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Everything posted by MaxP22

  1. No your ties will not be taken into consideration. Overall sounds highly unlikely she will get approved. She has two previous denials, and her ties to her home have got worse if anything, not better. Newly arrived, no job, no ties. Maybe after a couple of years and a job.
  2. How are you supporting yourself for 1 year without working?
  3. Rosa, unfortunately that's not how it works. Your sister needs to show ties that she will return to her home country (curious what that country is.. South America for sure?) in order to be approved, not show a reason why she needs to go to the US. In reality it's irrelevant. I highly doubt she will get approved just for saying your mum can't go alone, unless her ties to her home have increased.
  4. You say she is a German resident but what is her country of origin and country of her travel document? As that's also an important factor. Regardless, I very very very much doubt she will get approved for a B2 visa considering she is a refugee. Personally I would not even waste money applying. Wait till she gets citizenship and passport.
  5. B2 is for tourism, coming for 6 months to look after a baby whilst the parents are at work so they don't need to employ someone else could very well be considered working. I wonder what she said as purpose of visit when asked at the POE. Use the money you saved not having to pay for child care costs for her medication.
  6. Well what happens when you click retrieve application and put in the details? If you mean just a blanket report of all previous applications then surely the Embassy is the best contact to ask? And lastly why do you even want it? Surely you filled out the DS160s yourself so should know all the answers you gave.
  7. You have a definitive answer you just don't want to believe it and keep asking the same question hoping to get the answer you want from someone.
  8. Nationality is relevant, very relevant, which is why people keep asking about it. If you don't know what you are talking about maybe listen to those that do otherwise why bother posting? Few years ago I had a B2 granted. A colleague of mine who has the exact same job as me, same salary, very similar life circumstances, got denied. Only major difference between us is his nationality is an African country whilst mine is EU.
  9. Just married a USC and has immigration intent with no ties to home... Sounds like a slam dunk denial and rightly so. No point wasting $160.
  10. It's pretty sad and worrying that people who overstayed are being granted new B2 visas. Whatever POE she uses hopefully the CBP there will do their job properly, unlike the ConOff it seems.
  11. I think you have every right to be worried. You have minimal ties to the UK, 1 day a week job is no tie and you have finished studying. You also did not buy the flight yourself and admit you are going to do this trip on a low budget.. these are all red flags. Add the fact it's your first time to the USA, and you are meeting someone for the first time I believe, that you met online.. Even though it's not a requirement, in your specific case I definitely would get some sort of letter or invitation from this person maybe even a copy of their passport, in case questioned by CBP. Otherwise don't be surprised if you get refused entry.
  12. No, why would she? You are worrying over nothing, the stamp is not important. Online i94 is all you need.
  13. Previous immigration intent, lack of ties to home country, tie to the US (working remotely), your chances do not look that good, I would not be surprised if you are denied. Documents are not usually looked at but in your case I would bring whatever you have from your company about this 'retreat'...
  14. Online i94 is what matters. Date stamped can be wrong due to human error, like in this case. I also had the wrong date stamped once when entering on a B2. I didn't bother getting it corrected as I was not planning on staying too long.
  15. You are not eligible to travel under the VWP, for life, due to your overstay. Therefore you won't be applying for an ESTA ever again. B2 visa is your only option if you want to visit.
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