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Posts posted by warwick8

  1. Had the same experience with you when my husband sent my birthday gift (laptop and some electronics to go with it) and i was charged almost 15 thousand even though i pretended that the laptop was used already. At that time, I just came from work (36 hour shift) so i don't have a lot of money with me (esp not 15K!!!) and i was so upset too because they just decide among themselves how much an item costs and calculate it. I was lucky cuz i had my coat with me and one of the ladies inside the office recognized the logo of the hospital i was working for and suggested to the other ladies to lower down the amount and joked "so when we get sick, we can go to that hospital and look for her and get a discount or for free!" :P i had a smile pasted on my face but deep inside i was seething and thinking how our government stinks with all these employees. So they agreed to just let me pay 3,000 pesos. :angry:

    we never used that service again. Now it's either DHL or fedex. More expensive but your items are safe and no feeding the "corrupt" employees.

  2. It's in the doctor's discretion to start a patient with treatment even if the xray is negative. Most doctors will not start treatment however aggressive they are if the patient is without symptoms and has no contact with a TB case. This is because Isoniazid or TB drugs is not without side effects. Most of my patients (kids) complain of tummy ache after taking the drug esp in the morning. And once u start treatment, you have to continue doing so for 6-9months. Every single day. You can't miss a dose for more than 3 days or you might have to restart all over again. So see, most doctors will not start treatment unless warranted :)

  3. My fiancee was told by St. Lukes that there was a problem with her xray and that she had to come back in 3 days for a phlem or saliva test. When I asked her what they said they found in her xray, she did not know as this is all they told her.

    She went and saw a Doctor in Manila and he prescribed medicine for her to take and said it will clear it up. My problem is she was never told what was wrong in her xray (no specifics) and so I am wondering what he prescribed. She acted like he does this often and was confident.

    Question 1: Has anyone else had the same issue? I am searching in VJ for this and took time out to send this. WHat was your end result?

    Q2: Her next Medical is this Monday 3/3. Her scheduled interview is Wednesday the 5th. Concern is are they going to reschedule her interview now or wait until her follow up confirms their findings or clears her? If they do re-schedule do we go back into a wait list for two-three or more months?

    Thanks for answering all my threads.

    Q1: The doctors might have seen something on her chest xray which is prolly TB therefore she needs to do the sputum (saliva) test. This will confirm the suspicion that your fiancee has TB. This is done in 3 consecutive days. She will have to go there mornings, spit out into a cup for 3 consecutive days and SLEC will wait for a certain more number of days (usually 3-5) until the TB bacteria grows in the sputum sample. If nothing grows in there, she doesn't have TB. If it turns out positive, she will have to be started on TB treatment.

    Q2: They will prolly reschedule her interview. Some of the VJers have gone through that...just read previous threads.

    God Bless :)

  4. I also had 3 xrays done but it was on the same positions (anteroposterior= AP) view because i didnt breathe hard enough and then they put a different name on my xray film. So they didnt charge me an extra 300 :P

    anyway, mari, we'll be praying for you. Hope it's negative :thumbs:

    do let us know how things turned out :)

  5. Relax....wait for the xray because sometimes even if kids (esp Filipinos) are positive with their skin test. it doesn't necessarily mean an active PTB test. A positive skin test may mean an active disease OR a previous infection or a BCG vaccine. What is standard at the clinics is to do an xray if a child is asymptomatic and turns out to have a positive skin test before initiating treatment. However, if the child is symptomatic with a postive skin test, the doctor may start treatment without doing an xray.

    If your child was negative 2 months ago, doesn't mean he/she won't turn positive in the succeeding months. It mightbe because at the time of the skin test, the disease was not active yet and she acquired it in the 2 months span or maybe of a technical error on the one who administered the skin test (too low a dose, did an intramuscular instead of an intradermal injection).

    I hope i was able to help you :)

  6. Margx! Maybe your lawyer meant a local police certificate? cuz I remember when we were going the CR1 route, we were asked for a police certificate and an NBI clearance and we sent it to NVC. Luckily, police certificate is issued in 2 copies so I still have one. It's easy to get one. Just go to your local police department (mine was in UN avenue right across the hospital I used to work at) and i got mine in 30 minutes. Expedited for Php200 :)

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