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Posts posted by Tsup2

  1. I hope the author is up to date on his child support, has no liens on his property, is not delinquent in paying taxes or has a talkative ex-wife. The left will try to immediately discredit him because his opinion runs contrary to theirs.

  2. Having a child is a game changer. Although 59 is not old, do you really want to spend your 70's with a teenager who knows more about life than you do based on his/her limited life experience? If you think having a child will bring you and your wife closer and cement your relationship you could be sadly mistaken. You will likely be 2nd fiddle, with the needs of the child always having priority. Your child would not have the benefit of having your presence for most of his/her lifetime. Something to consider.

  3. You will need a civil surgeon to transcribe the vaccinations you received at St. Lukes on to the I-693 form. I used Dr. L. E. Arnold from Austin, TX. His fee is $20 and his office staff will explain everything to you over the phone. You do not need to live in Texas to use him.

    The phone number is (512) 444-3131

  4. Though New Jersey housing prices have been falling along with those in most of the rest of the country, Hughes said the state's housing market has not yet hit bottom.

    "We're only about halfway there on the price decline," he said.

    One reason for the prolonged decline, he said, is that New Jersey housing prices rose 135 percent between 1998 and 2006, far outpacing a comparable rise in income, and far ahead of the 85 percent rise in housing prices nationally.


  5. We waited until after marriage to apply for social security card and were told that we couldnt have one because the marriage invalidated her K1 status. They made us wait until we received her EAD. My advice would be to get the SS card while you are still a fiance. It will be marked "not valid for work purposes" until you get your EAD. But at least you will have a social security number and can file your taxes and open bank accounts.

  6. A cover letter is not necessary. I have filed 2 AOS packages and never included one and have been successful. Your EAD, AP and Green Card app all get processed separately. My hunch is that the "cover letter" is immediately discarded upon receipt. The guy in the mail room is not going to read it. Don't waste your time. Also you don't need to get fancy with presentation and fret about what types of fasteners to use. I used a stapler. Good luck.

  7. http://www.hg.org/article.asp?id=5031

    A desription of how the California divorce process works, from the filing of a divorce until the entry of judgment.

    The following information is designed to give the reader a general idea of how the average divorce proceeds. However, each divorce is a little different because of specific issues between the spouses.

    To begin a divorce in the state of California, one spouse must file a Petition . The person who files the Petition is the "Petitioner." The Divorce Petition must then be served.

    After the spouse is served, that person has 30 days to file a Response. This document tells the court that the Respondent wishes to participate in the divorce proceedings. The person who must file the Response is called the "Respondent."

    If the Respondent fails to file a Response within 30 days after being served with divorce paperwork, the case proceeds without the Respondent’s participation. The Petitioner prepares a judgment and submits it to the court. The Petitioner requests orders concerning custody, visitation, child support, spousal support, attorney fees, and division of property. Six months and one day after the Respondent is served, the divorce becomes final (this is called a "waiting period").

    If the Respondent files a Response, the parties exchange documents and other information about their property and incomes. This is called "Discovery." Discovery can be in the form of questions asked in persn (by deposition) or through written questions.

    If one or both of the parties need the court to make orders before trial. Either spouse may do so by filing an Order to Show Cause. Normally, the request will be for child custody, child visitation, child support, spousal support, attorney fees, or for a domestic violence restraining order. Each party appears in court and explains his/her position. The court then makes orders based upon the evidence.

    After discovery is comlete, one party will set the case for trial. Normally, the court will schedule a Mandatory Settlement Conference before trial. This is a date in the courtroom when both sides are ordered to appear with their attorneys and attempt to settle as many issues before the trial as they can. If they are able to settle the entire case, a Marital Settlement Agreement is drafted, and a judgment is drafted. Again, six months and one day after the Respondent was served, the divorce becomes final.

    At trial, each attorney presents evidence and arguments. The judge makes orders on all unresolved issues. The judgment is prepared and approved by the divorce attorneys and then submitted to the court. Once the judge signs the judgment and the six month waiting period has elapsed, the divorce becomes final.

    Even after the court signs the judgment, some orders can be modified. These include child support, custody, visitation, and usually spousal support. However, other orders can almost never be changed after the judgment is entered, these include orders dividing property, and orders awarding attorney fees.

  8. Plenty of blame to go around for the mess in Washington. Obama is tapping in to all the discontent to get himself elected. But he is not the cure. His "hope and change" mantra is nothing but empty promises. If he is elected you wont see universal health care, the war in Iraq end, or fiscal responsibility. What you will see is an expansion of government, higher taxes, inflation and more unemployment. He has never voted against his party and has never demonstrated an ability to bring people together for change. Wake up people. Don't vote with your emotions. Look at the facts.

  9. The other day in my continuing and relentless pursuit of being a good husband I was giving my wife some laundry tips. I informed her that the cap on the fabric softener is purposely made large by the company that sells it so that you use more and end up buying more. She then informed me that whenever she washes clothes she fills up the cap 4 times so that the clothes smell better. I was wondering why we were buying so much fabric softener.

  10. The I-134 form is the Affidavit of Support for the K1 Visa. Your fiance has to sign the form in front of a notary and have the notary witness his signature and attach their seal to the form. Your lawyer will prepare the form and send it to your husband so he can do the notary part. Your Fiance can bring the form to you once it is notarized.

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