different topic, i dont need an answer on this in OPs topic.) When i wrote my comment on OPs Question, i didn't think i had to include things from my personal life or refer to my attorney and his advise, let alone the essay it now has become 😂
  11. ...because i am not going through the process right now, with an attorney who is specialized in these cases. Okay.
  12. No, i think you're not reading my comment correctly, or misunderstood my meaning. My comment CLEARLY says that "i have NOT found many stories from people who got denied entry".... The part you may refer to as 'dramatic', is the advise i got from my attorney and just passed on to someone who may include the thought in making their decision, which is theirs alone to make. As also stated in the end of my comment. How about we don't belittle other people or their comments on this forum? We are all here to help each other.
  13. My fiancé and i havent seen each other since November I understand the feeling. I stand by my opinion, i wouldn't risk it. Hang in there! You'll soon be together
  14. Hi, Yes this is allowed Just be prepared for extra and serious scrutiny at the border. There will be a good chance you will be taken to one of those backrooms to be questioned. If you already know your interview date at the time you want to enter the states, Have a copy of your interview confirmation with you. When asked, inform them that after your trip you will return to home country to conclude the K visa Process. Answer all questions truthfully and stay polite, no matter how they treat you. Though this is all possible, and i have not found many stories where someone got denied entry and it mostly goes well, i would advise against it. Most likely there wont be much time between the DS160 and the interview, so if you just wait a little longer, you could be with your fiancé permanently afterwards. Personally, i canceled the trip i had planned in June and i will just wait for the visa to be in my possesion. I will also wait a couple months before i actually move, but i decided it is not worth the risk of getting put on a plane back to home country 😬 Anyway, The choice is yours
  15. Hi! The Approval (Noa2) is valid vor 4 months. You will find the date on the Noa2 letter. I think you are referring to the 180 days time period the visa is valid. ALWAYS look on the visa what the actual expiry date is! To elaborate: Assuming the visa gets approved, it will be valid for 180 days, however: This time period starts on the day of the medical exam! In short: No, you do not have to move within 6 months after the approval of the petition Hope this helps!
  16. Thank you for your detailed answers! i now have a better understanding of the timeline. Our case changed to Ready on the 25th, i believe. so about 2 weeks later would be next week🤔 Good to know we have time. I was feeling a bit of a panic because it all moves so fast now! Happy about it of course, but wow😆 I did start DS160, forgot to note the Application ID, retreiving it somehow was difficult, the linky thingy "Forgot ID?" was missing somehow, so i abandoned it and started over entirely! A good thing too, because in my exitement the first time i clearly didn't read well and started to rush 😂 Patience and reading well are key in this process. Calm down Rosa, Calm down! 🤣 I will schedule my medical in the netherlands where i live. it will be a much easier destination for me to reach I already found out from another persons experience this is going really fast and no long waiting times. This person had his medical in the hague last week, and he just confirmed the consulate in Frankfurt has received his results a few days ago. This forum never fails to put my mind at ease. Thank you so much!
  17. Goodmorning all! Again i have been searching to find my anser, and my questions may be too specific for an complete answer already given somewhere Therefore reaching out to the VJ-Community All info applies to the Conuslate in Frankfurt, even though i am from the netherlands (AMS consulate stopped visa operations!) My questions: After Checking CEAC, the status is Ready, with a short text on how the consulate is ready for my interview. 1: Do i Immediatly fill out and submit completed DS-160? Or do i wait for the letter from the consulate to arrive?🤔 I've read some information online that stated to bring the printed confirmation page to the interview, but also found a statement it should be mailed to the consulate email. 2: Which one is it? Either-Or? or both? Instructions not clear 😅 (if answer to question 1 is to wait for the letter, i assume to find my answer in this letter) Something im confused about: 3: Do i have to send all my documents ASAP after submitting DS-160? (which indicates me to wait because we are missing a couple of documents at this moment) Or can i Submit and continue collecting missing pieces. Lastly: 4: Can i Go ahead and schedule my medical or should i again wait for the consulate letter? Im getting mixed info on this, i think i need to wait until i have an interview date, i just want to be 100% sure. Thanks in advance and apologies if i overlooked a similar topic or guide on this. Love, Rosa
  18. hi, Im working on the DS-160 too, i am the beneficiary. as an answer to this question i indeed put the petitioner as fiancé. Also, for the Question if someone has ever filed an inmmigrant petition on my behalf, i answerd yes and in the box where you can elaborate this, i wrote that My fiancé, the petitioner filed the i-129F on my behalf. Im not sure if this is what they ment, but in case of doubt, i will answer the blunt truth! Always better than leaving it open i guess?
  19. Hi, I had the same questions because of the mixed messages and information i got. The 180 days (Nearly, but NOT exactly 6 months) period the K visa is valid, i found that here on the Visa Journey forums when i was reading al the existing topics for information i could use. 180 days from the medical exam has been confirmed by multiple members here on the forum. After the visa is issued and in your posession you'll have a clear answer in the form of an expiry date on the visa itself. Always use the expiry date as on your visa when you are making your plans! Whatever the reason may be, I wouldn't advise waiting until the very last day to plan your flight. I can recommend taking some time to scroll through all the topics, as i learned a lot from just doing that! The people here are mostly going through the same process, or finished theirs a while a go and stuck around to help others. If anything, it can really put your mind at ease, since this phase of the process seems to stress us all 😂
  20. Hi, i just learned that the NOA2 has an expiry date, 4 months after NOA2 date (can be found on the receipt. Apparently, everything can be finished within that timeframe, however, the NOA2 can be extended. Some say this will happen automatically, Others say you need to apply for this (Cant hurt to look in to) It can be extended for a year. Assuming your visa gets approved, it should be valid 180 days starting at day of medical exam! (which is usually 1 or 2 weeks before the interview takes place) When fiance enters, you need to get married within 90 days indeed, and apply for the Adjustment of status (more waiting after that, yay!) Im currently getting all my documents so i can plan my interview and i have been looking into the same things, since i would like to save up as much money as i can (as much is allowed) to bring with me. Im not going to delay everything till t every last moment, but maybe like 2 pays from work and then bye bye 🤭 Hope this helps!
  21. Yeah, that was new to me as well. The info is no where to be found on their website or any other US Gov website, only that they will no longer accept cash😅 I learned Amsterdam will stop visa operations through VJ though, as i follow some other people from the netherlands who also applied for the K1. The person put it in their comments that they received a short mail about it when they received their NVC Letter. Shortly after i received mine as well, indeed transferred to Frankfurt. I am currently waiting on The consulate letter. To me it is not sure at this time if i should fill out and complete the DS-160 now, or wait until all documents are collected and then do everything at once The info on their website states i have to mail all the original documents and a copy to them before i even make an interview appointment, and the letter i found online states to bring it all + copies to the interview🤔 However, they ask to also e-mail them the confirmation page of the DS-160 in that same letter! im going nuts!😂 At this point its maybe good my fiancé hasn't finished the I-134 yet, so i can wait for the actual letter from the consulate.
  22. Hello everyone, hope you are all well! I have been searching high and low on the forum for a topic with a similar question I have now, and I couldn't find it. My apologies in advance, in case I overlooked it. 🙈 A bit of info: My fiancé lives in Florida, I live in the Netherlands. Consulate will be the one in Frankfurt, Germany (Amsterdam stopped Visa operations as of May) Our petition got approved on March 29th. Our Noa2 expiry date is 4 months later, July 28th. Naturally we started collecting needed documents soon after, however, we encounterd some delays in waiting times for those to arrive. Also, the consulate seems to want all original paperwork Plus copies of it send to them in packet 3. Therefor my fiancé has to send me his original I-134 form, with signature in ink. It shouldn't take all too long, I think, so I wasn't worried at first. Today, April 26th, I checked up on the visa status (CEAC) and it said Ready! Overjoyed of course, but now also slightly nervous because I feel we aren't ready in the sense of our documents not being here yet. With that comes that I do not know how long Mailing everything will take from USA to me, and then from me to the consulate, let alone their time needed to review the documents. My question now is this: Do I have to attend my interview before the expiry date? or Can the interview take place after it expired, as long as the appointment was scheduled before it expired? To be clear, I think we will have everything ready well in time, I also know I could apply for the approval to be extended. Is that something I could already do, just to be sure? Thankful for all answers given and any information provided! Love, Rosa
  23. I dont think feeling devestated is necessary, though understandable for now. its a dissappointment and those are never fun. It seems though, that this is an easy one to deal with and solve. The faster she gets this arranged, the faster they can add it to your file and process further. Im from the netherlands, and getting the birthcertificate or at least a copy/extract of it, takes a couple of days here, sending it in may take a few days an dprocessing and reviewing may take the longest, but it will be a few weeks at most. Im sure it wont be all too different in france, maybe slightly longer because in comparison to where i live, Paris is definitly bigger and has more residents, but even so, this will only be a bit of a delay. surely it will not take as long as waiting for the petiton to be approved All and all, i think you can expect a delay of a couple of weeks. Dont worry! You will soon be together!
  24. It also depends on where you are from. Look at the k1 immigration timelines here and set the filter to your country and sort the list to the date when their Noa2 was received to get a general idea on how long the process might take for you. i promise it is rather accurate! For example, I am from the netherlands and i received my Noa2 on march 29th. There was exact 6 months between Noa1 and Noa2 for me. The average for the past year was 8 to 9 months, so mine was even faster than the generic idea i gotten from others timelines! Hope this helps
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