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Everything posted by K_&_A

  1. Sorry, just saw this! He is in Cairo/Giza so not close to Luxor or Hurghada unfortunately I sure am hoping that 8/2 will be our day!! I check my email multiple times a day regardless *just in case* it comes a little earlier... wishful thinking! lol yep, i'm hoping august is the last time i'll have to visit him before i can bring him home sounds like that'll be september for you ❤️ I did some sleuthing yesterday and found a person on FB that the embassy in Egypt received the case for around the beginning of May-ish and in another post they wrote that they have an interview scheduled at the embassy for in August so it sounds like its about ~2.5-3 months wait time for interview after the embassy receives the case or after the NVC shows the case as "ready", which from my understanding means that is when the embassy received the case (please correct me if i am wrong). either way this seems to align with some of the other posts i've been seeing about ~2-3 months for an interview date after embassy receives it. but again, just kinda guessing here from the little information i can find
  2. oh no... November? i was hoping it would be a little faster than that as it shows that they've only handed out a handful of K1 visas in June and May. In any case, if all goes well, we might be with our loved ones by the end of the year. My NOA2 was a day after yours 6/17, so it looks like we are in this together. I am visiting my fiance next month so I'm definitely doing what you did and taking these things to him then :). I follow/talk to a few folks here and on FB to try to get any sort of info/timeline. It had been looking like interviews are usually scheduled about ~2 months from the time the consulate sends out the first email. We should definitely follow each other and share any new info with each other! This waiting game has been very difficult and having a rough idea of when it might come to an end can make us feel better
  3. I appreciate you sharing your understanding with me! It helped me understand some of it a little better. This is exactly why I ask.. because I also saw folks saying they received notices on a Friday so that is actually where all of my confusion started. There have been at least 2 people in the May 2021 filer Facebook group that shared that they received their notice yesterday and also one user on VisaJourney in this thread here: and I quote: "NOA 1, April 26 NOA 2, June the 17th NVC case number today July 19" I might've been wrong about Monday as I can't seem to find the posts on FB right now but I have for certain seen a few stating they received their number yesterday. Thank you for your insight!
  4. very good questions! I'd like to know the same about what that means. If our NOA2 was before July 6, that means that the NVC has already created our case (based on their statement)? If our cases are already created, are they just sitting there at NVC waiting to be sent out to the embassy then? Additionally, am I understanding correctly that the NVC only emails people with their case numbers every other Monday and Tuesday (they just sent out emails with case numbers to some people yesterday and Monday (7/18 and 7/19), next emails should come out on August 1 and 2 if this is true) or are those just the days that the NVC sends the cases to the embassies and we could potentially receive an email with the NVC case number on any given weekday (including Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)? Thirdly, does NVC only email you the case number once the case is sent to the embassy or could it be while the case is still at NVC waiting to be sent out? (looking for recent, not historical/typical detail here) I am unable to find a clear answer on these questions so my apologies if this has already been answered elsewhere.
  5. I'm May 13 and I got my NOA2 3 weeks ago. edit: Sorry disregard, I do not fall within the range you are asking about.
  6. Hello all, Does anyone happen to know or have heard about what the current interview times look like at the embassy in Egypt? We are (hopefully) nearing our NOA2 date (NOA1 May 2021) and would like to try to make a rough guesstimate of the remaining timeline. Any insight is appreciated! Thanks
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