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    Junhan reacted to Hamdi_khadijah in Case Complete to Interview June 2019   
    Ok here I am. 
    PD: 06/01/2018
    CC: 04/01/2019
    IR1/CR1 Tunis Tunisia
    inshallah good news comes soon!
    hows everyone holding up?
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    Junhan reacted to Hadassah123 in Any Dutch/American Couples?? [Part II]   
    For future Dutchies reading:
    I had my medical on Monday Feb 26th.
    I arrived, waited a bit, and then:
    1. Had to sit down in kitchen area - young doctor took my blood (make sure you have a sleeve that goes up past your elbow)
    2. Handed over my vaccination records to Dr's assistant
    3. Stepped into the office for examination by the older doctor:
    Was asked various questions on whether I had been gravely ill in the past (by which he meant surgeries as well: I've had ear surgeries. I mentioned that briefly because I thought he would check my ears, but he didn't! Don't volunteer too much information), whether pregnant, drink alcohol, play sports, smoke, etc. Dr's assistant came back with my vaccination record - didn't need any! (still had a couple that were valid from earlier travels) Dr. measured my height and weight Had to lie down on examination table: checked my heart, lungs - had to do some deep sighs, also ones with open mouth Had to sit up: some more deep sighs, also ones with open mouth Was poked in lower back while being asked if so and so was painful Eye check with one of those old fashioned boards: had to say on which side the circle had an opening 4. Stepped back out from the office. Dr's assistant gave me the cup to pee in, did so in the (tiny!) toilet.
    5. Handed cup back and double checked papers (address where you live, passport number, etc)
    6. Had been given a sheet to bring along to the X ray clinic, received directions, walked over there and got those done. Easy as well.
    FYI for the ladies - for the physical examination part I was only asked to take my shirt off, to keep bra on.
    All in all, Dr.'s office took about 20 min where I'd budgeted an hour based on stories from other countries. Not the case, and overall just an odd, but easy procedure. Nothing to worry about!
    For future Dutchies reading:
    I had my medical on Monday Feb 26th.
    I arrived, waited a bit, and then:
    1. Had to sit down in kitchen area - young doctor took my blood (make sure you have a sleeve that goes up past your elbow)
    2. Handed over my vaccination records to Dr.'s assistant
    3. Stepped into the office for examination by the older doctor:
    Was asked various questions on whether I had been gravely ill in the past (by which he meant surgeries as well: I've had ear surgeries. I mentioned that briefly because I thought he would check my ears, but he didn't! Don't volunteer too much information), whether pregnant, drink alcohol, play sports, smoke, etc. Dr.'s assistant came back with my vaccination record - didn't need any! (still had a couple that were valid from earlier travels) Dr. measured my height and weight Had to lie down on examination table: checked my heart, lungs - had to do some deep sighs, also ones with open mouth Had to sit up: some more deep sighs, also ones with open mouth Was poked in lower back while being asked if so and so was painful Eye check with one of those old fashioned boards: had to say on which side the circle had an opening 4. Stepped back out from the office. Dr.'s assistant gave me the cup to pee in, did so in the (tiny!) toilet.
    5. Handed cup back and double checked papers (address where you live, passport number, etc)
    6. Had been given a sheet to bring along to the X ray clinic, received directions, walked over there and got those done. Easy as well.
    FYI for the ladies - for the physical examination part I was only asked to take my shirt off, to keep bra on.
    All in all, Dr.'s office took about 20 min where I'd budgeted an hour based on stories from other countries. Not the case, and overall just an odd, but easy procedure. Nothing to worry about!
  3. Like
    Junhan reacted to RoaringMdog in Any Dutch/American Couples?? [Part II]   
    Zo, vandaag de documenten naar de ambassade gestuurd. Hoop dat dat ze die snel verwerken zodat ik snel een interview kan inplannen. Begint nu wel heel spannend te worden. Ik las gisteren iets over vragen met betrekking tot je opleiding. Ik heb mijn mbo nooit afgemaakt dus hoop niet dat dit een groot probleem gaat worden.  Net wel stuk of 50 fotod uitgeprint van mij en mn dame, hoop dat dat genoeg bewijs is dat onze relatie echt is.
    Had iemand nog een tip over vaccinaties? Gewoon wachten op de medical en dan laten doen, of toch nu naar de GGD om deze te krijgen? 
  4. Like
    Junhan reacted to Bunbunbunny in Any Dutch/American Couples?? [Part II]   
    Is wat ik heb gebruikt, screeningprofiel: visum/emigratie
    Normaal gesproken moet vog aanvraag gestart worden door de instantie die het nodig heeft, in dit geval niet zo daarom leuk zo een site die het aanvraag start voor je
  5. Like
    Junhan reacted to RoaringMdog in Any Dutch/American Couples?? [Part II]   
    Super dat er een topic is voor de dutchies
    Had een vraagje over de Vog! Heb deze een paar weken geleden aangevraagd maar lees nu dat ik er een specefiek nodig heb voor emigratie? Klopt dit? Bij mij staat er in de email dat deze voor de functie van een visumaanvraag is. Heb ik nu de verkeerde aangevraagd? 
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