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Posts posted by K&MSkippy

  1. Hi, I'm just wondering how much evidence I need to include for meeting in person. We have met in person 7 times  within the past 2 years and I have evidence of each meeting. To me it doesn't make sense to include evidence from every single meeting because that would be a lot of pages so I was just going to include evidence from our meeting in March 2019 which I have the most evidence for. Does anyone think that sounds appropriate or have any suggestions?

  2. Hi, my fiancé and I are almost ready to submit our I-129F form and package with all our evidence. I just wanted to provide a list of what we have included and ask if anyone thinks we have missed anything out or should do anything extra. Also would love to know if you think the order is right or if we need to move things around a bit.


    For clarity - I am the beneficiary and my fiancé, who is the US citizen, is the petitioner. 


    Little background about us - I am from the UK. I met my fiancé (the US citizen who is the petitioner) when he came to the UK to study abroad. He is currently in the military. We have been dating for 2.5 years and are dying to finally be together. Know we still have a long wait though :( 


    Here is a list of what we have:


    1. Cheque 
    2. Cover letter
    3. I-129F Form plus pages with extra information
    4. G-1145 Notification of Application Acceptance 
    5. Statement of Circumstances of Meeting letter
      1. Petitioner
      2. Beneficiary 
    6. Evidence of Meeting in Person
      1. I have included all our flight itineraries for all the 7 times we have met in person (from September 2017 - March 2019)
      2. For our most recent meeting in March 2019 I flew from London to Texas to watch my fiancé graduate Basic Military Training. For this trip I have included extra evidence including my ESTA approval, boarding pass, passport stamp, base base to get onto the air force base, photos of us, letter from his dad confirming travel plans
      3. Am also going to include photocopies of every page of my passport showing all the stamps
    7. Intent to marry statement
      1. Petitioner
      2. Beneficiary 
    8. Proof of relationship
      1. Letters from friends and family
        1. One from my dad, one from his dad, one from my friend in the UK, two from his friends in the US, one from my sibling, one from his sibling (7 in total) - all signed and dated and including driving licence as ID.
      2. Photos
        1. I have 15 pages of photos from the beginning of our relationship until now - including photos with family and other people, not just the two of us
      3. Engagement evidence 
        1. Photos
        2. Ring receipt
        3. Social media announcement
      4. Letters 
        1. A selection of hand written letters we have sent each other over the years
      5. Phone and text records
        1. Tried not to over-do this - I have 20 pages
      6. Miscellaneous receipts 
      7. Petitioner's proof of US citizenship
        1. Passport - every single page photocopied
        2. Birth certificate
      8. Passport sized photos
        1. Petitioner
        2. Beneficiary 


    Everything is signed and dated by both of us (apart from the cover letter and I-129F form which are only signed by the petitioner). I (the beneficiary) have signed everything electronically and my fiancé (the petitioner) plans to print everything out in the US and sign everything (with a wet signature) then send everything off. 


    Thanks in advice for any help I receive. 

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