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Posts posted by smore

  1. On 10/21/2023 at 7:36 AM, IWander said:


    Generally speaking, if you are eligible to file either petition TODAY the spouse visa is a couple months faster.  If you are eligible to file the I129f today but not the I130 then you should factor in the time it takes to actually complete the marriage process and get all needed documents from the PI.  This will add a significant amount of time to the spouse visa and may tip the speed scale in favor of the k1.  


    Speed is only one factor to make your visa decision on and in my mind not the most important one.

    I agree about speed is not the most important factor. What each other are comfortable with is the main factor. I just wanted to know so I am informed on which might be faster, than of course education on the differences, requirements, etc is needed which I am learning about. Its just trying to get all the info possible to make informed choices. But again I agree speed is not the most important factor.

  2. On 10/18/2023 at 11:33 PM, RO_AH said:

    This would have been good to know. I was trying to get you to understand that the license takes 2 weeks to get which if you were getting married on the same trip would need to be 3 weeks (to be safe). Since you said you don't plan to get married your first trip, (thank god) in might be a good idea to apply for a marriage license while you are there and it would take 2 weeks to get. You don't be there when she gets it and you have to use it. But then again if you decide to go CR1 route (which is a much better option IMO) and if you go back and use it it would mean that you could do it in a 1 week trip.

    Sorry sometimes one cannot write all the details, try to keep messages a bit short, so sorry the full details were not there. But yes I agree with what you said about perhaps applying for certificate while there if CR-1 is decided on. Its something to think about for sure. Being prepared for options is important.

  3. On 10/13/2023 at 6:04 AM, Redro said:

    Listen to @RO_AH he has ample experience in this area. 

    Have your partner research requirements before you head over to see her. Especially if you plan to do a religious wedding (get married) during your first visit. 

    Friend might have been talking about Utah Marriage. So, ask your partner to get specifics on how they got married so quickly. 

    I really think with all the difficulties in the past, you might be better off going the K1 visa route and hiring a service to help you with the paperwork. 

    But as always, you should discuss this with your partner. Maybe even research the possibility of moving to the Philippines and living there for a few years. 

    Living together in the US really isn't the only solution to being together. 


    Her friend did a PH catholic church wedding. There were hurdles they had to overcome and her friend provided her with a checklist to try and help prevent any issues they had. I agree she needs to research requirements and I am trying to do so as well, but I really cannot verify if what I find is accurate to where she is. Her friend did not get married quickly, I do not believe I mentioned that, but the actual paperwork part did not take 3 weeks, they did the paperwork, than about 4 months later he returned for marriage. But still they had issues and hurdles with requirements, her friend is trying to advice her of this so the same mistakes are not made.


    Because of her faith she is set on marriage in PH, Me I like the K1 route better, gives a bit more time to be together, plan, etc. The end result still is marriage. But when I bring up K1 she just does not like that idea.

  4. On 10/12/2023 at 7:08 PM, RO_AH said:

    I really really try to help you, but you make it very hard sometimes. I have been there done that. You will need 3 weeks. Whenever a Pinay says "they said" or "my friend said" you can't take it as fact. Ask her to go to her Municipal/LCR and get the facts on what she needs to marry a foreigner. Write them down and then have the person that she is speaking to read what she wrote and confirm that it is all correct. Once you plan this out you cannot afford a mistake. Thinking you can do this in 2 weeks is a major mistake.

    I do appreciate your help and believe me I take the help in and process it, but also when you have various other info coming at you often its difficult to decipher which way things are. But I appreciate your help because its part of the process to get educated so I can try and decipher things. She did sent me a checklist from her recent friends wedding to a foreigner, that gave me some insight and she also talked about the delays and mistakes her friend made which costs them time. I like the idea you suggested of her going to her Municipal/LCR and get the facts on what she needs to marry a foreigner, me having that info is very important to me understanding this. That is if the CR1 is the way in which things will go. K1 to me seems a better option.

  5. 16 hours ago, RO_AH said:

    Don't believe them. it takes 10 business days just to get the marriage license, counting weekends, that's already 2 weeks. Plus there are not too many, if any churches that will marry people without going through their premarital counseling and other hoops they make you jump through.

    She has not mentioned a 2 week wait time, she just had a friend do this process with a foreigner and there was not such a wait time, maybe a wait time to receive it, but a wedding would not take place until months of planning later so waiting for the document is not an issue. I also have learned about some of the counseling churches require, but I have also learned they can be done virtually and its a very common practice to attend them virtually.

  6. 18 hours ago, W199 said:

    Because there is a 2 week wait just to get the marriage license while you wait in the Philippines, everything is slow at best.  Google how to get a married in the Philippines for more details.



    She has not mentioned a 2 week wait time, she just had a friend do this process with a foreigner and there was not such a wait time, maybe a wait time to receive it, but a wedding would not take place until months of planning later so waiting for the document is not an issue. Google is sometimes not your friend, lots of conflicting info, old info, confusing info, info that is always changing. So sometimes its difficult to learn things through doing searches.

  7. 1 minute ago, Boiler said:

    Marry during the first visit apart from being not a good idea is not a good idea from an Immigration perspective.

    Oh no I am not marring on first visit, thats not part of any idea we have. Just preparing and thinking about future things. Maybe propose, but no intention of marrying on first visit.

  8. 5 hours ago, Redro said:

    Same women you’ve been speaking to for years @smore or a new woman? If the same I would probably go with K1 over marriage after several visits. As it has taken so long for the initial visit, several visits to the Philippines make take quite a few years… Unless you want to have religious ceremony in her hometown  so her family can witness the event. 
    Definitely discuss with her your long term goals as a couple. It might sound unromantic but all the advice on VJ isn’t going to help you figure out what is best for your relationship. Only the two of you can make that determination. 
    Good luck! And when are you going over to visit? 


    Not same. We do want religious ceremony with her family. We have been very upfront about our long term goals, who we seek, what we want, what we expect out of a partner. Its nice to be able to express these things and be on the same page.  I agree we need to figure out whats best for use and some of these conversations are very serious ones but they need to happen and she welcomes those serious conversations. I am hoping 4-6 months. Working with travel agent now to help figure out best, quickest flights from my location as it can be a bit tricky.

  9. 6 hours ago, W199 said:

    Plus several months at least after that to get the marriage certificate needed to file for the CR-1.  Plus the time until you acually return to get married. Thats why I said if you want a church wedding a K-1 is going to be faster if all you care about is the time until she gets to the USA.  But this whole topic is way premature since you haven't met her yet, except for my post above for what you need to do on your next trip, as a bare minimum, just in case you do decide to file for a K-1 after you meet.   You could even prepare her 2x2 photo and intent letters while you are there to make it easier.  



    Sounds like after the wedding it would take a bit of time to get the certificate to even file for the CR-1. It does sound like its been decided if we do marry, and I say if because of course we are still getting to know each other that we would do the CR-1. This is just thinking of things if things keep going great, but reality is yes we have to meet and wait and see, but a bit of thinking about future is ok, especially in this case where the government controls the timeline and being prepared is very important to save time or at least be the best prepared.

  10. 18 hours ago, RO_AH said:

    It will be a 3 week trip if you marry there. Just something to consider.

    Why a 3 week trip. I knew of someone who married there and they were there just less than 2 weeks. Of course they had all the paperwork, wedding was planned, etc. They had the wedding and a small vacation afterwards.

  11. 20 hours ago, Lemonslice said:

    I suggest you meet in person first.  I remember your previous posts and I think it's not your first virtual relationship.  As much as there can be virtual chemistry, some things, you will only know/see/observe/feel in person.  Try to spend as much time together as possible. 

    Of course we will be meeting in person, but we do have a great connection going and we are just trying to be proactive and plan because given the process if we connect in person we would want to keep moving forward and be prepared. Its all just planning of course, ideas, etc, because we certainly need to meet in person and spend time together to see if that connection remains. But a bit of preparation and knowing how the process goes can save us alot of time as well.

  12. 21 hours ago, W199 said:

    Unfortunately you don't know what you don't know so you can't really appreciate the advice others have giving you international relationships and cultural differences that can distort what kind of relationship you really have.


    But in anycase, you are right about being proactive.  When you go there, make sure at the airport you take photos of the boarding passes, and then photos of yourself with her, and photos of you with her and her family, and maybe her with her friends.

    And note the date, and location of each photo. You'll need this for the K-1.

    And since you want a Church wedding, not a Utah wedding, the fastest thing to get her to USA given what you described will definately be the K-1 as long as you don't mind the disadvantages of it. 


    Finally, given how much you don't know, and your confusion, I would recommend you use a professional agency. 

    Its going to save you a HUGE amount of time and confusion and mis-information on the internet through the whole journey.

    Thats what i did .. I used a agency that specializes in Filipino K-1 and CR-1, thats mostly all the do, it was the best $600 I spent. I'm not here to advertise for them, I just think you need it .. you can google to find them or send me PM .. and then you can call them for a free consult and decide for yourself.

    Yes I agree being proactive is the way to go, and as detailed as possible because after all the government is standing in the way of us being together and we don't want any increased time. It does appear we have decided against the K1 and for the CR-1, just a what each other was comfortable with thing, being we want church wedding, and our religious beliefs and such.


    Thanks for the advise on the professional agency, yes there is lots of confusion on the internet and I don't want to make mistakes which will only cost us more time. I had heard lawyers are very expensive, but for 600.00 as you mentioned its best to deal with less headaches and guessing and hoping your filling things out right.

  13. 2 minutes ago, IWander said:


    This is not so comparable to a domestic relationship it is so much more than just getting to know her, don't forget you also have a new culture to get your head around.


    The saying is you don't just marry a Filipina, you marry the entire family and do not underestimate that dynamic cuz if you don't it will likely have a negative impact on your relationship.

    I agree its not very comparable. I do agree alot to learn about the culture. We are of same religion so our values aline alot. I like the culture, the family aspect of the culture there. So I welcome getting to know the culture, the family, etc.

  14. 30 minutes ago, IWander said:

    Agreed, i went to the Philippines 5 times before we went for the visa.  I can't imagine doing it on the first.

    I guess everyone has a different amount of time needed, same here in USA many get married soon and others take a long time. I think its all about how you feel, right now we are still building that foundation, but we are also trying to prepare for future also if things continue to go well, esp after meeting. We both are not getting any younger, we both are older and want to be able to enjoy being together. We both know what we want.

  15. 30 minutes ago, IWander said:

    Better is a relative term.  There are positives and negatives to either visa you just need to figure out your priorities and decise. 


    My wife came as a k1 and we do not have any regrets as her ability to immediately work or travel was not a priority.

    Yes I agree we will have to discuss our priorities, wants, needs, etc. But this gives me some info to present and than opens up the communication. Feels weird to have to plan things out like this, but than again overseas is not a normal relationship process and I am learning to adapt to how its very different.

  16. 29 minutes ago, RO_AH said:

    If you want the fastest, then when you go there to meet, schedule a Utah wedding while you are there. Not something I would recommend because if you are planning to spend a lifetime together, a week or two of in person time is not near enough "together" time.

    We both want a church wedding, because of our religions. So as much as we do want to find the fastest process which will result in marriage either way, we also need to be patient as well with whatever visa we choose and also follow our own wants and wishes as well. We mainly will spend time together, verifying what we feel for one another, than plan another trip for marriage, unless the K1 becomes an option we choose.

  17. 28 minutes ago, RO_AH said:

    I am almost always quote something in particular when responding. If I mistook what you meant when you said it was so confusing after @Crazy Cat posted factual information, I apologize. Searching aimlessly on Google can definitely get confusing. Half of my job is searching Google so you get good at targeting your search terms but even for me it can lead me to a lot of incorrect answers.

    Yes the searches on google come up with many results and alot of conflicting and confusing info. Even when I set the timeline on google to only current info like a month ago it still results in so many results and conflicting and confusing info. That is why I figured I better ask the question here to get some real life data and current data. Its helped to get an idea of a timeline. Wish the timelines where not so long for either, the end result is to be together married, just 2 ways to go about it and sounds like both are now about the same time frame, just one a bit quicker, but not by that much. It gives us something to discuss as we plan. Its to bad we have to plan things and discuss things like this in a relationship, talking about how to go about waiting for the government to decide on our being together timeline. But it is the way it is, but being prepared should help hopefully with a smooth as possible process.

  18. 7 minutes ago, IWander said:

    You need to lay out a timeline of both and figure out which one will finish quicker then.  Spousal petitions are about 2 months faster to clear the USCIS.  Do you have sufficient information to file the the I129f today?  How soon can you get over the the PI to get married.  You need to figure this out and put this on the front end of the timeline.

    Have not met in person yet, have that planned. So cannot file the K1 yet. But we are just thinking what is best if all goes well when we meet, would K1 be better or return for marriage and than file spousal. Just kicking around ideas and thoughts, trying to be proactive and all, both of us are trying to be proactive.

  19. 2 minutes ago, IWander said:

    Are you only interested in the time to visa or the time to greencard (all other differences ignored)?   


    If you are eligible to file the I129f today, then theoretically speed to visa is the k1 because besides the immigration process you must also include the time it takes to get married (marriage process will undoubtedly add a few to several months).  If speed to greencard is what you need then the IR/CR visa wins hands down.


    Time to visa, basically the time to actually being together in person, whether thats already married, or from 0-90 days in that time frame. Its tough being apart and trying to enjoy lifes events while apart so time to visa and actually being together is important.

  20. 5 minutes ago, RO_AH said:

    Maybe, but in my opinion CR1 should be prioritized over K-1. CR1 you are petitioning an actual family member and K1 you are petitioning a possible family member.

    Yes I agree with this. Your already married and it should be prioritized and also not take long at all to process, I mean come on your already married, why the long wait to approve anything.

  21. 3 minutes ago, RO_AH said:

    Not really difficult. What @Crazy Cat posted are actual cases. These are not "he said, she said" results. If you trust the other sites, why ask here? If you trust here, why ask there? Are you looking for what you want to hear or are you looking for factual information. If it's factual information you are looking for, @Crazy Cat provided it above.

    I don't trust the other sites? Not sure why you would think I trusted the other sites, hence why I posted the question here to get some actual results and feedback. I never asked on other sites, these were search results in google from a variety of sites including law firms, other visa information sites, etc, a wide variety of sites, hence why I did not trust the information as being current and accurate. I am not sure you read into things each time I ask a question and go WAY OFF in left field when nothing in my question or responses suggests what you are referring to. I do appreciate any and all advise or info.


    Thanks Crazy Cat you helped me out alot with the chart and also the added info. Thanks again.

  22. 16 minutes ago, Crazy Cat said:

    Here is a quick, preliminary little snippet of the VJ timeline query I just did for PI.  Note the filing to interview times.  These samples seem to have been updated over the last few months.  According to these samples, spousal visa appears to be a little faster.  The overall average for all countries are reported by other VJ members is:

    K-1 from filing to interview: 579 Days

    CR1 from filing to interview: 550 Days






    Every couple has their own priorities, and each couple must decide which visa is better for their situation.

      More expensive than CR-1
      Requires Adjustment of Status after marriage (expensive and requires a lot of paperwork)
      Spouse can not leave the US until she/he receives approved Advance Parole (approx 6-8 months) 
      Spouse can not work until she/he receives EAD (approx 6-8 months) 
      Some people have had problems with driver licenses, Social Security cards, leases, bank account during this period 
      Spouse will not receive Green Card for many months after Adjustment of Status is filed.
      A K-1 might be a better choice when 18-21 year old children are immigrating also
      In some situations, marriage can affect certain Home country benefits, making a K-1 a better choice 
      A denied K-1 is sent back to USCIS to expire
      K-1 entrant cannot file for citizenship until after having Green Card for 3 years.
      Once an I-129F has been approved, delaying the case is difficult to impossible if the need arises.

      Less expensive than K-1 
      No Adjustment of Status(I-485, I-131, I-765) required. 
      Spouse can immediately travel outside the US 
      Spouse is authorized to work immediately upon arrival. 
      Spouse receives Social Security Card and Green Card within 2 or 3 weeks after entering the US 
      Opening a bank account, getting a driver's license, etc. are very easily accomplished with GC, SS card, and passport.
      Spouse has legal permanent Resident status IMMEDIATELY upon entry to US.
      The clock for citizenship filing starts immediately upon entry to the US.
      A CR-1/IR-1 case can be delayed indefinitely at NVC if the need arises. 


    Thanks for all your help and the screen shots of the results with just PH, I did see these tables but some was just confusing. So thank you again for a bit of clarification and pointing out things. So the one column to interview is that a good estimate on time or is there sometime after the interview also in which they need to decide? I did see some high 300s on those results and that would be nice to be in that time frame instead of the 500s or 600s. I know this is a loaded question with perhaps unknown answers but I wonder why the difference in times from couple to couple is, what makes for a shorter time?


    I agree every couple has their own priorities, and each couple must decide which visa is better for their situation. I am trying to gather all the info to have a conversation about.


    Again thanks for your help, many sites say K1 is much quicker, and other sites say CR-1/IR-1 is quicker, so its very difficult to really know. From the tables it does appear they are very close to amount of time and CR-1/IR-1 being quicker with better situation when arriving as you had listed. Its just strange how things flipped around where CR-1/IR-1 is now quicker than K1.

  23. 3 minutes ago, Crazy Cat said:

    Do a little searching in the timelines section of Visa Journey.  You can sort by country and visa type.



    I will have to try that again and see, it just gets confusing on there, was hoping for some reason world experiences from recently and currently. Its just when you read things and search for things you get so many results and information, some sources say K1 is quicker while other sources say spousal. Some say due to covid spousal has flipped to being the quicker option, while others still say K1 still is.

  24. 3 minutes ago, IWander said:

    Have you looked at the USCIS case processing times?

    I sort of have but it can get a bit confusing. I did see there are a few links to data on here, but again sometimes a bit difficult to decipher. I am mainly interested in of course PH to USA and also the end amount of time, the total amount of time. Some real world data, experiences also helps.

  25. I know there is debate about this and everyone has had past and current experiences. But I am asking about currently which is a quicker method to actually being able to be together in the United States. I know covid thru everything off, extended the process time for both K1 and spousal visas. Does anyone have any factual data on current amount of time for each type of Visa?

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