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Posts posted by Alex1987@@@


    2 hours ago, powerpuff said:

    Topic moved from Moving to the US forum to Bringing Family members of Permanent Residents to America forum



    It is immigration fraud to come to the US on a non-immigrant visa with an intent to adjust status. Besides, spouses of LPRs cannot adjust status while on VWP/ESTA, only spouses of US citizens are able to. So to answer your question, no it isn’t the right thing to do and even if it were, AOS is not possible.


    Being apart the last thing anybody here wants to do. As a permanent resident, the process of petitioning a spouse is very lengthy and it won’t be ASAP. Unfortunately, that is the reality of US immigration.

    You are elegible for the adjustement status if you are:

    Family member of a lawful permanent resident, meaning you are the: 

    • Spouse of a lawful permanent resident
    • Unmarried child under the age of 21 of a lawful permanent resident
    • Unmarried son or daughter of a lawful permanent resident 21 years old or older

    So, this is what the american law says! So my question is what is better to do, because i already know that we can do it. 


    1 hour ago, JeanneAdil said:

    marry while u are there and apply online from Europe/that starts the process 

    not fast nor easy nor cheap

    marry where we are in US?

  2. Hello everyone,

    I'm an european man and last July I got my Green Card. After one month i came back to Europe to fix all my stuff and next month i'll come back to US(after 3 months) to start my life there. Finally, i'm so exited to start my new life there cause it has always been my dream. The big trouble is that i have the love of my life here in Europe and she doesn't have the green card but only the tourist visa to enter to Us. We are thinking to get married right now before to leave and after 3 months in Us start the adjustment status to give her my green card through our marriage. we want to do everything respecting the law, is it right what we are doing? Or is better to get married in the Us? Of course the last thing we want is to be far from each other and we are looking for advices Asap. Thank you so much in advance for your answers.

  3. 37 minutes ago, SusieQQQ said:

    A mistake/inaccuracy about the exact form of education as written on the entry form is not going to be a problem. (Remember you don’t even have to have met the education requirement to enter, only by the time you want a visa.)  For the DS260, you can request KCC to unlock the form and correct the education entries.

    The only thing that matters is that the actual education received is of the correct form. If you are sure that despite its name, the high school you attended meets the DV requirement of it being equivalent to a US high school diploma and allows you general university entrance, then it will be ok (I do not know the Italian system so cannot comment on that). And if you interview in Italy, they will surely understand the high school system there. 

    Dear Susie, i got the high school diploma in Italy, so i am sure 100% to meets the dv requirement, i'm only afraid that the person who gonna read the ds-260 will notice the inaccuracy of the "work part" the "vocational school" part and could think i'm not qualify for the dv lottery without send me to the interview. If i will go to the interview i could explain everything.

    My problem is that i really love USA, i love americans, i love New York. But after the refused of my F1 i felt like i won't be able to come back there, and this is a great opportunity to me, i don't wanna make mistakes and miss this lucky opportunity i have had.

    Thank you for your time

  4. 20 hours ago, SusieQQQ said:

    1. Assuming prior refusals are not for things like serious criminal records, it should not impact your DV selection 

    2. You can update that at the interview, or you can an ask KCC to unlock the DS260 and update it now

    3. Correct, it asks for all work history, not just that which is qualifying for DV 


    Are you qualifying based on completing high school, or do you need to qualify on work experience?


    You cannot be disqualified “right now”. Only a consular official at an interview can make the decision to approve or deny you a visa. This also means that an interview does not automatically mean you’ll get a visa. You need to be sure you meet all the requirements. (If you submit a DS260, and your number gets current, you will be invited to interview when your embassy has capacity. )

    Hi Susie, thank you for the answer. I studied more than 13 years, i got the diploma and with that school i can go to the University if i want. But the name of my school in Italy is called "istituto professionale alberghiero", it's the school for chefs, to work on the hotel ect ect, in Italy is like go to a regular high school and after the 5 years there you can go to the University. On the ds260 i put diploma to a vocational school, because is a professional school. I mean, i completed the high school so i'm ok for the lottery, but i put "vocational school" and not "high school" because in my Country is called "professional school". With all these mistakes or inaccuracies should i risk to even don't go to the interview?

  5. 1 hour ago, milimelo said:

    I think there are steps to verify your experience is in the area needed on the online Department of Labor database. Check that. 


    All other questions (1-2) are nothing to worry about. 

    Hi, thank you for your answer, on the form i put my actualy job and my 2 last jobs. In my Country these jobs need at least 2 years of experience and i answerd to the question "does this job needs at least 2 years of experience of training)" YES. Then, after i sent the form i checked the area of the Department of Labor, and my jobs don't require 2 years of experience, but only 6 months. So this is a big mistake for the form? 

    i'm ok with the lottery because i got 2 diploma at a vocational school, i studied more than 13 years in my life. but i am afraid to made mistakes on the form and even don't be selected for the interview

  6. Hello everyone, I was selected for the dvlottery 2023, I am 35 years old, about 2 years ago I received a refusal of an f1 visa and consequently a refusal for an ESTA. So being selected for the lottery is a great opportunity to return to the USA, a country that I love very much, in fact in the past as soon as I had the opportunity I visited it often,(6 times) staying there as long as possible but without ever exceeding the legal times!I never thought I would be selected, in fact I checked the results only in early June, I hope this is not a problem, and two days later I completed the ds260I have some doubts that are not making me sleep peacefully. And I hope someone can help me and, just in case, I thank you very much.the number of my case is less than 8000, I hope it is a positive thing.

    1) Can my problems with F1 and ESTA create problems for me now?

    2) I forgot to put on the ds260  a 2-week trip to the USA.

    3) I have included in the work experiences  the jobs that not qualify  me for the Lottery but to do them in my country you need at least 2 years of experience, and then on the ds260 I answered YES.

    will a go to the interview? Or there is a risk that i will be denied right now?

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