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Posts posted by Steph1973

  1. Mirla sweety i am praying for you....you and Pat deserve this so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As for my lawyer, I think im going to leave her on the case but i already know everything that has to be done so im going to do it....I'm going to give it to next week then im going to call VSC and see where i stand....once i know that the petiotion went to the NVC, i will start calling them to get my case number for the embassy and then get the date that they send the petition to Bogota, Colombia and track the DHL package through the system....then i fax the necessary forms to the embassy and send them through courier also....once that is done i wait a few days and then i should have an interview date! I hope....ami missing anything?

    Dump her. She is an idiot. In addition to that, I would definitely send a letter explaining her incompetence to some venue so people are warned before using her services. I am not sure where you go to complain about services, but I would look.

  2. Holy #######!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess wHat???!!?? Pat just called using the RFE trick!!!! Damn!!! the officer told him that they just opened my case, today the 24th and that we should be hearing something within 14 days!!!!! oh my god!!! Please everyone pray for my petition, for no RFE's and for a quick approval please!!!!!!!!!! we've been away from each other since June last year while I was in NY for almost 6 months and he came to visit me after a whole year this past June!!!!!! Please pray for this nigthmare to be over ASAP!!!!!!

    FINALLY!!!!! Hopefully yours will be one of those 15 minute approvals and you'll get the email later today or tomorrow!!!! Good luck Mirla!!! We're all cheering for you!!!! :dance::dance::dance:

    Oh my God!!!!!!! I really hope sooooo!!!!!! When Pat texted me saying Call me.....I called him and first thing he said the case has been opened today the 24th!!! I started screaming of happiness...hahaha! I can imagine what would I do when I get my approval!!!!! Like I told him, at least now we know what is going on with the case!!!!!

    That is FANTASTIC. You must feel so much better. Weird that it would take them 14 days to approve one petition, but whatever. They are working on yours now! WOOHOO.

  3. Yes Byron stay strong, look at my timeline i also got an RFE after many months. At least you know whats going on, just make sure you send it back as fast as possible.

    Good luck


    ####### is a service enquiry??? Pat just called using the RFE trick and explained our situation that we've been waiting and the fuckin lady told him that they don't know anything about the case, that we have to wait and that she will fill a service enquiry???

    It just means they are $**^& idiots. She obviously didn't know what she was talking about (shocker). Don't let it throw you.

    Can I just say that I flew in from England last night and I took one look at the U.S. Immigration people and it took everything in my power not to start ranting. I know they have absolutely NOTHING to do with my process, but it didn't matter. I realized I just hate all of them for being associated with it. :blink: Actually, it was quite funny. They asked me if I was in England for business or pleasure and I told them it was none of their business. HELLO-I LIVE HERE!

  4. Hi all! Well it seems like its been slow today but are you calling? Pete? Mirla? Anything? I hope Byron comes back and gives us good news! Tehy need to appove April & May already!!!

    I just called the NVC and my case went off to the embassy... they also gave me a new case # (as Zee said they would). My question is can I use this # to track when the consulate receives? Meaning does the web have a feature where you enter your new Case # and get answers. Just wondering. Not that it helped much when I entered my case on the uscis site! ok, still bitter... sorry :)

    Perhaps, I should search these answers on another thread but I dont want to leave you guys :no:

    I'm not sure about tracking your case online once it has left NVC. Once it leaves you are in the embassy's hands.

    You may want to see if the embassy has a system set up where you can track it online.

    Good luck :)

    Thanks Zee... I just wondered how people obtained the "consulate received date" thats why I thought you could track it. Again, thanks for all you help. And best of luck on you tentative plans :) I am too afraid to make any plans myself.

    I was away until today visiting my So in England so I wasn't able to say CONGRATULATIONS until now. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I see VSC is up to their normal self today -- nothing...

    Damn, I get so pissed when I come on here and see zero approvals day in and day out. My hatred for the system seems to expand each day, just when I thought I could not possibly hate it any more than I do.

    Good luck May and earlier filers...we need to get out of the way for these June and after folks.

    I am looking forward to hearing from Mirla and Byron on whether they recieved any info.

  6. Processing time is different depending on countries. Some countries take super super long time until interview dates. Some couples have been waiting almost a year and other couples got visa within 6 months. It depends. Also processing time at USCIS varies. Each case is different. We are not marrying the same person. Everyone is different. So, just extending the estimate time does not apply to everyone.

    It seems you are downplaying the terrible service we are getting. We will see how you feel and the tone of your posts after you have been waiting 4, 5, 6 or more months for your NOA2. As I said earlier, don't wait until it is too late to help yourself, write your elected officials and media now! Here are the minimum points to make:

    The system is not fair. The 6 months is not reasonable when added to all the other times for steps in the process to be apart from your loved one, as is the prioritization of work visas over K1/K3 visas and the fact that USCIS does not let you pay for and get 15-day premium processing like many other types of visas. Don't wait...do it for you and your loved one now.

    NO ONE is disagreeing with you that this takes too long. Her point is that the total amount of time it takes varies. EVERYONE agrees we should do everything we can by writing to the appropriate people.

  7. So Bill, tell me...why CANT i stay [positive...out of those here...you'd think I'd have the RIGHT to be negative...

    Sorry if I offended anyone or you Bill. I just sometimes dont understand why you can't just be positive. We are all realistic here..we KNOW the wait times we are looking at. Just TRY for once to see the glass as half full and NOT half empty.

    You have every right to be positive, and I don't think Bill was telling you to be negative. But he and others have every right to be negative or realistic or however people choose to see it, as much as every other person has a right to be positive. I'm not trying to attack you personally, amrssnowangel, I'm just trying to say that there are people on this board with different needs. Personally, I find it hard to listen to the constant cheering for VSC when the pace is barely moving... but I wouldn't want to discourage people from doing that or trying to be positive about it because that is what they need to do. I just read on and try to take from it what I can.

    ...I appreciate the realism from those presenting it in our thread...the May folks represent the most senior members in the thread and have suffered the longest. If the baby is ugly, it's an ugly baby no matter how you look at it. VSC is an ugly baby. Approving 1 person in how long isn't such great service to us...there is no rationalization that helps our situation. They (USCIS as an entity) is failing us--dishing out terrible service to US citizens is a disgrace to the US. On top of that, this process is for many of our loved ones, their first impression of our country. What an awful representation...disgusting actually.

    LOL, wonderful analogy.

    I agree with you 100%. Not everyone can react the way someone else wants them to. Everyone has different needs, and it is not harder for some than others.

    So Bill, tell me...why CANT i stay [positive...out of those here...you'd think I'd have the RIGHT to be negative...

    Sorry if I offended anyone or you Bill. I just sometimes dont understand why you can't just be positive. We are all realistic here..we KNOW the wait times we are looking at. Just TRY for once to see the glass as half full and NOT half empty.

    You have every right to be positive, and I don't think Bill was telling you to be negative. But he and others have every right to be negative or realistic or however people choose to see it, as much as every other person has a right to be positive. I'm not trying to attack you personally, amrssnowangel, I'm just trying to say that there are people on this board with different needs. Personally, I find it hard to listen to the constant cheering for VSC when the pace is barely moving... but I wouldn't want to discourage people from doing that or trying to be positive about it because that is what they need to do. I just read on and try to take from it what I can.

    ...I appreciate the realism from those presenting it in our thread...the May folks represent the most senior members in the thread and have suffered the longest. If the baby is ugly, it's an ugly baby no matter how you look at it. VSC is an ugly baby. Approving 1 person in how long isn't such great service to us...there is no rationalization that helps our situation. They (USCIS as an entity) is failing us--dishing out terrible service to US citizens is a disgrace to the US. On top of that, this process is for many of our loved ones, their first impression of our country. What an awful representation...disgusting actually.

    LOL, wonderful analogy.

    I was certainly not trying to chase anybody from our thread, but I am just as sick of hearing people root for VSC as they are of hearing me criticize them. When it is time for me to root and be happy I will...that day won't come until VSC proves to me that they are treating us reasonably and timely. I am not only down on them because I have been waiting since May, but I am also considering the impact this will have and is having on the July, August, etc etc filers until they get their ####### together. I know that most of us complaining the loudest are also doing all we can do outside of VJs to influence a positive change; writing congressmen in and out of our states, writing USCIS and DHS officials, media, etc, etc. We need to channel all our energy into turning the USCIS negative trend around and not use it to cheer for them while they give us atrocious service. I agree to be hopeful that eventually it will come, but I see nothing wrong with sharing our frustration and teaming to influence positive change.

    I actually wish amrssnowangel the best with her loved one and hope they are together sooner rather than later.

    I think it's an ugly baby personally, but IMO there is a little men are from mars women are from venus thing going on here... i.e., seems women like the cheering on vsc? men a little more demanding?


    hehe, are you kidding. I can't seem to bash them enough. :whistle:

  8. I know this wait is hard on everyone..lets keep positive. VCS is working....remember....we have far fewer petitions filed (on VJ) than CSC...so if we only have 25% of their approvals, we are on track. Its not how MANY CSC approves...its the percentage in relation to over all petitions filed we need to watch.

    CSC in the last 6 months took in 481 K1 Petitions. While VCS took in only 130. We have only hold 27% of the total visas filed in the 2 centers....soooo

    in the month of October they've had 49 approvals. VCS has had 7. So the percentage of our approvals compared to theirs is almost 15%. A bit behind but not by much....only 7 or so petition difference. Bearing in mind..MOST of those CSC'ers approved sent their petitions IN May and waited longer for noa1...so even if noa1 is JUNE..they waited since MAY for this just like some of us here...hang in there...it will turn around soon.

    VSC is working? Barely. And at a pace that will result in all of us waiting a very long time for our approvals. You have been telling everyone that it will turn around soon for months. I guess eventually you will be right but it has not happened yet.

    VSC has 27 VJ K1 petitions sent in May that still need to be processed. Since the first of October they have approved .35 VJ K1 petitions per day. Do the math.

    I will feel positive when I see some positive results. As of now all I see is VSC dribbling out approvals at a pace that will put them farther and farther behind.

    Well, I think its unfair to say that VSC is barely working. You might want to clarify that they are barely working on many I-129f petitions, but they are working on something. Its really sad, since VSC was known and envied for its speedy approvals. Something has happened to decimate that productivity. As much as many of us say, "If I worked there, it would be different", I doubt that's true. They are told how work is to be prioritized, whether they agree with the directive or not. I hope that adjudicators will soon be allowed to begin focusing on our petitons, cos I am just as frustrated as the rest of you guys.

    You are right. I assume they are working their little tails off on something. Unfortunately it is not the things that are of primary concern to this group.

    Just in case there is any confusion, there is nothing in my post that attacked the adjudicators. I assume most people realize that the prioritization decisions are made by management and not by individual adjudicators.

    Everyone needs to realize that, even if it didn't happen in the above post, some days people will take it out on the adjudicators. We are stressed people. If that makes us feel better so be it. It isn't personal. We have frustrations and we need to vent them. We have ZERO control over any other part of this mess. Let us at least be able to do that once in awhile without judgement. No one needs it. Ok-I said my piece. :)

  9. I know this wait is hard on everyone..lets keep positive. VCS is working....remember....we have far fewer petitions filed (on VJ) than CSC...so if we only have 25% of their approvals, we are on track. Its not how MANY CSC approves...its the percentage in relation to over all petitions filed we need to watch.

    CSC in the last 6 months took in 481 K1 Petitions. While VCS took in only 130. We have only hold 27% of the total visas filed in the 2 centers....soooo

    in the month of October they've had 49 approvals. VCS has had 7. So the percentage of our approvals compared to theirs is almost 15%. A bit behind but not by much....only 7 or so petition difference. Bearing in mind..MOST of those CSC'ers approved sent their petitions IN May and waited longer for noa1...so even if noa1 is JUNE..they waited since MAY for this just like some of us here...hang in there...it will turn around soon.


    Do to the backlog at VSC, can't they send their K1/K3 visas to CSC? Didn't they send a lot of visas to the Vermont Service Center when they were backed up?

    By the way, I also agree calling the service center is a complete waste of time. The reps have no idea what they are talking about and it just pisses me off more. :wacko:

  10. Hey!

    I saw that some of you were wondering about why we got approved so fast . And i can only answer...I have no idea! My fiance is not in the military, we didn't send any nude pics :P:D , we didn't contact a congressman. Actually we did nothing exept waiting. And we were also prepared for a much longer waiting.

    I can only explain it that we maybe had a very good organized petition, a lot of proofs and we both had no "complications" in our past, like previous marriages, children, a lot of relocations and so on. Or maybe we just had luck :) .

    And ja, you are also right that everything is in the moment very fast for us. I have already received the pack 3 from the embassy in Germany.

    I hope this helps a little bit!

    I really wish you all that you will get approved soon as well! I know how frustrating it is :( .

    Congratulations to you. I am glad you didn't have to wait and you can get going with your new life! :dance:

  11. I see VSC is still treating us like ####### and so far CSC has already cranked out 11 NOA2s to VSC's 0. Damn, this is insane. How did we get to this point where the government treats us (US Citizens) like #######. Even the IRS provides better service than this. Big business is ruling America as shown in Employment VISAs given much faster processing times and even offered 15-day premium processing as well to thrown sand in our faces. They make me want to puke. :angry:

    Big business and government are in bed together. This will take years to change, if ever. Makes me sick!

  12. Alright, I just called my lawyer and I'm kinda scared about contacting Pat's congressman. I told him that some friends had recommended me to contact Pat's congressman if we don't hear anything from USCIS by the 6 months timeframe.....and he said that it could work or it could delay things more cause USCIS doesn't like when applicants get congressman involved with this, he said he wouldn't do that. So I was very pissed off and just wanted to get off the phone cause we payed him for nothing.....anyways, I asked him very straight, what do you recommend us? He said, Wait for the notice and don't send any letters.

    The @sshole said that in case USCIS exceed the 6 months, they will let us know and I asked if he has any idea for how long more could that be in case it happens...and you know what he said!?!!? I don't know, I'm not the government, it's up to USCIS.....

    MOFO! :angry:

    Now, I don't know what to do......I only hope I get my NOA2 ASAP!!!!!

    FIRE HIM! You just paid for that useless phone call.

    Fire him!!?? I wish...We paid him in May to do our process......it will be useless to hire another lawyer.....

    Oh, so you pay them for the entire process up front? Ah, gotcha. Didn't realize that. Lawyers are almost as bad as the government. :help:

  13. Alright, I just called my lawyer and I'm kinda scared about contacting Pat's congressman. I told him that some friends had recommended me to contact Pat's congressman if we don't hear anything from USCIS by the 6 months timeframe.....and he said that it could work or it could delay things more cause USCIS doesn't like when applicants get congressman involved with this, he said he wouldn't do that. So I was very pissed off and just wanted to get off the phone cause we payed him for nothing.....anyways, I asked him very straight, what do you recommend us? He said, Wait for the notice and don't send any letters.

    The @sshole said that in case USCIS exceed the 6 months, they will let us know and I asked if he has any idea for how long more could that be in case it happens...and you know what he said!?!!? I don't know, I'm not the government, it's up to USCIS.....

    MOFO! :angry:

    Now, I don't know what to do......I only hope I get my NOA2 ASAP!!!!!

    FIRE HIM! You just paid for that useless phone call.

  14. Awhile back I had written a letter to the NYC Public Advocate (Betsy Gotbaum). They passed it on to another person (Ralph Perfetto, Ombudsman) who wrote a letter on my behalf to:

    Andrea J Quarantillo, Director

    US Citizenship & Immigration Service

    26 Federal Plaza, Room 14-102

    New York, NY 10278

    Now I've received a form letter with checkboxes from that same NY address as above, saying I need to provide:

    "The alien registration number, if any, of the beneficiary."

    Does anyone have any idea what this number might be? I looked at my NOA1 hardcopy but it doesn't seem to say anything about this. Any ideas?

    You don't have one yet. You can't register if you don't even have permission to enter the country as an alien yet. They suck! Stupid bureaucracy!

    Oh man! Stupid catch 22!!

    well, thanks for the info. :)

    God, there are ###### idiots!

  15. They probably sent in nudes (photos). jk

    Does anyone know why BridUSA (Luva & The Skinny Viking) is on the fast track? I want to get on that track also!

    Sent date: 6/21

    NOA2: 10/2

    NVC received petition from VSC: 10/9

    Consulate received package from NVC: 10/12

    Received package 3: 10/16

    IF you want to know..email them and ask...simple as that..maybe he's miltary...maybe there is extenduating issues...maybe they did a request for expidite....maybe congressional intervention...ask...

    But according to their own admission, they don't have any idea why they were so quickly approved.

    So even if we email them and ask, they will probably say the same thing, right?

    I agree. It appears that they just happened to get into the right adjudicator's box of files at the right time.

    Good for them. I am glad they are approved. Lets hope all of us get into the right hands as well. We need those may filiers approved! LETS GO ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Ugh, I wish I could just speed up time and have my NO2. I have so long to wait still.....

    I leave for England tomorrow night for the weekend. I will only be there a couple days, but it is better than not at all.

    Have a good time. I've been wanting to go to Ghana but can only afford to go for a weekend myself and feel like spending $1000 for a weekend is much too extravagant for my middle class budget. I really miss my Bassi though..... :( Maybe I can live vicariously through your weekend with your sweetie.

    Thanks. Yes, I can see why you would think $1000 is a lot for a weekend. It is. Will you be able to make it for Christmas?

  17. I saw a post from Cory and Ann who got their NOA2 from VSC on Oct 8. France

    That's good news too. I don't remember them being posted here for approval.

    I'm about at the 4 month mark. I think my senator is Hilary Clinton. I wonder if that's a waste of time. She's preoccupied.

    She may be preoccupied, but she also needs to be elected. i would work that angle and take advantage.

    I agree with Steph...

    Ugh, I wish I could just speed up time and have my NO2. I have so long to wait still.....

    I leave for England tomorrow night for the weekend. I will only be there a couple days, but it is better than not at all.

  18. I saw a post from Cory and Ann who got their NOA2 from VSC on Oct 8. France

    That's good news too. I don't remember them being posted here for approval.

    I'm about at the 4 month mark. I think my senator is Hilary Clinton. I wonder if that's a waste of time. She's preoccupied.

    She may be preoccupied, but she also needs to be elected. i would work that angle and take advantage.

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