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About Reynal2m

  • Birthday January 2

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Country
    Dominican Republic

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  1. Hello VJ, I hope you're doing well. My partner and I recently submitted our I-130 online on March 26th, 2024, with our service center being in California. Recently, my partner received an email from USCIS indicating that they have taken action on our case. However, upon checking the status, documents, and progress bars, we noticed that nothing has changed. Additionally, we submitted the K3 application one week later after our I-130 application but have not received any updates on that front yet. Interestingly, in a WhatsApp group that we are part of, some individuals who filed their I-130 between March 25th and 27th, 2024, have reported receiving the same email. Regards,
  2. So, essentially, submit it as it is, but make sure to keep a copy in case any situations arise.
  3. Good morning VJ, I hope this message finds you well. We encountered an issue when preparing to submit the I-130 online. My partner noticed that some dates were missing from the "Draft snapshot." For instance, we completed his address history for the past five years, as shown in the image below: However, when we review the "Draft Snapshot," the dates do not appear as filled out on the I-130 form: Is that a normal thing? Is it ok to just submit? Regards,
  4. Discovered some helpful videos, but they won't consider reviewing the petition unless they handle the entire case.
  5. Dear VJ Forum Members, I hope this message finds you all in good spirits. I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your invaluable support and assistance throughout our I-130 journey. Your insights, advice, and shared experiences have been immensely helpful, and I am truly grateful for the sense of community and camaraderie we have here. As we move forward in this process, I find myself in need of some professional guidance. I am currently seeking recommendations for a lawyer who is experienced in immigration matters and can offer their services to review our I-130 petition before we submit it. If any of you have had positive experiences with such legal professionals or have any recommendations, I would greatly appreciate your input. Once again, thank you all for your continued support and assistance. Together, we can navigate this journey with confidence and resilience. Warm regards, Reynaldo & Renzo
  6. Good morning, Firstly, I want to express my gratitude to all of you for your assistance. My partner discovered another page in his file, a document titled "Complaint Arrest/Affidavit." On the back of the document, there is a seal, as shown in the image below, which reads: "Nolle Prosequi." He also came across a copy of his N400 form and how the lawyer completed this section. I assume we need to fill out the I129-F in the same manner. Thanks again.
  7. Records are for the USC. Beneficiary has never been arrested. I-130 is not yet submitted and is expected to be submitted before April 1st.
  8. Alright. I suppose, given that the K3 will likely be denied. Therefore, should he simply indicate "Yes" for question 4.a, offer a brief explanation of what the situation was, and submit the aforementioned documents? Regards,
  9. There are two additional documents with extensive handwritten notes; he believes they are the police report, although the writing on the documents is difficult to decipher. These papers describe the situation as it was at that time. He had a lawyer.
  10. So essentially, he has to request the sentencing and minutes/disposition from the Miami Dade Court and attach a copy of the "No Record sheet" along with all the documents mentioned above? Thanks again.
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