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  1. Like
    sandinista! got a reaction from Nasturtium in K1 question?   
    She would be fine in regards to "the rules", but what the consulate thinks of long gaps is entirely up to their discretion and whims. People get denials all the time over things over things that are technically ok per the rules, but raise big red flags for the interviewer when assessing relationship authenticity.
    OP--It's another piece of the bigger picture, and the significance of the long gaps between visits is going to depend on you and your fiance's own unique relationship details. There's not a big, generic pie chart that you can plug different scenarios into and find within a tenth of a percent how big of a piece that issue is. I'm of the "more time knowing each other is really good and important" vs "going and spending a month with a guy after chatting online for 4 months is ideal" school of thought, but there is a wide range of opinion on that here.
    I had long gaps in between visits and a long gap in between when i first started talking to my then fiancé, and first meeting in person. It worked for us, with the other aspects of our relationship. I had spent a grand total of of 13 days in morocco when we filed, but my husband had letters and such dating back over 3 years to bring to his interview.
  2. Like
    sandinista! reacted to Ban Hammer in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    having reviewed the thread, two individuals have now been thread banned for continuing to instigate drama after my earlier warning to cease and desist.

    more can follow those two out the door if the bickering continues.
  3. Like
    sandinista! reacted to Mithra in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    Please quote one post that was degrading to your SO personally. Not one person, aside from yourself, knows your SO so I'm really not sure how it's possible that someone degraded him. If you mean that people mentioned that SOME young Arab guys are scam artists, yes SOME are but that's not degrading anyone that's stating a fact. No one said your guy is a scammer. No one here knows him to say he is. People are simply telling you to be cautious and take your time. I'm not sure how that's bad advice. I would advise someone to do that even with an American guy.
  4. Like
    sandinista! reacted to Mithra in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    Like momof1 mentioned, waiting for the visa even if it takes a long while is really nothing in the grand scheme of things. My husband and I are 6.5 years post visa issuance and arrival to the US. We were apart for 2.5 years between meeting each other, getting married, and waiting for the visa. The wait was difficult. I cried and whined and complained. 6.5 years later I look back and think, what the hell was I crying, whining, and complaining about? It seems like forever ago. We've lived so much life since then. We've been through tough times and joyous times. We've lived apart due to work. We've had a child together and now have another on the way. We've almost ended things a few times the first 4 or so years. All of that makes the visa process look like a cake walk, easy peazy. So success is not living in two different countries while waiting for a visa and it's not getting the visa. It's living day to day life and making things work even when it would be easier to go your seperate ways. I'm not saying our life is always hard but there were hard times that certainly blow waiting for a visa out of the water. I'm also not saying our marriage is a success because we're both still breathing and anything can happen at any time to f things up.
    And for the record, YOU are more focused on the visa as a sign of success than most others in this thread.
  5. Like
    sandinista! reacted to berber_wife in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    And of course the old, tired generalizations about Moroccan women being gold-digging baby makers.
  6. Like
    sandinista! reacted to Mithra in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    The guy you congratulated on having a successful relationship has been in the US a month or so. Again, how is this a success? I don't read backwards. I keep reading how you're thinking a guy who has been here a month or so is a success because he managed to overcome a denial and get to the US. He successfully overcame a denial and gained entry to the US. He successfully put up with having to chat online and talk on the phone for a couple years. He hasn't been a success story in terms of May December MENA marriage, yet. You're not getting it. Plus you're very abrasive and insulting for no reason.
    I, personally, did not say this woman's boyfriend is going to leave her for a younger woman. I don't that he will or won't. I'm not psychic. That is not the ONLY reason MENA marriages fail. You guys in the much older woman/younger man relationships get super defensive like everyone is out to get you. The advice about being careful becomes OMG he's totally going to leave you because you're old!!! You guys need to calm down.
  7. Like
    sandinista! reacted to Nasturtium in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    Annnnd you too.
  8. Like
    sandinista! reacted to Nasturtium in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    I keep trying to get my husband to go to do mini golf with me. I think he would like it!
    I presumed what, exactly? He asked where it was, I told him. Presumption doesn't mean showing someone something.
    LOL your talking about presumption when you take a post which obviously is face-value and then try to make it dirty. The fact that you did that in a post talking about putt putt with children tells us more about you than the OP.
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    sandinista! reacted to Nasturtium in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    In the post you yourself quoted there.
    But anyway, just out of curiosity-- so you don't think Islamicaly it is a husband's duty to support his wife or men to care for their unmarried female relatives?
  11. Like
    sandinista! reacted to Nasturtium in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    Yep! I am surprised anyone who was MENA would not realize that was a possibility. Also the whole site-which-cannot-be-mentioned photo-stealing issue as well. Or maybe I am just hideous. Or maybe all three! Maybe A and B? B and C? So many choices.
    I shall consult an agnostic groundhog for guidance.
    Who is harassing you?
  12. Like
    sandinista! got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    My husband golfs, quite well in fact. That was the whole joke, that I won the kids game of golf. Because that's what we do on eid, stuff with our kids. Which makes it even weirder with you two and the innuendo, because it was more than clear that all that was being discussed was innocuous, family activity.
  13. Like
    sandinista! got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    Vocab fail, so a fallback into inane ad hominem. Ok then.
  14. Like
    sandinista! got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    Putt putt is strictly about putt putt
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    sandinista! got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    Because if they don't want to work they don't have to. Whether he likes it or not. scampering off to the US while not providing for all of the women in your family, instead of just the ones you pick and choose is, well, shameful. As is talking ####### about them to a bunch of strangers, and MOST OF ALL making any references to inflicting violence on them. But whatever. Selective outrage. Sheesh.
  16. Like
    sandinista! got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
  17. Like
    sandinista! got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    Some people on the board are more hand holdy touchy feely in their interactions here than others. Some are more acerbic. Honestly, when I was in major information seeking mode here, I learned more from the latter than the former. Mileage will vary. That's how Internet boards work. All kinds of personalities post on them, some you'll like more than others.
    But even Peter Pan was relatively civil in this thread, which was like, whoa. It was weird how suddenly things got so derailed after really pretty tame commentary.
  18. Like
    sandinista! reacted to Nasturtium in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    It feels weird, like somehow they think there are points being scored, but no one really is playing a game.
  19. Like
    sandinista! got a reaction from Nasturtium in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    My husband golfs, quite well in fact. That was the whole joke, that I won the kids game of golf. Because that's what we do on eid, stuff with our kids. Which makes it even weirder with you two and the innuendo, because it was more than clear that all that was being discussed was innocuous, family activity.
  20. Like
    sandinista! got a reaction from Nasturtium in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    At 645 pm last night, my husband was losing to me at putt putt golf with our kids. No need to mention this, I just feel like randomly bragging about something.
  21. Like
    sandinista! reacted to mahboula in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    I really don't think anyone is trying to change your mind. I've read the whole 7 pages over the last couple of days. I don't remember every post, but I didn't notice anyone degrading him either. I think most people were sincerely trying to offer their best advice. I'm going to do my best to offer mine without offending anyone.
    The first few replies after your original post offer the most important advice for you at this stage. Slow down. Spend as much time together in person as you possibly can before you file.
    Save everything: chat logs, emails, pictures, boarding passes, receipts...the list goes on and on. You can search these forums and find hundreds of threads discussing the evidence people send with their petitions and/or bring to the interview.
    Before I answer that, I wanted to say that a denial is not supposed to be based on age difference alone, even though it seems people are denied for that reason often. So, again, take your time. Build a strong case. Don't let them find another reason.
    Anyway I don't have numbers for you, but I've heard/read about plenty of approvals for MENA couples with similar age gaps. A few of those couples got through the process without a hiccup. Most of them, however, didn't have it so easy. Some of the couples faced a denial the first time around. Some of them waited two or three years or longer, and dealt with multiple denials. In the end though, they got what they were fighting for. If you search the MENA forum for denials, refusals, 221g's, age gaps, etc you'll find loads of information. I won't tell you it will be fast or easy, but I do think your chances are pretty good if age difference is the only issue.
    Like the others have said, if by "happy endings" you mean the visa was issued, then there are plenty.
    If you mean still together after citizenship and financial independence, there are some, but not too many. I think some of those ladies already shared their stories with you.
    Personally, I don't know any. I've stayed in touch online or in person with some of the couples that went through the immigration process around the same time as I did. They are American women married to Algerians or Moroccans. I could probably remember more, but right now I can think of 12 couples. Of the twelve, five are still married and seven are divorced. In 5 of those couples the woman was ten or more years older. All five of the younger man/ older woman couples are now divorced. All of them say the age difference was not the reason for the divorce. Anyway, those are just the people I know, I'm not implying in any way that those numbers mean a damn thing.
    Honestly, I do hope that this man is everything you think he is. I do believe that it's possible for a couple with your age difference to have a successful marriage.
    Yes, most Algerian guys are great. They love their country. They don't want to leave their home. But here's the thing...there are tons of Algerian guys online looking for women to marry as a way out of Algeria. They look for Europeans, Americans, Canadians...wherever they think they will be happier, and find more opportunities. They tend to look for older, divorced women who they think will be more financially stable. More desperate for a man. Easier to fool. Most likely to come to Algeria and believe their silly love stories. These guys exist. And they do think like that. And they will tell you anything you want to hear. How on earth can you logically dismiss the possibility that this guy might be one of them? It makes no sense to me at all. You've got all of these little red flags waving at you. Please, don't ignore them. Investigate them first and then hopefully you can dismiss them. Just stop pretending they are not there. He could very well turn out to be everything you think he is, but what if he isn't? People keep telling you "eyes wide open", "blinders off"...and I agree with them. This is not the time to "follow your heart", you've got to let your brain do some of the work here. Be happy, be in love, but don't be a fool.
  22. Like
    sandinista! reacted to sparkles_ in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    LOL it is called ageism, not racism. Racism is discrimination based on race/ethnic background....being older isn't a race. Relax, it is far from a looks competition. Don't borderline insult someone else, I see no photo of you either.
    Anyway...interesting conversations going on inside this post
  23. Like
    sandinista! reacted to unionglory in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    Actually most of the people commenting are witnesses to the trainwrecks not the people in them.. They are NOT degrading your spouse.. What they are doing is recounting most of the 7 to 8 plus years they have been here and have see ALOT... You should really pay attention to Sandinista and Msheesha.. They have been around for years and years and have some pretty wise things to say.
    No one is saying that people do not start with good intentions. No one is saying that people are morally bankrupt on either side. But someone marrying someone their kids age after several years is most likely going to lose that younger partner. They are going to want their own kids, looks fade etc. ESPECIALLY POST CITIZENSHIP. Does it mean all will end? No. But the majority of the moroccan, algerian and Egyptian men that I have met through 10 plus years who have citizenship through American spouses do not remain with them. Its not common for mena marriages to last anyway.. THrow in the age difference and honestly of all of those, I know one and its because hes sick and does not have having kids as a priority. Most of these guys want kids and even if they love their American wives at one point, most will eventually leave the marriage. Idealising these relationships is just dangerous.. Listen to these women talk and do whatever you want. But the reality is when you are in your 50s and he is in his 30s he will leave you.. maybe not for another woman but he will leave once he has established himself.. thats no offense to you.. Its just the way it is. I am sorry if it hurts.. But its just the way it is.. I am sorry. Dont come here and ask for opinions if you do not want them. The people here can recount all kinds of things to you if you ask them. The numbers are NOT good. Its not about the men. Its about these ridiculous age gap marriages that are completely not ok in the mena culture.If most American men dont want to marry their mom, most mena men dont either.. They will if they have to get out of the country.. but its sure not a first choice. If they could get a girl close in age that would convert to islam, thats a much better bet for them than marrying someone their moms age. And if Momma is ok with it, shes in on it. What mother in her right mind wants her kid marrying someone her age?
  24. Like
    sandinista! reacted to unionglory in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    You left out the khadijah arguement and age is just a number ...
  25. Like
    sandinista! reacted to Nasturtium in Older American woman Younger Algerian man   
    Please tell me everything you know about her husband. Because you seem to insist you know a lot. How many times have you met him? Where does he work? Does he work? What are his interests? What are his values? What is his religious preference? Does he follow his religion? Where did he come from? How many family members does he have? Does he care for them? What was he doing last night at 6:45pm? Do you think he may like us? Should we write him a note and have him circle yes or no?
    Really, dude, you keep talking about her husband. I'm pretty sure that you don't know him, just as none of us really know you or your wife-- only what you write. She hasn't written a whole lot about him. So everything you keep saying is assumption. She keeps discussing things you have said in this thread, quoting you. There is a difference here. One is working with a poster and their text. Another is just making assumptions. You should lay off the assumptions. If you want to start an awesome back-and-forth, then use her own words about stuff. Also, try keeping to the context in which they were said.
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