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Posts posted by wowswift

  1. I was blonde has a kid but my hair got darker as I got older and I didn't like it so I started colouring it.. I have coloured it all kinds of colours from blonde to dark brown..

    right now it is red.. hubby wanted me to go red and he even picked out the box of colour.. I actually like it ... :)

    that's so cute!

    I was scared because the colour was called "intense copper red" but I guess because my hair is kind of dark it didn't get as red as the box.. which I am happy about and hubby likes it too...

    lol i've been dying my hair that color for 10 years.

  2. Give it till Friday, but just keep emailing. They won't tell you anything for some reason, unless there is some secret number I didn't know about. took them 14 business days to approve my husband's visa after giving them what they needed. Seems to be about the current average. sometimes a little more.

  3. ok I'm bumping this cuz i have a weirdo question. my husband has a leverage loan that pays into RRSP. due to the crappy market, stopping the leverage loan is not an option. I know he has to claim his RRSP in the US in the future, no biggie...but is he even allowed to keep paying into RRSPs as a non-resident? And does this mean he has to file Canadian taxes forever?

  4. update for you user97, ours took 15 business days to approve. Sent everything on the 2nd, this monday asked for a case update via email, and today (the 19th) they said its approved. now have to wait for the passport.

  5. Progressive will cover you. Just start it on your moving date and print out the temp insurance cards. Doesn't have to be plated yet or have a DL for the state yet (since you have to show TX insurance before you can get your car inspected, registered and plated). Progressive also recognizes Canadian DLs, so you just put in that in your VIN number.

  6. k-1 and k-3? maybe.

    tell her to go book her medical, make sure she finds out everything she needs to bring to it.

    Oh...well she doesnt have her shot records so she might have to get them again...

    and what else does she have to bring? Her interview letter..thats about it right?

    i dunno if its different, husband had to bring three passport pics to the medical and money of course

  7. I got the 221g for domicile too on the 26th of november and faxed it in on dec. 2nd, so im not sure how long its going to take. she told us to either fax, email, or mail it in and it would take 2 weeks. but i didn't trust her time frame, and husband took his passport, though he was allowed to leave it. that has already been sent back in recently. im 10 days into waiting as of now. but i figured 3-4 weeks was more accurate.

  8. I don't think what he is doing is ok, but it seems to be his way of dealing with everything. Like someone else says, he is probably really feeling bad about himself sitting at home and not working, then add in moving to another country where you have no one to talk to, its gonna make some people a little crazy.

    I dunno what to say to help, cuz sounds like he is being unreasonable and won't listen, but maybe try getting some professional marriage counseling or since you're both religious, maybe talking to someone at the church. I really just think this is his reaction and is scared a bit and feels out of place. Maybe its his way of getting some control in the relationship, but you guys need to find a way to let each other know what you expect from each other in a marriage because him putting you down is never right. If he really has a problem, he needs to learn a better way to communicate what bothers him so you guys can have a calm and open discussion about it, without either of you feeling put down.

  9. Did you hand write in "present"? Husband forgot to put in the dates and thats why his was RFE'd. as far as police certs, nope don't need more. they were already supposed to be for all of canada

    Hi, and thanks for responding. I'm the one moving to the USA, and no, I didn't write present because it doesn't LET you write in present. Hand write? Sheesh. Sorry, I said I was RFE, nope it is a check list letter from NVC. I sure hope they didn't lose my police check. Grrrrrrrrrrrr. I can't believe one word would make such a difference. Should I write Ottawa and Toronto, since I live there only 2 and 3 months? The word PRESENT, I cannot believe this. Oh well. let me do it again. I will give them two copies just in case...


    RFE is the checklist letter. You don't have to write in Ottawa or Toronto. But write the from date you started wherever to present, that is the reason we had to send in part one back.

  10. Don't pay again, you paid a day to early. You can call but I did that too and it ended up sorting itself out on its own. Check to see if they took it out of your bank.

    wowsift, they have taken money from bank account.

    ok don't pay again. if they ask for the receipt you have it and proof they took it. they probably won't ask for it, but if by friday, it doesn't show as paid, i'd call and make sure.

  11. If it will make you feel even more comfortable, maybe get your doctor to write something about it and how you've been ok or get your medical history. They probably won't even ask, but even after the move, your medical history can be useful.

  12. Husband went to Seiden in Montreal. He was there a total of 4 and a half hours and only spent about 45 mins with the actual doctors. He said it was really busy but they do get your results back in 48 hours as they promise. And then you can either pick them up from them (they will hold it if you want) or pay to have it sent.

  13. Always US size. and they took two at the interview. I know costco can make them, and there is a place that does US passport photos on st. catherine street. in montreal right by the street that the consulate is on (alexandre).

  14. Yes, the nvc system asks for the three letters, you punch it in, then it will ask for the numbers

    and when she paid online, she can just go back to where she paid and there is a button to press to print out the barcode sheet. there should be four buttons, two are for receipt, one is to print and one to email, and two for the barcode sheet, one to print and one to email

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