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Posts posted by Steph1973

  1. That class-action suit is starting to look real attractive now...

    Anyone who can at least find out about it...maybe we'll actually get somewhere?


    He told me that we would had a better chance if we got married first. All the lawyers I previously spoke to said the opposite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:

    Wait what?

    Does that mean we're SOL? :huh:


  2. Sorry it my words got twisted by others, but I would never advise anyone to lie during this process. Have him be honest, but not VOLUNTEER any additional info that would make him look risky. Good luck!

    Steph, no one is twisting your words. It just appeared that you had said that the best option was to lie. Which is never the best option. Saying that you are there to see friends and family isn't exactly the truth. The truth would be to say, 'I am here to see my fiancee'

    I apologise if I misread what you said.

    They seem to only turn people away if they have been on lots of visits within a short period of time. If you have enough evidence to prove that you are going home, it's usually ok.

    But on the other hand, I suppose it depends on who you get on the day. No-one is guaranteed to get in anyway.

    Never said to lie. As I stated earlier, I don't advise you do this. Maybe I should have used a different word then "friends". A mistake on my part. Replace "friends" with "fiance".

    I bet there will be a whole flood of NOA2s. Consider this...maybe VSC is not updating the website or sending out the NOA2 notices. Maybe they have already been processed but they are lagging behind in getting the word out. Stay optomistic...I bet it's coming soon for all you VSC filers! :thumbs: Who knows what's going on.

    It took us 142 days from the say we mailed it to be approved. We were approved Monday 10/08 from CSC.

    I can see being optimistic if you are a CSC, TSC, or NSC filer, but not VSC filers. As I said in a previous post:

    "A friend of mine told me today that his lawyer said that the VSC does not expect to get to any until at or after the 6 month point because of other "priorities." You guys better keep writing elected officials, USCIS, the ombudsman, etc...it is a hell of a lot more productive than coming on here and making excuses for them or being patient. Don't be patient, act now before we all get abused by them more."

    By the way, I checked with the NVC and they confirmed there is nothing from VSC sent to them and VSC is not having system update problems as occurred at CSC a few times.

    I am calling a lawyer today to look into what can be done if anything.

  3. hi i am new to this forum and am also a june filer. my fiance is coming in to visit for a couple months this weekend and i had a question maybe someone can answer. we are both pretty nervous about him getting past immigration since i have already filed the visa. the reason why he is coming is we just had a baby in august and he has yet to meet her!! does anyone know if mentioning this to the officer can hurt or help getting past? should he just keep his mouth shut about it?

    Please don´t lie to them. It could make it worse. Answer what they ask and be honest. Take some proof with you that you have the intention to go back to your country. Good luck :thumbs:

    Also, they know that u r on a k1 visa. It's in the computer system and this is known by the immigration officer.

    Actually, i'm not sure that they do know that unless you have told them on a previous visit

    THey do know it. My fiance came through JFK this summer and the immigration lady knew about his k1 before he even mentioned it. I believe when they cash in ur money, the names get put on the computer.

    You are right, they do know, that is why you shouldn't lie. You should be casual and say you are visiting friends and family and leave it at that. If you give them reason to believe that you won't be getting on a plane back they could turn you away. My fiance got stopped-believe me.

    thank you all so much for your input...

    i'm not sure either if they will know we've applied for the visa since they don't have his passport number and there very well could be other people with his name.

    but i agree however it is better not to lie..his best bet will probably only offer information of what is asked of him. and they have no reason to ask if he has a child here.

    Sorry it my words got twisted by others, but I would never advise anyone to lie during this process. Have him be honest, but not VOLUNTEER any additional info that would make him look risky. Good luck!

  4. hi i am new to this forum and am also a june filer. my fiance is coming in to visit for a couple months this weekend and i had a question maybe someone can answer. we are both pretty nervous about him getting past immigration since i have already filed the visa. the reason why he is coming is we just had a baby in august and he has yet to meet her!! does anyone know if mentioning this to the officer can hurt or help getting past? should he just keep his mouth shut about it?

    It is very important to be sure to NOT tell them he is waiting on a fiance visa. The reason to turn someone away is if they feel there is reason that they are at risk of staying illegally. A child is definitely a reason and they will find him a risk. Whatever he does he should NOT tell them about seeing his kid, you or anything. If asked he should say he is there for a vacation to visit friends.

    Only offer the minimum information. If they don't ask then don't make a point of mentioning it. But whatever you do, do not lie. I recommend that he says that he is coming to see you. Not friends.

    Sorry Steph, but I don't think telling someone to lie is very good advice at all.

    I didn't say to lie, I said not to mention that he is hear to see friends (meaning his fiance & family), but not to mention anything about a child. I agree that you should not lie. I wouldn't tell someone to do that!

    hi i am new to this forum and am also a june filer. my fiance is coming in to visit for a couple months this weekend and i had a question maybe someone can answer. we are both pretty nervous about him getting past immigration since i have already filed the visa. the reason why he is coming is we just had a baby in august and he has yet to meet her!! does anyone know if mentioning this to the officer can hurt or help getting past? should he just keep his mouth shut about it?

    Please don´t lie to them. It could make it worse. Answer what they ask and be honest. Take some proof with you that you have the intention to go back to your country. Good luck :thumbs:

    I didn't say to lie.

  5. hi i am new to this forum and am also a june filer. my fiance is coming in to visit for a couple months this weekend and i had a question maybe someone can answer. we are both pretty nervous about him getting past immigration since i have already filed the visa. the reason why he is coming is we just had a baby in august and he has yet to meet her!! does anyone know if mentioning this to the officer can hurt or help getting past? should he just keep his mouth shut about it?

    It is very important to be sure to NOT tell them he is waiting on a fiance visa. The reason to turn someone away is if they feel there is reason that they are at risk of staying illegally. A child is definitely a reason and they will find him a risk. Whatever he does he should NOT tell them about seeing his kid, you or anything. If asked he should say he is there for a vacation to visit friends.


    A June filer approved from Vermont....WOW.....Maybe us May filers really did get a very lazy officer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS GOING ON??????

    I am going to call USCIS today to see whether "the office is open".

    I think it's closed... :crying:

    Yes, its closed. So I really do not have patience for the system saying they are doing all they can when they take a day off. I am at work today and I do not have the future of someone's life in my hands. LAZY and MISMANAGED-ALL OF THEM!

  7. I have a question for anybody who can answer it for me. I've already emailed some lawyers but they just give you ####### info until you pay them a fortune..

    My fiancee is in panama and is a panamanian. However, Her mother is british, so she holds both a panama and a british passport. Now for panamanians to come to america they need to obtain a visa thus going thru the system like us. However, Brits don't need a visa and they can come here for that 90 days or so time period.

    My question is: Do you think my fiancee can travel to america on her british passport as a tourist. Would this hurt the chances of her being granted a fiancee visa when the time comes? I'm kinda scared because i'm planning on going through the panama system rather than British because she IS panamanian.

    Would be good to have your input. Thanks ... and i really hope this is the week... its starting to be depressing..lol..


    My fiance is from England. He used his tourist visa a couple times-flew in the country for 3 months, went back for a few weeks then came back on another tourist visa and flew back to England again. The third time he tried to use a tourist visa they stopped him and here we are.... At that point, we filed for a fiance visa and now we wait...

    I have a question for anybody who can answer it for me. I've already emailed some lawyers but they just give you ####### info until you pay them a fortune..

    My fiancee is in panama and is a panamanian. However, Her mother is british, so she holds both a panama and a british passport. Now for panamanians to come to america they need to obtain a visa thus going thru the system like us. However, Brits don't need a visa and they can come here for that 90 days or so time period.

    My question is: Do you think my fiancee can travel to america on her british passport as a tourist. Would this hurt the chances of her being granted a fiancee visa when the time comes? I'm kinda scared because i'm planning on going through the panama system rather than British because she IS panamanian.

    Would be good to have your input. Thanks ... and i really hope this is the week... its starting to be depressing..lol..


    I can tell you one thing for sure. If my wait goes ONE DAY OVER 6 months I am hiring a lawyer right away. I am sick of this government just doing what they want without any regard for its citizens.


    I wanted to share my news with you all....that we received our NOA 2 in the post last saturday :) !!! So far I was only a quiet reader of this thread because I think my english isn't so well yet :P .

    We were already approved like it seems on october 2nd. That is the date which stands on the NOA 2 letter. The only thing is that i didn't received an e-mail before and when i look at our online status it still says case received and pending :huh: . But we had it in the mail!!!! And our NOA 1 date was june 25th.

    I have no idea why it went so fast for us. We are a normal couple like so many other here. I feel a little bad for that when i see that so many people who had filed before us are still waiting!

    But I am also very very happy and maybe this will be a sign that it goes on also for all the june filers ;) !

    I wish you all the best and a lot more approvals for this week !!!!


  8. I actually thought the same thing. Call me immature, but I also thought that they shouldn't get a gift for CRAPPY WORK! The fact that we have to bribe them to actually do the right thing is disgusting, but its the way of the world I guess.

    I'd never call you immature, because I understand the response, but as I've said before - just because they're not working on OUR petitions doesn't mean they're not working at all, and I'd be willing to wager a rather hefty sum that they're actually all over-worked rather than the opposite... see it not as a bribe, but as something to lift their spirits ;)

    Good point. They really just need to hire more people. I don't wish that job on anyone...

  9. yes, but it sort of falls flat if it never gets past the mailing room because it's thrown away ;)

    I actually thought the same thing. Call me immature, but I also thought that they shouldn't get a gift for CRAPPY WORK! The fact that we have to bribe them to actually do the right thing is disgusting, but its the way of the world I guess.

    By the way, letter to Oprah will be going out today!!! I also wrote to my senators, et al, but have gotten NO RESPONSES from them. I will be emailing them again reminding them of election time.

    I am DEFINITELY up for a March. I think we will get a lot more people on board once it is organized. People sometimes shy away until the organizational bit is done and they just have to show up. I think it would be great!

    What can I do????

    Has it come to the government prioritizing work over family???

    Come to? Where have you been? Money has been more important than family in this country for longer than I've been alive. (which is only 18 years of course ;)) Look around.....

    Yes, you are right. Bad choice of words!!!

  10. amrssnowangel,

    Thanks for sharing that article and web page.

    Unbelievable how many things are working against us right now...300,000 high-skilled-employment VISAs, other VISAs with less processing goal times, US commitment to process 1,000 Iraqis into the US each month this fiscal year, AOS requests, our inflated 6 month goal, etc etc...

    I sure am glad, (sarcasm of course) Satish Kumar is happy with the Government handling of VISAs because I sure am not...“It reinforced my belief in the American way of government,” said Satish Kumar, 31, a visa applicant who is a software programmer from India working for a California technology company.

    I could care less what some immigrant worker already living in our country thinks...what happened to taking care of our own citizens and our ability to be with our loved ones??? What a load of BS!!! :ranting:

    I must admit that I am really starting to get scared. How long will this take...a year??? What are we supposed to do?

    Employment visas should be put on hold indefinitely until family visas are taken care of. Has it come to the government prioritizing work over family??? We have the people in this country that can do the same jobs. There is nothing spectacular about the skills of these people-give me a break! Familys need to be together. That is priority one. Why are family visas the first thing to get cast aside for something else?? Work visa? refugees? I am really scared. :(

  11. I'm facing something similar. I can't go back to visit my fiance until maybe February and it makes me feel even more sad. I'm trying to be happy and he keeps reminding me to be faithful. I'm not being very successful I must admit. Please, Please God, make a miracle happen and send my Bassi home for Christmas.

    dont worry my friend, the time flies when you keep busy! i remember when i came to the terrible realization that i wouldnt be seeing my baby for 6 1/2 months...i couldnt even fathom such a long time because prior to this current seperation we had only been seperated for a maximum of 4 months...i didnt think i could go any longer...we have just now reached the 4 month seperation mark and only 2 1/2 more to go! im getting pretty close, right?! lol dont sweat it, you'll be together soon enough, and very soon you will be together forever! how wonderful...i know that both you and i simply cannot wait =) hang in there troops


    I saw a quote in the kitchen at work today that said " Worrying doesn't lessen tomorrow's troubles but it does lessen today's strength." Isn't that deep? I like it. So I wrote it on a sticky pad and put it on my computer next to my pic of my daughter and my fiance. (soon I won't be able to see the screen to work) :thumbs: I'm tryin'!

    Hang in there. It is going to happen for us. It will.

  12. I found this story while browsing immigration laws the other day. It's on the process of legal immigration and how much it sucks:


    Basically the average american seems concerned about 'illegals' coming in. So, if we can pitch our story as "This is why there are so many illegals... because THE PROCESS SUCKS and is MISMANAGED like everything else in the government right now" then we have a story that MIGHT catch the eye of the major networks.

    Basically any sensational (remember.. journalism doesn't care about facts anymore) story about "This is where YOUR tax-money is wasted and THIS is why so many illegals are circumventing the system" to cause anger and fear in the viewer and then pan the camera to one of us crying and pining our fiancee, in order to get the 'emotional porn' factor into the story, we _may_ just have a the perfect story that one of the major news networks would put up. :idea:

    Hell.. we should just make our own video news story. As long as it's minimal cost to them, has high emotional but little news content, they'll take it!


    Not to discourage anyone relative to contacting the media however, I would be very surprised if any one of the producers at MSNBC took an interest in this particular topic relative to VSC. I understand that VSC is a nightmare, been there done that and posted it in the RFE thread, however VSC will back themselves up with "they are in the posted time frame".

    If you are interested in the media route I would try CBS Evening News as the first step. They are National and they have a segment on the 6:30 Evening News entitled "Eye on America". A few years back I did an interview for that segment entitled "The War at Home".

    Keep in mind that before any reputable journalist or producer takes on a story you need to provide them with concrete proof (not just in words) that there is a problem. Although we are protected under the Constitution of the United States relative to Free Speech and Freedom of the Press...we are ultimately a law suit happy Country. I think to some it is an instant guarenteed lottery!

    Your best bet is to start with your Representatives Office. Demand that as a constituent you want your concerns addressed or you will be looking at a new candidate at election time. Remember they work for youyou do not work for them. Your hard earned money pays their salary. My favorite to use "my time is valuable yet I took the time out of my already busy schedule to vote, as my representative can return this in kind by taking the time to address any concerns that I may have".

    You may also want to research those Senators that are taking an interest in Immigration Policy, Practices and Procedures......

    starting with the Library of Congress....


    http://immigrationforum.org/DesktopDefault...amp;topicid=678 FYI

    http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/immigration/ FYI


    On an ending note..it took over four months for our NOA2 but as I have said at the end of the day the material point is regardless of the wait (as hard as it is) we will ultimately be together.

    *todays disclaimer....to tired from work to care about any typos ;)*


  13. Hahaha! Sorry Empr :blush: I thought about it after I posted it...I just want to see some approvals from VSC!!! :D

    Come on!!!! Be good to us VSC!!!

    I think you scared us all!!!!! I stopped breathing for a bit! I did check my email and NOTHING!!!! I am thinking of calling again. I think i might have an issue with calling too much. when was the last time you called?

    Sorry!! Well, I called today and before that like 2 weeks ago..... :(

    Ah, don't do that! i got sooo excited!!!!! Hopefully you will be able to type that for real very soon!! Hopefully all of us will! :blink:

  14. Actually i did try one time and i got one of the operators who reads of a paper saying that they are within the 6 month period and i am not there yet....i told her how i was told it was with an officer and her answer was..." well, my computer does not show that"...i havent called cause i dont want to snap on anyone!

    It is extremely ridiculous. For those of you that are soooo close it is even more painful. I am just throwing my hands in the air and expecting my STUPID NOA2 in December which is the 6 month period because they can't get there ###### together. :wacko:

  15. Yo, what's up? Just found out about this site from another retired military buddy of mine. Sure is some bullshit how the VSC is providing us ####### service. Sure is looking like we will not be having Christmas with our future better halves since it is October now already and hell the way the NOA2s aren't getting from VSC to and out of VSC timely, not to mention the embassy wait for the interview. Unfreakenbelievable!!! I've got to keep it real and not candycoat this. Damn, we had so many plans for Christmas too. Anyway, good luck to ya'll. I see some of you have been waiting longer than me...unreal.

    Well, I just booked another trip to England for a million dollars. UGH-VSC is going to make me go bankrupt!!!!! It is worth every penny to see Darren, but geez....if they would only HURR Y UP!!!!!!!!!!

    I figure those of us that filed in mid june have about another month to wait for noa2's. So..........I plan to print off more evidence. Create a list of things we need to do as soon as that precious email arrives..plan my next trip for the interview...lose weight...make him cookies and a care package...and think of ways to "persuade" VCS to hustle it up....heheheeh

    Ohh, maybe find a cheerleading outfit to match those pink pom pom smiley's....ohh..umm not a sight for anyone to want to see....ughhh... :whistle:

    All good things. I sent off a care package this past Friday: books, magazines, cookies, hershey kisses, etc. I have been trying to lose weight and will continue. Treadmill tonight! Although without Darren around I find myself wanting to eart everything! I also did some research on what I need to put together for the next steps once I get the approval. What I didn't realize is, your fiance will need his police record from EVERYWHERE he lived since he turned 16. I am glad I reread everything this weekend.

  16. Yo, what's up? Just found out about this site from another retired military buddy of mine. Sure is some bullshit how the VSC is providing us ####### service. Sure is looking like we will not be having Christmas with our future better halves since it is October now already and hell the way the NOA2s aren't getting from VSC to and out of VSC timely, not to mention the embassy wait for the interview. Unfreakenbelievable!!! I've got to keep it real and not candycoat this. Damn, we had so many plans for Christmas too. Anyway, good luck to ya'll. I see some of you have been waiting longer than me...unreal.

    Well, I just booked another trip to England for a million dollars. UGH-VSC is going to make me go bankrupt!!!!! It is worth every penny to see Darren, but geez....if they would only HURR Y UP!!!!!!!!!!



    shai (L) wil

    we'll as you all know I have just returned from vietnam,two weeks ago! Now I just received notice that Iam laid off from work. So did my unemployment orientation and will receive 500.00 a week from unemployment. Just booked My flight today so I will go to vietnam and live with her until this whole journey is finished. my noa1 was may 1st It would be nice to have my noa2 by this thursday, this is when I leave, Yes I waist no time! hehe good luck to everyone this week and weeks to come, wish us luck, your friends Chris and Tu

    Don't you need to show that you can support your fiance for approval? I thought about quitting my job and going to England to wait with him, but thought I couldn't because I needed to have employment. Does anyone know?

    If you are not employed you need a co-sponsor who meets the poverty guidelines.

    Great, thanks.



    shai (L) wil

    we'll as you all know I have just returned from vietnam,two weeks ago! Now I just received notice that Iam laid off from work. So did my unemployment orientation and will receive 500.00 a week from unemployment. Just booked My flight today so I will go to vietnam and live with her until this whole journey is finished. my noa1 was may 1st It would be nice to have my noa2 by this thursday, this is when I leave, Yes I waist no time! hehe good luck to everyone this week and weeks to come, wish us luck, your friends Chris and Tu

    Don't you need to show that you can support your fiance for approval? I thought about quitting my job and going to England to wait with him, but thought I couldn't because I needed to have employment. Does anyone know?

  19. hi again,

    does anyone have the phone number for the VSC?


    VSC RFE trick



    Enter receipt #

    Then press 1 to verify that is correct, 1.

    thanks so much... the lady told me they are working on May 21st (i saw those posted previously as well)... my NOA1 is dated May 31st... and i have had no touches at all... i hope some good news comes soooooon! :thumbs:

    Wow...! So it´s true....

    yes...definitely true... i hope we all have some good news next week...because i can't take it anymore... :crying:

    I hear ya. I am reaching my boiling point.

  20. hi again,

    does anyone have the phone number for the VSC?


    VSC RFE trick



    Enter receipt #

    Then press 1 to verify that is correct, 1.

    thanks so much... the lady told me they are working on May 21st (i saw those posted previously as well)... my NOA1 is dated May 31st... and i have had no touches at all... i hope some good news comes soooooon! :thumbs:

    Wow...! So it´s true....

    Ah, great news to start the weekend with (and a great way to end a crappy week)!!!! :dance:

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