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Posts posted by Maintian


    Current Status: Card production ordered.

    On January 16, 2009, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

  2. Hey guys, so we are getting ready for our interview in Atlanta next month and I have assembled some proof our relationship so to say but I want yall to help see if I am missing something.. We have ;

    * Originals of everything we mailed off to Chicago lock box

    * Gas bill in my wife's name

    * Our apartment lease with both of our names

    * Power bill in my name

    * Life insurance with both of our names

    * Health insurance for me alone because my wife is on Medicare so she fully covered under the medicare

    * Car insurance with both of our names

    * Wedding pictures and some more pictures of us at the Shakespeares and other places.

    This is what we have got so far, please guys kindly tell me if we're missing something and PLEASE GUYS DON'T JUST READ THROUGH READ AND DROP ME YOUR PIEACE OF ADVICE..

    Thanks in advance

    Congrat on your interview!

    I also passed my interview the same day on 01/13/09 and got approved! Yes, baby! But I now realized that I didn't get any "temporary evidence" regarding my greencard approval... makes me feel a little bit worried. Just wondering.. did you get a stamp on your passport or any kind of approval note after the interview?

    It has been 2 days since then and I didin't receive CRIS Email regarding welcome or card production ordered, etc info yet. Also, my online status hasn't been updated yet - it still shows that my I-485 & I-130 is pending. Is that "normal"? Hope you can give me some clue. Thanks in advance.

    Thanks and congratulation on your approval too. Well I didn't get any kind of official approval or something like that not even a stamp on my passport, all the IO said was everything looks good to her and that I should be getting my GC in about 60-90 days but I'm sure it's not gonna take that long and yea my online status hasn't change either it just been 2 days after the interview, maybe we should give it sometime, believe me honey I'm as worried as you are lol. But again I haven't seen or heard anyone got some kind of official approval if they didn't get the stamp, I'm sure if we there was a problem the IO would have told us I will say let's keep our fingers crossedhttp://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?act=Post&CODE=02&f=7&t=168086&qpid=2561273

    Thanks for the response. I feel more reliefed now, thanks again. Hope we all can get the GC in hand soon!

    I never thought I'd be writing this :- :dance: :dance: :dance:


    Current Status: Card production ordered.

    On January 16, 2009, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

  3. Another thing, if you have it, is letters or card addressed to both of you. I wouldn't sweat it if you don't have or haven't saved that, but it is one of the things I've seen listed that will prove to them that you are "socially intertwined." Yes, by all means bring copies of joint bank statements. Do you have any plane tickets showing you have travelled together? If so, bring those. Again, don't worry about it if you don't. It sounds like what you have should be fine, these are just other ideas.

    Edit: Oops, I did not realize this was posted last month and you'd already interviewed. Congratulations.

    You straight lol

  4. Hey guys, so we are getting ready for our interview in Atlanta next month and I have assembled some proof our relationship so to say but I want yall to help see if I am missing something.. We have ;

    * Originals of everything we mailed off to Chicago lock box

    * Gas bill in my wife's name

    * Our apartment lease with both of our names

    * Power bill in my name

    * Life insurance with both of our names

    * Health insurance for me alone because my wife is on Medicare so she fully covered under the medicare

    * Car insurance with both of our names

    * Wedding pictures and some more pictures of us at the Shakespeares and other places.

    This is what we have got so far, please guys kindly tell me if we're missing something and PLEASE GUYS DON'T JUST READ THROUGH READ AND DROP ME YOUR PIEACE OF ADVICE..

    Thanks in advance

    Congrat on your interview!

    I also passed my interview the same day on 01/13/09 and got approved! Yes, baby! But I now realized that I didn't get any "temporary evidence" regarding my greencard approval... makes me feel a little bit worried. Just wondering.. did you get a stamp on your passport or any kind of approval note after the interview?

    It has been 2 days since then and I didin't receive CRIS Email regarding welcome or card production ordered, etc info yet. Also, my online status hasn't been updated yet - it still shows that my I-485 & I-130 is pending. Is that "normal"? Hope you can give me some clue. Thanks in advance.

    Thanks and congratulation on your approval too. Well I didn't get any kind of official approval or something like that not even a stamp on my passport, all the IO said was everything looks good to her and that I should be getting my GC in about 60-90 days but I'm sure it's not gonna take that long and yea my online status hasn't change either it just been 2 days after the interview, maybe we should give it sometime, believe me honey I'm as worried as you are lol. But again I haven't seen or heard anyone got some kind of official approval if they didn't get the stamp, I'm sure if we there was a problem the IO would have told us I will say let's keep our fingers crossed

  5. I just got back from interview and it as a piece of cake so to say lol....Here is how it went , we got there about an hour before the scheduled time. We was called about 2hrs later but anyways the lady called us in and she didn't even ask to see any proof or pictures even though we got tons of evidence lol, all she asked was to see my passport and our IDs and she also took my I-94 from my passport and stapled it to my file and that was it and she said everything looks good and said I should get my green card about 60-90days.. I am like ####### thats it lol the whole damn thing didn't last 5mins and we was all nervous and sh!t before the interview lmao ...............................All I can say is GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS

  6. We had our AoS interview today and were approved for a 10 yr Green Card. The interview itself lasted less than 10 minutes its the wait that was killing!

    The interviewer has already gone through our file in detail before calling us in and had very few questions for us. She did want to see a few supporting documents and was surprised at the volume documentation that we had come prepared with.

    At the end of the interview she told us that she was approving us and that we should expect the card in 10 - 15 days.


    Congratulations, so our interview is next tuesday and I'm nervous as hell I think we have all the supporting documents and stuff but I don't know why in the world I'm so nervous.... What kind of question were you ask at the interview, can you please share your experiences with the rest of us waiting.


  7. Hey guys, so we are getting ready for our interview in Atlanta next month and I have assembled some proof our relationship so to say but I want yall to help see if I am missing something.. We have ;

    * Originals of everything we mailed off to Chicago lock box

    * Gas bill in my wife's name

    * Our apartment lease with both of our names

    * Power bill in my name

    * Life insurance with both of our names

    * Health insurance for me alone because my wife is on Medicare so she fully covered under the medicare

    * Car insurance with both of our names

    * Wedding pictures and some more pictures of us at the Shakespeares and other places.

    This is what we have got so far, please guys kindly tell me if we're missing something and PLEASE GUYS DON'T JUST READ THROUGH READ AND DROP ME YOUR PIEACE OF ADVICE..

    Thanks in advance

  8. I want to know the medical exam i had in pakistan during the process of my K-1 visa is still valid or i had to do a new medical exam from here by the recognized civil surgeon appointed by the uscis. PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS QUESTION, THANKS

    I am in the situation as you, I had my medicals done back in my country but I heard if the medicals is over a year, you will be required to under go another medicals by a civil surgeon appointed by the USCIS.... So I guess another medicals is the way to go lol ....

  9. 玉之所以珍贵,可以从字面上来理解.玉:王加一点,君王之饰也.玺:寡人的玉,君王之信物.中国从古至今,玉不离君,君不离玉.玉玺则更为尊贵与重要.玉玺不仅代表君王,也象征着国家.《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》:“公元前283年,秦昭襄王听说赵国有和氏璧,提出以15座城相交换,因赵弱秦强,赵国不敢怠慢,但又不情愿,便派智谋双全的蔺相如奉璧使秦。蔺相如知道其中有诈,偷偷将和氏璧送回了赵国。”这就是中华历史上的完壁归赵。后来,和氏璧还是被秦国拥有。据《史记》记载,秦王政九年,便制造了御玺,刘邦灭秦得天下后,子婴将御玺献给了刘邦,御玺成为“汉传国宝”。(传说王莽篡位后,胁迫皇太后交出玉玺,皇太后一怒之下将玉玺摔在地上,崩掉一角。后来,王莽命能工巧匠进行整修,用黄金镶上了缺角,被称为“金镶玉玺”,“金镶玉”便由此得名。)到汉末董卓之乱,御玺先后落入孙坚、袁术之手,再传魏、晋。五胡十六国时,一度流于诸强,后被南朝承袭。隋灭陈后,御玺被陈朝的萧太后带到突厥,直到唐太宗贞观四年(公元630年)御玺归唐。五代时,天下大乱,流传的御玺不知所终。在六朝以后的记载中,大都认为被秦始皇所用的御玺是用和氏璧改造而成的。传说现在的汉传玉玺在十三陵里。还有待考古学家的考证。以上这些都充分的说明玉在中华历史既是皇权的象征并具有不可估量的价值。






    Where do I start from :-s

  10. So, my received date is 2-22. Biometrics and everything is done. Just playing the waiting game. My last touch was from 4-22. I did get the work card, but nothing since then. Should I be worried? I see most of you got your interview notice 4 months after filing. I'm sitting at 6 months without a word being said. Any ideas?

    I'm in the same boat. No info since 3/11 EAD approval. I haven't even heard from my congressman who I contacted 6 weeks ago. Its sooooo frustrating.

    Hang in there OskaryAndrea...We should hear something this coming week because I checked on the processing time for Atlanta and they working on 1st of Feb 2008 and they gonna update the USCIS website on the 15th which is Thursday...So hopefully they will get to us...Waiting sucks believe me :(

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