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Everything posted by pazzee

  1. I’ve seen other people post a similar situation on reddit. I would just go to the appointment and bring that form with you. Good luck and keep us updated!
  2. Thank you so much. It’s been a rough almost two years since feeling like the rug had been pulled out from underneath me. I was reviewing our immigration files the other day and came across the pictures we submitted and letters of affidavit from our friends and family attesting to our relationship and broke down crying. They were such beautiful and hopeful letters. I’m looking forward to citizenship and finally moving on and hope to never have to look at those again. Should I bring those files? Or at this point am I just providing evidence of our divorce?
  3. No to both. I filed and it was an uncontested divorce. The topic of kids is actually what led to the divorce. I had always wanted them and thought she was on board. We had expressed to each other how we wanted to use a sperm donor or adopt while we were dating and through most of the marriage but nothing was really concrete at the time. I admit, I was more enthusiastic about starting a family than she. When the pandemic hit and we were both wfh I really got into researching both options seriously and began discussing timelines , steps required and finances. Eventually, our discussions revealed pandemic-life had made her realize she didn’t want children anymore and she would rather work remotely and travel with me as much as possible. She’s currently pursuing polish citizenship to get that coveted EU passport. Before she and I started dating, she was a bit of a global nomad so this wasn’t totally out of left field for her or some sort of pandemic-induced mid-life crisis but I thought it was something she had put behind her. Now I look back and I wonder if *I* and our little home life was her mid-life crisis and now she’s back to baseline.
  4. My interview is in a little under two weeks. I am filing for citizenship under the 5 year rule. My GC is marriage based. Got married in December 2016. Received 2-year green card in June 2017. Applied for removal of conditions sometime in 2019 and it was approved in September of 2020 and got my 10-year gc. We ended up filing for divorce in January 2021 and it was finalized in March 2021. I applied for the N400 on June 24. I got my interview notice for a September 20 interview. What do I bring other than the interview letter, my green card, divorce decree and passport? Selective service doesn’t apply to me. I was planning on bringing our old marriage certificate. Do I need to bring my ex’s birth certificate? We are still cordial so I would ask her for it but she’s been backpacking in Europe for the past 4 months and will not be back in the US until early October. She would probably be ok with her dad letting me in to get it from her place. My documents from my I-751 are digitized so I can easily print them out and bring them with me, but will they even be needed? It’s about 150 pages of evidence of the marriage plus the application and cover letter. I also have a physical copy of the I-130 she applied for me and my I-485 somewhere in my files that I can bring too. That packet was significantly smaller. Should I bring evidence of the dissolution of our marriage? I can print out texts back and forth between and us when we were discussing separating and the state of our relationship and the change in her plans for the future. I want to come in and be prepared but I also don’t wan’t to overwhelm myself with too much paperwork.
  5. Just curious if anyone had their N400 interview and Oath the same day in recent times? Thanks!
  6. Thank you! That makes sense. I’m already planning my outfit! lol. Also plan on studying for the civics portion and reviewing my application, of course, but I think of the fun part first. 😃
  7. My notice said this. I was worried because my current passport doesn’t show my entry into the US (no stamp, no I-94). But like Mike E said, it won’t matter. All good!
  8. Thank you. I emailed a lawyer I used in the past and asked how much it would cost to ask a question about the notice. She said she doesn’t do that but offered to represent me at the interview and prepare me for it. Retainer of $1000 and she estimates a total cost of $1500. LOL. I’d rather go to the interview, be denied, learn from the officer my mistake and reapply for $700.
  9. Hi All, I received my notice of scheduled citizenship interview. The letter states I must bring my passport and evidence of entries into the US. I have one entry into the US in 1990. It was stapled to my old Philippines passport. When I renewed my way over-expired passport at the Philippines consulate here in Chicago a couple years ago, they kept my old one and gave me a new one in its place. I did take pictures of my old passport and the I-94 and have those saved. For my interview, can I just use printed pictures of my old passport showing my entry? Along with my current passport, of course. I wanted to ask here in case this is a basic, common question with a straightforward answer. Otherwise I will call an immigration attorney. Thanks!
  10. Just wanted to update my timeline. Interview scheduled for September 20, 2022
  11. Filed online. N-400 June 24/2022 NOA1-June 24/2022 Bio reuse -June 24/2022 Chicago field office
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