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    K-1 Visa
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  1. I believe so as well, this is the typical pattern of Visas Clearing before they are ready to be sent to the embassy and onward home (To the US)
  2. Based on the current timelines for Montreal I would lean somewhere between 6-8 more months for you (sadly)
  3. Yes, so far it has garnered 700+ signatures from about 400 signatures 2 days ago.
  4. Part of me wants to believe that this will all result in a bunch of cases being approved at once but I dont know if im deluding myself or if this process is so broken that this is just a result of somebody breaking something and now nobodys cases are being processed.
  5. I'm absolutely floooooored how it seems visa processing has stopped for K1's and IR1's it seems under 221(G) / DS-5535 cases that have been submitted. What possible reason could there be for such a delay?! its time to start cases again. Its been ELEVEN MONTHS for my fiance and we havent heard a thing. What possible reason could there be at this point
  6. Has anyone received any updates or emails to resend their passport as of April?
  7. I saw that your interview was around Mid-December (23'), based one everyone's experiences here, it appears as if youre only about 15% - 20% of the way there on how everything is looking for the rest of us. Hopefully for March this was just an unlucky month (or an off month where they just stopped processing K1's and CR'1'S and focused on J1, F1 visas) and they get back to their regularly scheduled routine by the time April swings around. We can only guess as to why March has been so dry though but from what I have seen, processing around the world has just been reliant on J1/F1 (and sometimes B1's here and there) cases and they might have switched the routines to process those types and switch back and fourth every month or so. This is just my assessment from what I have seen. If you look at those other telegram groups, people are being cleared left and right it seems but we seem to be the unlucky ones.
  8. They judge can dismiss but probably it wont get there, for our case they responded to us at midnight the day it was due for a response
  9. I've looked at dozens of forums and facebook groups and online chats and international groups, and this doesnt seem to be the case. I think everyone is in the same boat. For what reason we're all stuck? That stands to be seen but hopefully we can get some answers soon
  10. When did you file WOM & get your MTD? We plan on refiling a WOM at the 11 month - 11 & 1/2 month point
  11. Agreed, it seems like without this place, alot of people would have been completely lost or given up/lost hope by now. Its been 10 months and 3 weeks for my fiance and I, but it feels like we are seeing the finish line move further and further away from us as time goes on, but we are refusing to give up hope. I just hope we hear something soon because this doesnt make any sense why this is taking so long
  12. Same, we got a MTD in February. May is our one-year date. Once we hit one year were going to do a 2nd reattempt.
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