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Posts posted by B'sA

  1. My name is not an unique name in Brazil nor here, but it is pronounced different. In Brazil people will pronounce the ''ne'' in Nessa different than in here, and I would really like for people to pronounce the way it is, not the way they're used to pronounce here, but there's nothing really I can do about it and I know if I pronounce the way it is in Brazil some people just won't understand or ask me again and sometimes I'm just not in the mood to say it twice I just pronounce the way they do to make it easier for them.

    Anyone else has the same problem?

    Oh yeah,i understand you so well.I'm even thinking to make up a nick name for those who won't be that important to me so i wouldn't correct every and each.

  2. Hi all!

    My name is ALIONA, but not even my fiance, after allmost a year of dating cannot pronounce it right.

    People would usually say:"aly..what?"

    How many different pronouncements i've hurd: allana, allyana, allena.

    I'm afraid i'm gonna have to make a nick name or something after i move with my future husbend.

    did you have a problem like this?

  3. Does your SO ever say things to you that just cracks you the hell up, becouse of english barrior? Like for instance , we where having serious conversation about ...birth control. He came back next day and said, " so what kind of PARENTAL CONTROL are you gonna use?" There is so many more things he has said that just cracks me up but i cant think of them now, do you have any?

    My fiance had a good laugh about my "smashed poatatoes" instead of mashed... :blush:

  4. Dear VJers,

    I am interested in knowing how people from different parts of the world say "I love you" in their native or mother


    Mine is " AHURUM GI NANYA " (Ibo Language - Eastern Part of Nigeria) (L)

    Te iubesc, romanian.


  5. Hang in there, It will come, they are still working mainly on November, we just received ours last week in the mail. The website has not even been updated, still says my case is pending and no touches since February. Dont rely on their website cuz i dont think they are updating it.

    Let me clarify, lately USCIS hasnt been sending apprvl notices by email, we are getting them by snail mail, so this may be why it is taking longer to report them on VJ

    Thank you all for the support.

    I feel better.


  6. im the US citizen (female) can we apply for social security as soon as he gets here?? even before we get married???

    don't go to the social security administration earlier than 10 business days after arrival in the US.It might dramaticaly slow down the process that should take usually about 2 weeks.

  7. Hello,my friends!

    I know i am sick looking at Igor's list every 5 minutes and see no changes for days, and i thought that what i discovered might be interesting to you too, not mentioning that there are WAY MORE petitions sent to the CSC, than are registered on this site.

    I hope that will cheer you up.

    Yassine & Martha sent 2007-09-07 last seen 11th December 2007

    Asiya & Imran sent 10.09.2007 last seen 17th November 2007

    simo & gita sent 26.09.2007 last seen 24th March 2008

    Nik & Kate sent01.10.2007 last seen 16th March 2008

    Angelito & Doyet sent 01.10.2007 last seen 11th October 2007

    Joyce & James sent 04.10.2007 last seen 15th March 2008

    Baby & Sutie sent 05.10.2007 last seen 10th November 2007

    Hiromi & Helen sent05.10.2007 last seen 30th November 2007

    Gregory & Jacquelyn sent05.10.2007 last seen 28th January 2008

    Jana & Gil sent 06.10.2007 last seen 9th November 2007

    Sirinut & Mike sent11.10.2007 last seen 3rd November 2007

    Tatiana & David sent 11.10.2007 last seen 27th December 2007

    Roulio & Maria sent 16.10.2007 last seen 3rd March 2008

    S & S sent 18.10.2007 last seen 24th December 2007

  8. hi all......don't worry I am just venting again........i try to keep busy and I am still working but it is getting harder everyday :crying: i am obsess with USCIS site which i check a minimum of 5-10 times a day. Even if as a manager in the UK for the NHS I am very busy with my work....it actually starting to influence on the way I work...i have family coming over from France on Friday for a week so It might help but any other kind of advice would be very much appreaciated ....my SO who is the USC give me all the support he can but our process been going on since April 2007 ( file got lost in post) .....Can i get any advise on how to cope a little better ?



    Here is a point- would you feel better if you'd give up and break with your lovedone? Haha,got ya! i bet you wouldn't, so the point is we're not in a nice position, but we're waiting for an extraordinary thing to happen. That's why we need to stay strong and to face the time. Think of what would have been if you'd never meet your fiance? I'm afraid to even think about it. I would probably never find out what is it like to be that happy.

    So, cheer up. Your lite at the end is getting closer.


  9. Thanks ... just added time is all the kicker is.. .. who knows it could still show up there .. but the lost money just confirms i will never use the USPS again for anything if i can avoid it .. imagine that not even to the usa and allready boycotting a service there hahaha ... so seems like it will all be delayed a couple of more weeks to refill out the paperwork get new photos gather up another $455.00 and send it all to the us .. to have it all sent off again ... what a pain

    people dont use the USPS to send your stuff

    I'm sorry ti hear that, and i know it's not about money it's about the time you get to be more appart than it could have been.

    Our petition have been walking around for ~~2.5 months before it got to the right place.

    And with the USPS is just a bad occurence. S..tt happens, you know! Good luck!

  10. dbears, the platter is sooh cute! i also saw your other stuff in the other website. they're all beautiful. i love the invitation in the bottle. i think deciding to have the k-1 instead of the k-3 is really good for your situation. but i still pray that you can give the philippine wedding that your mom dreams for you... (L)

    hey i hope everybody will be able to get married on your planned dates. dbears on august 8, sunnybear on sept 27, and those who want a memorial day wedding.. let's pray that everybody's dream wedding will come true. (F)

    Thank you gabriela. My mama only dreams of seeing one of her daughters wear wedding gown so I will surely give it to her someday soon... I am only praying that my papa will still be alive when that time comes. :(

    You will make your papa happy eitherway, but God is allmighty, let's just pray...

  11. Well, unfortunately there most likely will not be any January CSC filer weddings by memorial day (end of May). We should be able to get most of the January CSC filers approved by this time. Most of us will be looking at July/August weddings. I would love for CSC to prove me wrong.

    My fiance and i were planning the wedding to be in july or august, and as long as it's not later, we're fine.

    But i wouldn't mind to get this over sooner :no:

  12. Ooh yes I sure hope we are all cleared by memorial day too that would rock!!! I think my mans name is unique at least to this area.....

    With all the shame...when is the memorial day? :blush:

    Make that two.. i have been hearing of people wanting to get married on memorial day and i don't know when memorial day will be :blush:

    BryantAliona, i'm really really rooting for your approval! USCIS has messed up your file and well, you can still be considered a January filer right coz you sent your 2nd I-129F on the very last hours of December 31st... but wait, you are also an October filer and a December filer. Well, whatever, I will be very very happy to CHEER for you when you finally get your approval! :thumbs:

    :) Thank you!

    I erased from my memory the first two set-backs,and i'm trying to be as patient as possible.

    Good luck to you as well.

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