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Posts posted by peaceandblessing

  1. On 8/11/2023 at 2:38 PM, beloved_dingo said:


    Freeze your credit with all three bureaus (Experian, Equifax, & TransUnion). This is good practice for anyone because it helps prevent identity theft in general, but it's especially important in your situation.

    Thank you I just did that


  2. So the last time I came on here I was trying to get a divorce but I'm still waiting on texas to grant me one. But I'm reaching out because my soon to be ex husband is determined to turn my life upside down. He's broken into my house several times stoles my clothes, shoes, and other items. He cost me over 8,000 in repairs and the cops tell me there's nothing they can do but take a report. I just recently learned he has my social security number and driver's license information and had used it to open phone accounts and etc. They have him on camera committed theses acts and employee has come forward and the cops are telling me there's nothing they can do because we're still married. 

    If any one has any suggestions it would be great. I'm receiving no help from him w my child and he's determined to ruin me. He's caused me severe depression not to mention, anxiety and ptsd. It's like the cops want folks to take matters in there own hands at this point.

  3. He came over on a K-1visa in 2016 we've completed the 2 year Visa and he just received the 10 year green card some time in April 2020. I honestly  Looking back on it now we were actually on our way to separate because we just realized that we were different and he was so adamant about us working things out and that we were strong enough to be together and I kid you not as soon as that card came I was not even a part of the rest of the process, then I was told shortly after that that I needed to move on that if I had found someone else that it was ok sometimes things just don't work out. He's done everything to destroy this family and then started the physical and emotional abuse and then him recently telling me that he did use me and that he was told that if he had a kid even if he divorced me he would still be entitled to stay and there was nothing that I could do About it but honestly the only evidence that I do have is letters of concern from my neighbors ,my family, my child ,and friends that felt before that he was using me.  An account I setup on tik tok where he stated he was single  and the two police reports. 

    I know they can use it against me In a court of law and trust me if I  was faking this I would have never brought a child into this world under these circumstances including my child from a previous relationship.  It's just not ok to manipulate situations to get what you want and like I said the biggest thing is my son is hurting because he doesn't have his father and this guy never intended to be a dad.  He spends no time  nor any kind of  support he literally disappeared and  left me to pick up the pieces.

  4. Not sure if I can still report fraud but it was just brought to my attention that my husband actually confirmed how I felt that he was using me for paperwork and that someone had told him that if he had a child he would still be able legally to stay here even if he filed for divorce . I have a child that we went through several fertility treatments to conceived and  he has absolutely nothing to do w his child. Smh 

  5. I have a question I got hurt the year my husband came to this country and now it is time to turn in our paperwork to change his status and I'm still out on workers comp and wanted to know do I have to write a letter explaining my income situation in my packet because my tax return is not going to show what income I am still getting.  

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