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Posts posted by DanielParul

  1. They didn't take his passport, but the same interviewer didn't take anyone's passport. Another interviewer, however, asked her people for their passports. It was kind of like each interviewer was doing their own process. In a 'normal' visa interview in Morocco they congratulate you and call you in a week to come pick up your visa. I will wait it out. Thanks for your good wishes everyone.

    Not taking the passport may not mean anything. Sometimes the CO will not take the passport just because the interviewee has been put in AP and they do not know how long that will take. The Consulate cannot keep someone's passport indefinately. Once your fiance clears the AP, they will ask for his passport to put the visa in.

  2. he was and wasn't Brad. He would like us to believe he is sarcastic. In reality he is a racist, as are all phony liberals with low expectations of black and brown people, support of affirmative action and other programs to "protect the inferior races" They are the same ones that turned fire hoses on them 40 years ago and used the KKK as their radical domestic terrorist arm to promote their Democratic party segregationist theories.

    They have simply polished the ####### of racism to make it look good. He wants to "protect" the 4th amendment "right" of an illegal alien so the illegal alien can go to work tomorrow and provide increased profits for a greedy capitalist PIG roofing contractor. Or mow the lawn of a fat Democratic party contributor. If that 4th amendment protected illegal alien falls off the roof...too bad for him. Workman's comp is for white people like Mox, the brown ones can be sent back in a box and we can get a new one tomorrow at the Home Depot slave auction. It is disgusting, Brad.

    I won't even patronize a Home Depot in Vermont because they allow illegals to be auctioned on their property in Arizona, Texas, Mississippi and many other places.

    Go ahead, list off the programs the phony liberals support

    1. Minimum wage

    2. Workman's comp.

    3. Family and medical leave

    4. Universal health care

    5. Fair benefits, paid vacation, sick pay, holiday pay

    6. "Prevailing wage" requirements for contractors

    7, Housing safety to prevent "slumlords"

    8. Work standards for treatment of employees, rest periods, number of days which can be worked

    9. Occupational safety and health regulations <------ BIG!!!!!!

    10. Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid

    This is just a short list. NONE of these are available to working illegals, NONE. They cannot complain about it, they can do nothing about it. They are helpless to avoid being abused, exploited. There is nothing they can do and MOX is wanting us to believe he CARES if the cops ask to look at the illegal's green card? Are you kidding me?

    I mean, Brad, Mox supported the health care act which specifically excludes illegal aliens from coverage, but doesn;t want them sent back to their own country where they would have medcial that Mox supports for us? What the ####????

    The people that oppose laws to reduce the influx of illegal are racists, pure and simple. They see this new law as a way of cutting into their "right" to have people serve them at lower than normal wages and benefits so they can get their lawn mowed cheap, or a better price on a roofing job or cheap lettuce and onions. It is the most selfish, racist pigheaded position one can take. I cannot imagine a more blantantly racist position than wishing to keep good and decent people enslaved in a human trafficking industry for profit or political gain. It is revolting, nauseating.

    The people who are exploiting these poor human beings need to be put OUT OF BUSINESS, they need to have their property confiscated, they need to be put in prison. When we end the economic incetive for slavery, slavery will end. The slaves will freely walk home where they will be protected by their country's laws, healthcare plans (which they have had for many years longer than we have and they must be very good at healthcare by now)retirement prgrams, etc. All the things that FREE people enjoy and Mox wishes to deny to the brown people who are brought here by our slave conscription process.

    I have not seen it put better than this

  3. People can easily prove their legal status and move on, just as your wife can. It's called a green card. In most cases a valid driver's license or state issued ID would probably do. Or do you prefer the dead bodies keep piling up so no one is inconvenienced? It would seem many "brown people" want this law given the high percentage of people supporting the law.

    If illegals skip getting checked at the border as law requires, then they get checked on the street or in their car or wherever they're found. That's their choice when they sneak in uninvited. I'm sure people living near the Mexican border are tired of the drugs, kidnappings and murder. This is less about immigration and more about border crime. Anyone reading the news knows things are out of control.

    Skin color is not relevant, but where they come from is. Mexicans are the majority of illegals. Does that shock anyone given we share a border with Mexico? Can common sense ever enter into these discussions? This is the same political correctness that led the Army to ignore the Ft. Hood nut job until he killed 13 innocent people. Nobody wanted to offend a middle easterner.


  4. All,

    Need your opinion: if my fiance has his passport renewed ("reissued" in India's terminology), does he still need to get PCC, or will the one from the Passport Office suffice?

    In my opinion, technically, his passport was "issued" within the past 6 months, so he only need Passport Office clearance; however, I thought it better to check.



    The new passport is less than 6 months old tnen No. Police would have verified and given a clearance before they issued another passport.

  5. They are not as important as a mangalsutra according to Hindu customs but I think most people who exchange rings wear them most of the time if not all. All the people I know do atleast.

  6. What I don't understand is why are you willing to get him his GC and pay for every whim &fancy of his after the way he used you and treats you. There is a very thin line between being hopeful and being stupid in your situation. If he does not treat you right when you have the upper hand in this relationship what makes you think he will even care to be in touch with you once he takes what he needs from you. I am sorry to say this but all your posts about praying for you and him are not going to get you in a better situation. You need to act on the advice given here to save yourself and save some other poor woman who will fall for him and go through the same sh!t once he is done with you.

  7. You are giving ultimatiums to your husband without ever having met his family. I'm sorry, you don't "tell" your spouse to move away from his family because they might or might not act rudely to you. Marriage is a compromise and if his family are jerks you can chose not to be around them. You're getting all bent out of shape because of the "idea" that they don't like you, and putting your foot down abotu things that haven't happened yet.

    I think EVERY parent out there has a RIGHT to be concerned about any of us marrying someone from another country, particularly those of us who met online. Perhaps they just don't understand what is going on, maybe they think your English is not so great, maybe they have a hard time understanding accents, and just MAYBE the things your husband told you is true and they don't use the internet etc, maybe they are shy and have a hard time just picking up the phone and talking to a stranger.

    You should take a deep breath and rethink how defensive you're acting. They'll like you or they won't, but getting mad about it now is not the way to handle it. Furthermore, if it bothers you THIS much ask for their addresses and write them a letter. See what happens.


    Do not nag or give ultimatums. You can decide what kind of relationship you want with them. You have absolutely no right to decide what kind of relationship your husband has with his parents. If you are doing this then you are already starting on a bad note.

  8. Daniel's grandpa (he is the only family he has) never talked to me before I came here. The first time I met him though at their house, he seemed to relax and talked a lot with me. He had never had much interaction with an Indian before so he did not know how to start a conversation. We came home and he called us and told me to not call him by name but to call him grandpa. That was really sweet. Since then he calls us a lot more that he ever called D. He loves me and will even complain about Daniel to me. I get all the long stories, conversations, invitations, advices too. Why I am telling you this is because maybe they have not met you yet and are a little apprehensive. Don't sweat it too much. Once you are here, it might change. Although, I would suggest talking to your husband about it and finding out if its only apprehension about talking or are they not happy about your marriage. Prepare yourself accordingly. Get your husband to understand how you feel and that you want to have good relations with your inlaws but if it does not happen then he needs to be by your side and support you. Good Luck!

  9. What rika60607 says about taking your child from mother is "not true!" I divorced 2 different moms, and got total custody, in both cases of my 2 girls.

    My first daughter was 7 when I divorced her mother. Today, she is the CFO of an international company with a multi-million dollar annual salary. She knows she would not be this, if she had lived with her mother!

    My youngest daughter was 18 months when I divorced her mom. She just graduated college with a BS in Computer Science. Again, she knows that this is because her loving father raised her.

    To those that think a mother must always get custody of her children, even though the father may be the better parent, think of the Susan Smiths out there. Every day we here of some horrible case where a mother killed her children, because she did not want the loving father to have "her property!"

    If you are the better parent, then you should fight for the right to do right by your child.

    And, your wife can adjust her status, immediately after the divorce, with a waiver, if she can prove the marriage was not a scam! She doesn't even have to wait the 2 years!

    I agree with everything except AOS for your wife. She can't adjust status without playing the VAWA card so be careful in your dealings with her. Her parents being here already and her wanting a divorce now is a classic case of visa fraud. Maybe she is not updated on the fact that a USC child does not guarantee her any status in the US. Get a divorce lawyer involved, get your divorce, get your child and let her deal with her problems.

  10. Your I-129f petition was approved based on the fact that you met the criteria for having met atleast once in the past 2 years. Your fiancee's interview for her visa will be a different matter altogether and the more proof of ongoing relationship she has, the better. Your ticket, stamps on the passport are very important piece of evidence as a trip in january shows ongoing relationship. Send as much evidence as you can. Don't take the interview lightly. Good Luck!

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