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Posts posted by JoandRyan

  1. 22 hours ago, Soup Dragon said:

    I would definitely query this.  I spent five years living in Germany on military and then government orders (living off base the whole time) and I did my and ROC (removal of conditions) while living there using our APO and it was all fine.  They did not query at all that I was living 'outside' of the US and that the APO didn't count.    I also got my CR1 through DCF at Frankfurt and it was fine with the APO.  


    I don't know where you are stationed (I was in Wiesbaden) but sometimes the bases have people from the consulate at Frankfurt visit to answer any immigration questions.  Keep an eye out and go and see them.


    Good luck!

    Hi. We’re in spangdhalem. We were going to get advice from the JAG. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, DakotaKid said:



    Deployments and Moving

    We understand that deployments are a part of military service. If you are submitting an application or petition to USCIS, and are scheduled to deploy in the near future, write in bold letters, “I have an upcoming deployment” on the first page of the application/petition, or on a cover sheet attached to your application. If you have already submitted your application and need to notify us of an upcoming deployment, contact the USCIS Military Help Line at 877-CIS-4MIL (877-247-4645, TTY 800-877-8339) as soon as possible.


    You may have recourse.  Did the PCS orders come after you initially filed for AOS?  I can't imagine that the USCIS would use getting PCS orders to deny an application.  It's not like they can be refused. In my view, it would be quite egregious to expect a spouse to find somewhere to live with no means of support while the petitioner is stationed outside of the CONUS. 


    In addition to calling the military help line, I would write to your Senator and ask for help.






    Hi. We knew about the PCS months in advance. I wasn’t on his orders before we applied for AOS don’t know if that makes A difference . 

  3. 1 minute ago, DakotaKid said:

    In the 80's, when I was in the USAF, military bases were considered US soil.  Has that changed?  If it hasn't and you are living in on base housing, you should be able to adjust status.  I would contact the on base legal department.

    I believe it is classed as American soil still. We live off base. Even using his APO military adress they said it doesn’t count 

  4. 53 minutes ago, Ella84 said:

    Direct counselor filling ,

    What counts as an “exceptional circumstance”?

    A qualifying “exceptional circumstance” includes any of the following:

    • A medical emergency, affecting either the sponsoring spouse or the spouse seeking a green card and requiring urgent travel. This might include a pregnancy where the expectant mother will soon be unable to fly.
    • A military deployment, but only if the military service member received far less notice than normal.
    • A change in employment, but only for a sponsoring spouse who is a U.S. citizen living abroad and whose work or job offer requires them to relocate to the United States on short notice.
    • A threat to personal safety, if either the sponsoring spouse or the spouse seeking a green card has credible fears about their security.


    Hi. None of those apply to us. This is not a deployment it’s a permanent duty station 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Boiler said:

    As far as I can see you did, married within 90 days, filed to adjust within 90 days but then had to leave and abandoned that process. 



    Not for anybody who wants to use it, exceptional cases are still permitted.

    Yes you’re right. I got the K-1 in June/July. Married in August. Applied for AOS in August. It was out of my hands that we left the United States we had no choice. I just wondered if that would go against me when doing the  VWP

  6. 1 minute ago, Boiler said:

    No problem.


    VWP = Visa Waiver Programme you show UK as your Country and most people travel to the US from the UK using the VWP, good for 90 days. You need ESTA pre authorisation. I have not looked through your past posts and assumed you would have visited using this.

    Hi yes I have gone over there with an esta before 

  7. Just now, Boiler said:

    I would assume that leaving would abandonment, if Military Orders make a difference I have not ever seen this mentioned or come across such a case.


    It certainly would be a good reason to expedite AP but that time has passed.


    How long will you be in Germany? Seems more a CR1 situation, or maybe IR1 if you will be there for some time.



    We have atleast 2 years here. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Letspaintcookies said:

    Are you on his orders? If so you should be good. Might get the help from an immigration laywer to appeal the decision. If not then yes, the decision is right because you left without AP.

    I am on his orders. I heard that in this situation you’re supposed to just stay behind in the states and try and expedite the AOS So I don’t think appealing would work. Especially since we knew we heading to Germany months in advance 

  9. Just now, Zach2015 said:

    Wow, no one told you that you couldn’t leave the US without your green card or AP card? I think you now have to start from the beginning with a CR1 visa. I’m not sure if there is any other way. Good luck!

    When I went for my K-1 Visa Interview I explained the situation and they said apply for it when you get to Germany. And now this  is the situation we’re in and $1500 down lol 

  10. Hi. So me and my husband got married August 2019 in the United States on the K-1 Visa. I instantly applied for AOS while still in the states. two weeks later he had orders to Germany So we left.( he’s in the United States Air Force) On the application we put his APO address for Germany and now we’ve been denied because we are stationed overseas. We had no idea that you couldn’t do this and now we want to know what our options are.

  11. 1 minute ago, wbeem said:

    Haha, not necessarily. THe morning of the interview I threw up more times than I can count and had to change clothes I was nervous sweating so much.  But the actual interview felt so easy after the horrible experience at Knightsbridge and everything else about the wait.  

    IMO nightsbridge was worse. It was a small place and crowded and seemed unorganised. And I was in there over 3 hours 

  12. 3 minutes ago, JFH said:

    I think I am the only one who found the embassy interview terrifying. 99.9% of people say it's an anti-climax, especially after waiting so long.




    Oh I can see how anyone could be scared. I think it helps that there’s tons of other people there. So your not alone 

  13. 7 minutes ago, wbeem said:

    Congratulations!  I loved your description of the process lol.  I used the exact same words - anti cllimax. After 9 months of frustration, waiting and considerable expense, the interview felt so underwhelming. But then, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. 

    All the best to you and your fiance!  

    Thank you for your well wishes. It really was an anti climax lol. It just felt really casual and informal Really. Ours was 8 months start to finish 

  14. It was actually an anti climax compared to what I was expecting. They only  asked me like 4 questions. How did you meet. Where is now. How long was he in England. Where is his hometown. That was it Realy. Then she said she needed to check if I could get a green card still since he’s USAF and is being stationed in Germany in August so she didn’t know if i could apply from there. Then she came back and said that’s fine just make sure you get put on his orders first. Then she said you need to get married ASAP so by that point I guessed I’d been approved. But then she officially said it 😄


    i was in there maybe 45 minutes. The longest wait was outside in the queues. 


    Also they didn’t ask for any photocopies of my documents.(they have a photocopier right next to them) 


    anyways I’m heading to the states end of July to marry when my OH is done with his single tour. 

  15. My interview was this morning for k1 visa medical. I was there about 15 minutes early but they won’t see you until dead on your appointment time. So you are asked To sit in the waiting room.Then when it got to my appointment time I went to the desk and handed over my paperwork  and then was given forms to fill out and a pot to pee in. Then came more waiting. After like half an hour I was called in to see the doctor to talk about my vaccinations which a couple had expired on but she told me it was fine and I could either pay the £90 now or go home and get them for free on the NHS which is what I decided. Then I was sent back to the waiting room for like another half an hour and then another doctor called me in and she did my height  weight checked my ears eyes and mouth I then had to lay on a bed and she checked my stomach and my legs and feet and then came the blood test. She was asking some stuff about my relationship but I think that was just friendly conversation. After that I went back to the waiting room waiting for what seemed like forever. It must’ve been almost an hour. Then I got called in by another doctor for the chest x-ray. He told me to take off my top and bra and I had to wear a hospital gown and then I had my chest x-ray. He said that was fine and I could  get dressed again and then came more waiting in the waiting room...After like 10 minutes they called me up to the front desk and they said that everything was done and I had to pay the fee. So overall I was there about three hours which is way longer than 90 minutes they state you’ll be there. It was really busy and the staff kept mentioning how rushed off their feet they were.  

  16. Hi I checked my status online and it said ready. So I scheduled my medical and interview myself online also my partner has already sent me his affidavit of support about a month ago And I did the DS 160 about a month ago too. I got my acro a few months back.  And last week I got my medical summary. My medical and interview isn’t until mid June but it’s better to get everything ready early  

  17. Hi. I was wondering do I need to get a copy of the i129f form we submitted and take it to my interview in London? Some online sites say yes but some don’t mention it. Also how am I meant to get ahold of a copy? My fiancé submitted online back in October. TIA

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