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Nasturtium last won the day on June 1 2012

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Profile Information

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    My hobbies are sleeping, pumpkins, flip-flops, sea cucumbers, retirement, and avoiding idiots. Waiting 4 months to file for naturalization.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
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  • Our Story
    Well, as an American, I was totally ignorant of anything outside my own town and had never gone more than 10 miles from home. I spoke only English, and desperately hoped I could find a dark, tall, and handsome foreign man to sweep me off my feet and show me the world! So I met my husband who promised me 40 camels, gave me boxes of gold jewelry, and took me to stay in his tent. He sent my parents 30 dinar of gold for me and 2 goats, 3 chickens, a cow and a camel. I thought that 3 chickens was pretty good, because they lay golden eggs like the golden goose. My parents smelt the gold and use it to pave the streets of their city. He dressed me up in tribal clothing, covered my face with a veil, gold, and embroidered head coverings. He had his servants make me cakes, and then he personally slaughtered a sheep for our wedding night party, which was beautifully lit by oil-lamp light. We wandered in the desert from place to place for the next 2 years until we got the visa and then he moved here. I am just so happy I looked for my Arabian prince!


    We met on the same archaeological dig in his home country-- our universities have had a partnership for 12 years now. We both do human remains (physical anthropology-- bioarchaeology).

    Pick whichever one you like the best.

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