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Posts posted by Jmgold87

  1. On 1/4/2021 at 7:57 PM, Giodude said:

    So, the last thing I got was my NVC case number around Sept of 2020. CEAC says it's there. I might have misplaced the document I received, my question is if the number sequence beginning with MOS followed by 10 digits is my NVC or Immigrant Visa Case Number( same thing?) I haven't paid any fees yet.

    I don't know if I should be doing something now or continue waiting for the Moscow embassy to open.

    Yes that is your case number which you can use on the ceac page to check the status of your case. It’s not until your case says “ready” that you would pay any fees. What you can be doing now is contacting the NVC via phone or email to stay in touch with them and ask questions. I heard that if you go more than a year without contacting them they can assume you are no longer interested in the visa and basically discard your case. So it’s good to contact them frequently. You can even send an expedite request if you meet the requirements for expedite.

  2. On 5/4/2021 at 11:36 PM, MB19 said:

    Hello. I wanted to see if anybody here might have any details regarding update/case transfer? Any info or details on how that can be done and necessary steps to take? Case is backlogged at nvc since aug 2020, filed dec 2019😕. Need advice, if possible. Thank you.

    It all depends on the country you’re dealing with but it never hurts to contact the NVC or the embassy and ask them any questions you may have.

  3. On 1/29/2021 at 8:12 AM, damienmh said:

    Our K-1 visa petition is stuck at the NVC due to the Rio de Janeiro Embassy only processing emergency cases due to the pandemic. So we are trying to have our K-1 visa process expedited by submitting an NVC Expedite Request by e-mail on grounds of extreme hardship. We've included emotional hardship, discrimination and physical safety as our extreme hardship factors. My fiancé suffers from severe depression and anxiety and the delays have been taking an emotional toll on him. We haven't seen each other in person in 3 years now and we've been dating for 5 years. My fiancé in Brazil suffers discrimination from his homophobic family on a daily basis and abuse in his family's household, from which he can't leave because of the financial crisis worsened by the pandemic. His family has also made it hard for me to stay in touch with him because they disapprove of our relationship for homophobic reasons. My fiancé also lives in an area with a very high crime rate, and I am constantly concerned for his safety and well being. My fiancé is not safe and I would like to have him with me urgently.


    I was wondering if these are reasons good enough for the NVC to expedite our visa. I was also hoping to get some ideas on what kind of evidence we can provide to support our claims of extreme hardship. Some ideas that came to mind were including a statement from my fiancé's doctor stating that he suffers from depression. We don't know what we could include to prove that my fiancé suffers discrimination in his household. We also don't know what kind of evidence we could include to prove that Rio de Janeiro, RJ in Brazil is unsafe to live in.

    Hi there, did you ever send your request? How did it go? Did you hear back? Was it approved? I just sent mine a little bit ago. Hope it’s approved!

  4. On 2/15/2021 at 11:12 PM, Bri&Alejandro said:

    I've just realized that this would have been better suited for the regional forum. Can a moderator please help me move my post? I am unsure if or how I can request this.


    Thank you!

    On 2/15/2021 at 10:41 PM, Bri&Alejandro said:

    Hello everyone!


    My fiancé is currently living in Venezuela after what was supposed to be a 2 month trip, but covid hit and he got stuck there. His passport expired in November 2020. I wasn’t too worried because I am aware that Colombia and the US allow expired Venezuelan passports. For those who are aware of the situation, you know obtaining a passport in Venezuela is next to impossible. 

    My fiancé will have to travel to Bogota for our interview and said that he thinks he needs a valid passport to LEAVE Venezuela, can anyone help confirm this? We can get him a two year extension but it comes at a cost (a cost we have already paid once before, but then they shut down in 2020 and now want us to pay again). I can find plenty online about entering Colombia with his expired passport, but am having trouble getting info on whether an expired passport will cause trouble on the Venezuela side of things. 

    My head has been spinning all day. At times I feel like he is trapped there. Ugh! Any help is appreciated, thanks!

    Can I add you on fb. There’s a fb group all about Venezuelan passports and peoples process in getting new ones or extensions. It might help you a little. You can ask questions and see what other people are going thru

  5. On 1/31/2021 at 5:08 PM, Bri&Alejandro said:

    Hi!! Yes I remember :) our petition has been set to Bogota but has not been sent yet. But Bogota is actually processing, just at a very slow pace. The chatter I have heard on these forums is that they are catching up on cancelled interviews from last March/April and moving on from there. Hopefully we have just a few months before we hear something (that’s my hope, anyway). 

    I know Peru is still in bad shape. What I am unsure about is if our petition will still be pulled with the March 2020 approvals or if it has been moved to the bottom since they rerouted it..we will find out in time. If you go to the regional discussion board there are quite a few people discussing Bogota so it may help you decide. 

    Thanks so much for the information. I just found out Lima has resumed processing visas. Hopefully this means they will finally send our case from nvc to Lima. I hope this is a quick process. If they are going in order starting with March and April then mine could possibly be considered in June since I was approved in July. But either way I hope this works out quickly for the both of us!

  6. On 1/6/2021 at 5:48 AM, Bri&Alejandro said:

    Just wanted to chime in and let you all know that my request was granted today! I received an email from NVC stating that they have moved our petition. :)

    He Bri don’t know if you remember me but I also have my Venezuelan fiancé in Peru. I kno yours is in Venezuela now but I was wondering if your case arrived at bogota embassy yet. And if not I would love to know when it does. Mayb this can be another option for us since our case has been at NVC since July and as you kno Peru has not yet opened the embassy. Mayb if I get ours transferred to Columbia we can get some progress. Let me know how it’s goin please and thank you!

  7. Got a response from LIMA, PERU embassy today through Facebook. They are only processing immediate relative visas (spouses and children of US Citizens). They are not yet processing K visas. They are aware of the new statement from dept of state making k visas a high priority, but they are not able to increase their appt. services just yet due to health and safety concerns and local conditions in Lima. 

  8. 8 hours ago, Greenbaum said:

    Check to see if your embassy is processing visas and which ones. If your results return 999 that indicates that they are still not processing that visa type. Your mileage may vary.


    Can you explain this a little better? I clicked on the link but where do I go from there and where will I see 999?

  9. 1 minute ago, Solaris81 said:

    Well, up until they received it on August 3, they always asked me to read the first sentence on my NOA2 receipt and then give them the Notice Date. 


    When I called Monday they said to call back in two weeks. 

    That’s weird idk how it works but I called today and they said they received it the 29th and it got entered the 30th and they gave me my case number and invoice number. Idk why they are giving you the run around. I would call again try a different person.

  10. Got my case number today! I called last Tuesday (exactly 3 weeks after approval: noa2 July 7th) and nothing. I called today and they said they received it the 29th, which is the day after I called lol. So it took 3 weeks and a day for them to receive the petition. Normally this would mean we are right around the corner but man this pandemic sucks soooo bad. I talked to my embassy today also and no updates on when they will open. So frustrating. But glad to atleast be at NVC!!!

  11. 7 hours ago, Greenbaum said:

    All visas are at a standstill. No embassy is open for visa processing EXCEPT those that are emergency which need approval before being adjudicated. Each of the months you mention are in the same holding position that you are in. August looks like the earliest that we will see any movement that we can call "back open" for business from the embassies.


    Be sure to download the PDF file in my first post here for additional information what you can be doing at this stage. Good luck and stay engaged. 

    Where do I update my email with nvc. The link in the link above seems to be broken 

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