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Posts posted by elizabethquestion

  1. Feeling like a dummy because I had the I-751 on my radar as needing to submit in August, but I thought it was just the form... not piles of evidence and a fee! I recently had a baby so I blame mom brain...


    That being said, here is what I have collected for my package. Anything obvious I'm missing? 

    - Check for fee

    - Completed I-1751


    Copies of:

    - permanent resident card

    - marriage certificate

    - son’s birth certificate (born this March)

    - health insurance with my husband and son on it

    - void check from shared checking account

    - account statements from shared checking and savings accounts

    - 401K listing husband as beneficiary

    - purchase & sales agreement for our house (lists us as co-owners)

    - IRS tax transcripts for years we've been married

    - motor vehicle purchase agreement (lists us as co-owners)

    - cards from family members and friends for engagement, holidays, baby

    - photos of us, our son, our family members over various years/locations (don't have a ton of photos of us together, plenty of our baby though including us with him at the hospital)

    - a few pieces of mail addressed to both of us, including cards from family, health insurance letter, and mortgage statements


  2. 1 hour ago, lcandcl said:

    Hi! Congrats! Did they approve it? I will have mine in Boston in 4weeks. We do not have bank statements together but we have venmo transactions, pics, lease, emergency contact, tax return we dont have yet cause we got married this year, im on his life insurance beneficiary. plane tickets from trips, airbnb, hotels tickets Do not know if this is going to be enought. 

    Yes, we were approved. If you live together I suggest bringing as much mail as possible that proves you both live at the same address. Otherwise, it sounds like you have a good amount of proof. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, W.Rominger said:

    Congraz!! Would you mind sharing what documents you brought in for the interview? Mine is nx week and m quite confused by the interview notice😭

    Anything else other than original copy of all documents?

    EAD card/ proof of marriage... 

    Sure. I brought originals of everything, printouts of all the forms submitted, photos, 2019 tax returns (not previously submitted)...


    What they actually asked for:

    - Passport (scanned it)

    - Original marriage certificate (scanned it)

    - 2019 tax returns

    - Photos*

    - Proof that we planned a wedding this year but had to cancel due to COVID*

    - Bank statements


    *They didn't ask for these things specifically, they just asked if we had anything else to give them. 


    I should have had more proof of marriage in the form of mail. He said the more the better in terms of having proof that we live at the same address. I had previously submitted our lease and utility bills but I should have brought more recent copies. 

    Hope that helps!

  4. 7 minutes ago, eckoin said:

    Gotcha - so it's been at least more than 1 year, and hopefully you have joint tax returns for 2019 that show a good bulk of that.  I would definitely go with your plan, but I'm 97% certain that this question will come up, and if it does, I don't see why you wouldn't throw it out there.  If there's any pushback, just let it go. 


    I'm curious if you still have a copy of the RFE you received.  Was it specific to your income being tied to F status (some sort of OPT I assume), or was it a generic one?  Did you submit a letter from your employer? 


    I ask because I've long read that OPT income is a sore spot for USCIS, but I've only seen one RFE directly related to it, so I'm curious.  I was kind of in your shoes when I applied, but it was a work status so they didn't seem to mind.  Just wondering!

    I don't think I have a copy of the RFE but it was generic about my sponsor (husband)'s income not being sufficient. It didn't acknowledge my income at all, even though I submitted a letter from my employer, 6 months of paystubs, etc. So, I assumed they just wouldn't consider it at all because it was OPT. 

  5. 27 minutes ago, eckoin said:

    Interesting.  Also paging @Baba+7917 since they're in a similar boat. 


    How long have you been employed with the same company?  If I were you, I would prepare two new forms: 


    1. I-864 with your spouse's updated income, and your updated income.  

    2. The sponsor's forms, if they were changed.  It'd be nice to get a fresh signed copy, but if it's identical and kind of a pain to do, you can just skip it. 


    The interviewer will ask where you both work, and if anything changed.  You will answer truthfully, and let them know that you have an updated I-864 with your current household income.  They may not want it, because your sponsor's income is fine as is, and care not at all.  In that case, you could ask if you could replace the I-864s they have, with the updated one, that shows your current household income (bring six most recent paystubs and a letter from your employer similar to the one you originally submitted, presumably), and effectively remove your joint sponsor from the equation.  They may accept that or reject that... but you could certainly try, and definitely get an updated I-864 but don't volunteer it until they ask about your current employment.  


    If, on the off chance, they don't ask about current employment, I would personally drop it. 

    Thanks, this is in line with what I was thinking - bring the updated form but don't offer it unless they ask. I have been at my job for 1.5 years and can certainly bring some more recent paystubs (I submitted them with the original application, too). Appreciate the advice!

  6. Hi all,


    I just received my request for interview. Do I need to update the I-864? 

    When I submitted, my husband had a low paying job and I had a higher paying job through OPT. Even though our combined income more than met the threshold, they didn't accept it due to my job being tied to my student visa. We got a joint sponsor which was accepted.


    Now, my husband lost his job (due to COVID), and I have the same job on my new EAD. Am I able to re-submit and essentially sponsor myself, or would they still not accept that? If they won't accept that, do I still need to update the form to reflect my husband's income as 0 or does that not matter since we still have the joint sponsor?



  7. 23 hours ago, PimT said:

    A couple of questions for anyone who has received the "Case is ready to be scheduled for an interview" notice:

    1. We submitted multiple forms (i-130, i-485, i-131, i-765) and when I checked the case status online, ONLY the i-485 status was changed to "ready for an interview" but nothing has changed for the other cases. What does this mean?
    2. We have driven down to Florida for a couple weeks and so we have not seen the actual notice. Do we need to take action right away? It was updated on May 8th

    Thank you so much in advance for all your help!!

    That's normal. Your EAD/AP card is processed separately, and is likely still in the works. "Case is ready to be scheduled" really just means there are no issues with your application (nothing missing, etc.) It could be months before they actually schedule your interview, especially since they haven't been doing any since closing their offices. 

  8. Hi all, 


    My case was recently updated to “ready for interview” and I received a courtesy letter about the medical exam, which says to bring to the interview. 

    Since USCIS isn’t even doing interviews right now, I’m expecting a backlog and that ours won’t be scheduled for quite a while. 

    Is it safe to complete the medical exam now, or should I wait until the interview is scheduled? What have others done? 


  9. They certainly seem to be moving things along. I received my courtesy letter for the medical exam in the mail, which says that I need to bring it to the interview if they schedule one, otherwise they will request I mail it via RFE.


    Not sure if this is just the standard wording, or if this reflects what i've been seeing here about cases getting approved without an interview.

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