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Posts posted by Mattallie

  1. On 1/15/2021 at 9:32 PM, Super Heros said:

    Our case was updated to fingerprint fee received August 2020 for AOS - nothing since then! No RFE, No biometrics...nothing! We called or chatted every month since November, opened a service request each time we've called and still no movement;  we live in the DC area. Anyone else in the same boat? or did you arrive on a K1 visa and didn't need to go through the whole biometrics stuff?


    Still waiting as well. Husband arrived on K1 Visa. Filed AOS/EAD.. Case received 8/20. No biometrics appt yet. NBC is processing our case. ASC located in Newark, NJ.


    Did anyone receive bio appt notice via text or email? Concerned our notice may have gotten lost in the mail??

  2. 11 hours ago, Raizee said:

    Congratulations :)  @Mattallie...... I am gonna take flight from Dubai on July 3, hopefully it will be all smooth, please share your fiance experience when he landed and passed the immigration, it will be helpful for many including me here. 

    Stay blessed ☺️

    Flight was smooth. He flew emirates and they practiced social distancing. Everyone seemed to have a whole row to themselves. Customs was quick! The Officer just asked him two questions:


    1. What is your fiancé’s name?

    2. When did you get your police clearance?


    He ruffled through the packet. Stamped the police clearance, stamped his passport and said “OK, you’re good to go!”.


    That was it! Took no more than 5 mins. My fiancé said the officer was very friendly.


    Wishing you good luck and safe travels! 😊

  3. Hello - My fiance has a flight from Dubai to Chicago on June 3 through Emirates Airlines. We were originally told this was a passenger flight, not a repatriation flight, so we booked it immediately. They are now telling us this flight is a "special flight" and anyone that does not have a US Passport or is not a US citizen will not be allowed to board unless they have a "Travel Acceptance Letter" from the Dubai consulate. Problem is it's EID holiday and the consulate offices are closed until May 26. Has anyone heard of a "Travel Acceptance Letter"? Since the consulate is closed there, is there anyone I can contact in the US that can provide this letter? USCIS?

  4. 43 minutes ago, Sam & Yehia said:

    If he has any kind of severance package and/or end of service rewards, they are more than likely to withhold that. US companies do not have the 30 day notice laws cause they mostly hire local. A very different story in the Gulf countries of the Middle East. I would go against the popular opinion and suggest he sits tight. As someone mentioned K1s are not exempt. If he quits now and come to the US, take into account if he is transiting through Europe he will most likely be returned to UAE, there is not much that can be done. Most city halls in most major cities are closed. So you can NOT get married. In times like this best scenario is status quo.


    Patience is a virtue.

    yes, that is another thing we are taking into consideration too. He is waiting for his yearly bonus and gratuity pay which could be jeopardized if he leaves without proper notice. Coincidentally, his current company US headquarters are in my state and we're hoping they will hire him once he gets his EAD so we certainly do not want to burn any relationships. Appreciate your advice.

  5. 1 hour ago, Mike E said:

    People responding to you are accustomed to “at will” employment job markets where any employer requirement for a 30 day notice can be ignored without legal consequences. (Rare exceptions for employees under a contract).  

    Instead my guess is that if your fiancé gives notice he will be prevented from leaving UAE for 30 days.  IOW it is not a matter of mere etiquette.  

    At the risk of violating VJ tos .,,

    So don’t give notice. Book a round trip ticket to a third country.  Then fly from there to the USA.  

    Once in the USA give 30 day notice if he wants and call in sick with flu like symptoms.   “I am sorry boss. I just arrived here and am too sick to work. I think you deserve a worker who is better able to serve you.  Blah blah blah. “. Be obsequious as possible.  

    Do this today.  


    He has a contract with his currently employer that requires him to give 30 days notice. If he breaks his contract he could possibly be banned from UAE and considered absence without leave. They are not holding his physical passport but his current UAE visa will be terminated once he leaves the company. 



  6. Hello - we just received our K1 visa and my fiancé is planning to move to the states next month (April). Before he moves, he needs to give a 30 day notice at work, in which they will cancel his current work Visa (he’s from the Philippines but works in Dubai).


    He has not given his notice yet because we’re concerned that the US may close it’s borders if this pandemic continues. If he gives his notice and after 30days the borders close, he will be without a job and a Dubai work Visa and possibly have to fly back to the Philippines. We’re not sure what to do at this point, if He should take the chance and resign and hopefully be let in the country or wait till this pandemic dies down (but God knows how long this will last!)


    If the US borders close, do you think they will allow K1 visa holders?



  7. 56 minutes ago, awaywithlei said:

    I just check my case status again on CEAC. It says “ready”! But I’m assuming we just continue to wait, right? We didn’t get any communication from the embassy yet or a P3.

    Yes, you must wait for the Packet 3 email with instructions before you can schedule an appointment. My fiance is living in Dubai and I just received the Packet 3 email today! Abu Dhabi consulate received our file Dec 28, so it took a little over 2 weeks (17 days), even with the holidays, to receive the P3. Good luck!

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