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Everything posted by Lynxyonok

  1. Thank you. Wild guess, how good are you at connecting a Canon PIXMA printer to an IMAC laptop so that... um... someone doesn't go nuts? Asking for a "friend"
  2. Everything, Sir. We either break it through Spain or pray for miracle in brand-new visa-free regime between Russia and Swaziland. Это есть наш последний... This is our first fight, but at the same time, it's our last one.
  3. Yes, we were denied. I'm typing up an appeal now. She's frustrated and distraught. So we're down to "print out what I send you, sign it, and go present it in person".
  4. All too quiet on the Western front! Seriously, there are almost 4K of us! Anyways. The current first approval wave is around 11/15/21, and yes, our expected timeframes for own approval are still falling back, it looks like October when all chips fall down. So, when and where is everyone to meet their SO in the meantime? Not saying she'd (or he'd) get bored and stray but... skin touch beats a million of texts anyday.
  5. Cross-post, same forum. _______ BLS International Services is a Hard No - Stay Away. Wish I could offer you a good one instead. Spain Visa Application Center - Moscow Map Address Kaluzhskaya square, 1,Build. 2, Moscow, 119049. Trade center “Europe”. Ground floor. Spain Visa application center Timings Passport Collection Time 12:00 to 16:00 hrs (Monday to Friday) Submission Time 09:00 to 16:00 hrs (Monday to Friday) Phone +7 (495) 189-00-61 Email info.dme@blshelpline.com ed@bls-vac.ru - for send additional documents
  6. Agreed. I just wanted to disclose that my source data is language- and geography-limited.
  7. Agreed, although I must disclose all of my sources were Russian or Russian-speaking in beneficiary origin.
  8. That's to be determined - they took 1.5 weeks to review documents (typical processing time - 3-5 days) and responded only after escalation (due to my unhealthy love of cruising I have a high status) and even then the e-mail is cryptic... When I survive this old immigration ordeal, I'm going to have skin thicker than a hog.
  9. May I be as curious as to ask the full itinerary? Qatar to Washington sounds brutal. P.S. There was a commotion in Telegram chats recently. She flew (Russia) - Newark, NJ - Colorado, CO - (another town). Well. She landed. He was asleep. Mountain time, you see. But she had a long layover. Do you want to know how many phone calls his family got, with her thinking he abandoned her? If you're not there when she crosses the border physically - prepare to be digitally. For when the officer calls, and you don't answer... Hell hath no fury than her (sent back home) and scorn.
  10. P.S. I hope Mods don't can me for this... There's a very popular travel forum among Russians - it's called Vinsky. Well. Their users are hard-set against using any kind of a company at all on the grounds that a petitioner loses control over what's submitted, how, and in what order. For example, in our case, we never got a copy of the submission checklist (анкета), so who knows (or as Russians would say хз) as to what was written on there. Which is all our fault. We didn't read the site carefully enough to prepare all of the required documents. And we didn't make it into a believable story. A Vinsky forum user said: believe in your journey, and then Consul will believe in it as well. Gosh darn that's the best way to describe it!
  11. I can't understate how ingenious this is. First of all, it doesn't cost U.S. petitioner a penny. Second of all, it starts to build up beneficiary's credit history (well, eventually, still need that SSN). Third, the beneficiary can't use the card to spend the petitioner's money anyway (thank you, Visa sanctions) 😂 But most importantly: it looks cool on any paperwork proving the mutual relationship! Wish I'd thought of this sooner!
  12. An update: the cruise line cleared us after providing a number of documents (internal passports, foreign (external) passports, bank statements, insurance / pension certificate - essentially as many links between name & date of birth & residence as possible showing we were outside of the sanctioned regions). But of course, they made us think that something was still required - note how "not" is missing where it's logically needed (red lettering). 😅 Something tells me I'm showing up at the airport with three pounds of paperwork when this is all said and done. Next step: Spanish Schengen denial appeal attempt #2 followed by visa application #2 🤣 <...> / <...>-2023 / <...> / 1-62046712433 Inbox RoyalGSR@rccl.com 2:44 PM (3 hours ago) to me Good day: We have received sufficient documentation for Trade Sanctions Requirements and have cleared the reservation for Trade Sanctions purposes. Please note Trade Sanctions documentation is required to sail however standard Visa and passport requirements may exist for the sailing depending on the itinerary and are independent of the Trade Sanctions requirements. For specific requirements consult with a Visa service or local consulates to verify document requirements for the sailing. Have a Royally Wonderful Day. Sincerely, Jessie Chinchilla Resolutions Project Coordinator Royal Caribbean International
  13. Just to clarify that while per instructions letter of intent is sufficient, there have been plenty of RFEs since September where much more evidence is requested. Yes, down to the circumstances of the wedding ceremony. I guess it comes down to how convincing we can be in saying "how can I plan something with this much uncertainty with my case"
  14. Likely not as those airline employees tend to get overrun quickly. It's also important to know as to which airline. E.g., Turks check everything at the check-in desk whereas Serbs rely on transfer desks.
  15. BLS International Services is a Hard No - Stay Away. Wish I could offer you a good one instead. Spain Visa Application Center - Moscow Map Address Kaluzhskaya square, 1,Build. 2, Moscow, 119049. Trade center “Europe”. Ground floor. Spain Visa application center Timings Passport Collection Time 12:00 to 16:00 hrs (Monday to Friday) Submission Time 09:00 to 16:00 hrs (Monday to Friday) Phone +7 (495) 189-00-61 Email info.dme@blshelpline.com ed@bls-vac.ru - for send additional documents
  16. A couple of learned tidbits for those working on Schengen visas, in our case, with Spain: - The national page of an Embassy / Consulate may contain much greater detail regarding documents required for visa application; for example, compare the sheer size difference between the Spanish ( https://www.exteriores.gob.es/Consulados/moscu/es/ServiciosConsulares/Paginas/index.aspx?scco=Rusia&scd=203&scca=Visados&scs=Visado+de+estancia+(visado+Schengen) ), English ( https://blsspain-russia.com/moscow/english/pdf/Harmonised_list_(English).pdf ) and Russian ( https://www.exteriores.gob.es/Consulados/moscu/ru/Paginas/index.aspx ) pages - Yes, it is possible to appeal, but only in person and yes additional documentation is possible to include. I'm sharing an e-mail from Spanish consulate because it contains information not found anywhere else on the Internet as of this posting - best I can tell: 24.01.2023, 08:51, ". Con. Moscu. Visados" <cog.moscu.vis@maec.es>: Добрый день, Причина отказа указана в уведомлении об отказе, которое было выдано Вам вместе с паспортом. Вы можете повторно подать документы на оформление визы, когда посчитаете это необходимым. Если вы желаете подать апелляцию на отказ по выдаче визы, рекомендуем Вам обратиться на сайт Генерального Консульства Испании в Москве, где вы найдете всю необходимую информацию о правилах подачи апелляции. https://www.exteriores.gob.es/Consulados/moscu/es/ServiciosConsulares/Paginas/index.aspx?scco=Rusia&scd=203&scca=Visados&scs=Visado+de+estancia+(visado+Schengen) Заявитель может подать апелляцию для повторного рассмотрения заявления в Консульство в течение 1 месяца со дня, следующего за днем получения уведомления об отказе. Апелляционное заявление должно быть составлено и подписано заявителем, в нем должна содержаться следующая информация: · Имя, фамилия, дата и место рождения, номер паспорта заявителя · Номер, указанный в уведомлении об отказе · Контактные данные, по которым можно связаться с заявителем (номер телефона, адрес электронной почты) · Подробное описание, почему, по мнению заявителя, отказ выдан необоснованно, описание цели поездки · Дополнительные документы, которые заявитель сочтет необходимыми для подкрепления своей аргументации Заграничные паспорта вместе с апелляционным заявлением подавать НЕ нужно. Все документы на аппеляцию предоставляются в печатном виде в визовый центр по месту подачи или напрямую в Генеральное Консульство Испании в Москве без предварительной записи. Срок рассмотрения апелляции составляет до 1 месяца с момента получения апелляции Консульством. Atentamente, / С уважением, Sección de visados Consulado General de España en Moscú E-mail : cog.moscu.vis@maec.es Teléfono: +7-495- 234 22 98 / +7-495-234 22 97 Fax: +7-495- 234 22 86 Stremianni Per. 31/1, 115054. MOSCÚ
  17. I stopped precise case count mid-May 2022. But that should be enough for you as well (you're 2.5 weeks ahead of me). I'm sure they know. Please play nice
  18. https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/data/Quarterly_All_Forms_FY2022_Q4.pdf That data is by now almost 4 months out-of-date. I estimate the next report to be out mid-February, covering October - December, 2022, and showing 16 months of processing time.
  19. I can't separate spousal visas from those for relatives (as relative visas are much longer than spousal), but overall I-130 wait is over 3 years as of September 30, 2022. I don't have October data, but in November there was another week of waiting added: those filing today have 3 years and 1 1/2 weeks to wait.
  20. Untouched - no. Unprocessed (so, potentially sitting with an active RFE or a Name/Date of Birth change) - 55,425, or about 22.5 months' worth.
  21. Yup. Here's the current balance. NOV21 2713 OCT21 1166 SEP21 551 AUG21 125
  22. Edit: You're a bit ahead of the first approval wave - it's around 11/10 - 11/14 Here's the most recent touched case I found - NOA1 from 11/10/2021: 2290017013 Additional RFE Sent 1/21/23 1/21/23
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