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Posts posted by NavarreMan

  1. It's too bad you cannot find the courage to laugh at yourself. I make mistakes all the time. For the serious ones I chastise myself, and the stupedist ones I laugh at myself and wonder what the heck I was thinking. Give it a try sometime, you'll feel better.

    p.s. If you think this gal is my sister and I am offended, you obviously do not know my sisters (or me).

    I didn't even look at the title with my first response, thus did not see the actual typo. My bad.

    I can laugh at myself, but think perhaps you make much of little. Not sure why you felt the need to make so many posts regarding it since it apparently was worthy of four posts. I 'insisted' exactly once, without noticing the title I had typed. The rest was all in your head.

    Anyway, too good of a day to argue with you, we just got our 10 year green card approval notice. :thumbs:

    :thumbs: on both issues. Congrats!

  2. It's too bad you cannot find the courage to laugh at yourself. I make mistakes all the time. For the serious ones I chastise myself, and the stupedist ones I laugh at myself and wonder what the heck I was thinking. Give it a try sometime, you'll feel better.

    p.s. If you think this gal is my sister and I am offended, you obviously do not know my sisters (or me).

  3. A single typo has little to do with intelligence at the end of the day

    Hey, I'm not the one who claimed Huffington Post misspelled the word. This went beyond a simple typo. This was a person pointing out a story about how stupid a person was perceived, and in doing so showed not once, but twice, a bit of what the story was about. Typo in the thread title, funny and understandable – given the opportunity to check where the error was and still insisting that Huffington spelled it wrong, hilarious!

    C`est la vie

  4. I'd say she sounds about as ignorant as Sarah Palin.

    P.s. You misspelled "stupidest". :rofl:


    I was quoting and not correcting the Huffington Post article. I believe the misspelling to have been deliberate. :star:

    Let's see...

    Huffington Post

    At a 2008 city council meeting the politicians and citizens of Santa Cruz were treated to testimony from a young woman who may, in fact, be the stupidest person alive. (this spelling is correct)

    Title of thread

    Is this the stupedist person ever?(this spelling is incorrect)

    Was the misspelling really deliberate? I think not.

    Pot meet kettle...

  5. Nobody can fake that! :bonk::wow: I have tropical fish that are smarter than her.... :rofl:

    So it feels good that she is so stupid? :whistle:

    I'd say she sounds about as ignorant as Sarah Palin.

    P.s. You misspelled "stupidest". :rofl:


    You really crack yourself up, don't you?


  6. ok...a simple ineffective and pop psychology test..based on freduian thought,.,

    i present a word...and then when seen...write the 1st word that comes to mind....and then the next person responses to that word..i will start


    So... after 3656 posts to this psychological test, are we normal or are we completely warped??? I know that according to one VJ psychologist I have an anger management problem. I'm just curious how everyone else stacks up...

    oh... stamp - lick (can't you just feel the anger!)

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