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Posts posted by antsar19

  1. It has been 20.5 months since I filed the I-130 for my husband. I have been filing an inquiry basically every month since my congress person's office was told my case was pending extended security checks in May of 2020. Typically I received an email saying my case was in line for review and would be reviewed in the order it was received (which is 100% incorrect as it has been almost 2 years since I filed and plenty of cases have been adjudicated since 🙄🙄). In any case, today, I received the attached response. 


    Does anyone know what security checks they are supposedly completing? Is this on me? Is it on my husband? And how in the heck do I get more information/answers about why my case has been in limbo for almost two years? I'm sick of waiting and I'm sick of being told to KEEP waiting when the consular process is slated to take another 2 years.


    This plus COVID is causing severe strain on my mental health and his. Does anyone have any recommendations? 


  2. I do understand the struggles and issues they're dealing with thanks to our current administration, compounded by the pandemic, but it's been super painful to see everyone else around our date approved and have USCIS move on to as late as 2 months past our date before I stopped checking. 


    Now with the border closures, we haven't seen each other in 6 months and part of me worries we won't be able to ever actually live together. 😥

  3. I filed for my husband 11 months ago, our case was received by USCIS 7/23/2019. We have had NO progress at all, no requests for evidence, nothing. I contacted USCIS & received an email back the next day saying it was "in line to be reviewed by an officer" but when my senator's office contacted them a couple weeks later, they sent the attached email.



    What does this mean? Is there anything we can do? Or should we continue to sit and wait? 


    Edit to add: neither of us have any criminal background. I was married 12 years ago & did petition for my ex-husband. However,  we separated in January of 2016 and were officially divorced Sept of 2017. Could that be the issue? 

  4. 1 hour ago, Wcalmt1 said:

    Is there any one else on this Forum that is still waiting?


    Yes. 10 months and 9 days since our petition was accepted with NO movement. I submitted an inquiry for outside of normal processing & got a BS "you're in line for review" response. I've filed a request for assistance with my senator's office now. 


    I've taken a break from the forum because I'm impatient, emotional, haven't seen my husband for 6 months & have no idea when I'll be able to again thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic & border closures. Add in that my city is currently burning because police murdered a man in broad daylight....and it's definitely better I'm not online lol 

  5. 16 hours ago, MarshCase said:

    Seems like it’s taking a longer time. I assume the pandemic has things slowed down, but even before the shutdown it’s been a while. July 22nd with absolutely no news. Anyone else in the same boat?

    Yep. July 23rd here. 🙁


    We had thought that by the end of this year we would be living together. Now we're thinking it will be end of 2021 by the time all is said and done since the Mexican consulate was scheduling interviews out 10+ months BEFORE the pandemic started. 


    Add in that we had to cancel our visit (our flight route was grounded March 20th), we won't be able to celebrate our 1st anniversary together, AND it will be at least another 3 months before we can see each other...my husband is not handling any of this well. I've been attempting to keep both of our spirits up but it's starting to put a strain on my depression. 


    I know you all get it and are equally frustrated so thanks for giving me a minute to vent. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Kyle and Rita said:

    Ok, I see now. How bad of luck does one need to have for all 10 cases above and below your number approved, but not your own for a simple case? Hell we already have a CRBA from our first child where the US government recognized our marriage xD

    Ugh, I feel you! 16 of the I-130 cases before mine have been approved too....and then they just stopped and jumped to a completely different day of the month. 😑 



  7. 2 hours ago, Kyle and Rita said:

    How do you find this info? On the 50s, 60s, 70s ect? I'm IOExxxxx68291 and cant find any of the info you reference 

    You can use USCIS' "Case Status Online" to view other IOE # status. You have to manually change the numbers so you can see the ones around your case. 


    Otherwise, there are apps on both Google Play or the App store for iPhones where you enter your number and it will show you the cases around yours. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Ldibe said:

    Yes, im looking at IOE090709.... 56..57..58.

    Gotcha. It's strange because my IOE ends in the 60s but NONE of the I-130 petitions from the 50s forward (following the same string of numbers as mine and just changing the last two) have been approved as of last night and we all have the same PD of July 23rd. I'm at Potomac, not sure if the other IOE cases are as well. 

  9. On 9/7/2019 at 8:59 AM, corntop said:

    I'm not sure the date is an update as such, just the date we first logged in to see the latest change...

    I was originally thinking that maybe it just updated with every login so have logged in every day since to test if the date updates with every login but nope, still showing Sept 6th. Maybe you're right that it is just to show us the first date we saw updates though. 


    Hang in there corntop! I definitely feel you on the anxiety/restlessness part. Like everyone, I want this over with, preferably before the process even began! 😂 I don't have the option of moving to be with my husband because I have kids from a previous marriage, one of whom has significant health challenges, otherwise I would be long gone already. We're both tired of the whole "see each other for a few days every 4 months" thing and want to be able to move forward as a couple. We'll get there, hopefully sooner rather than later, but in due time! 

  10. 9 minutes ago, Jmeleecur said:

    Something is different in my account. The my.uscis.gov/account . Does anyone else log in everyday like me, lol? Like it's become part of my routine.


    Anyway, today, when I logged in, I notice they've added Beneficiary: Ramzi .....


    And...a date changed.



    Same! I've made myself stop checking daily and only allow myself to look once a week, tops. Today when I logged in, our dates changed as well, from July 29th to today's date and yes, the beneficiary is now listed. I'm hoping that means they're looking at our file today!! 🙏🙏

  11. 5 hours ago, antsar19 said:

    Hello! July filer here. I sent it to the Chicago lockbox July 17, package was received July 19th...they charged my card yesterday so I'm hoping to get a text in the next couple of weeks. :)  Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly for all of us! 

    Just got the text...Can't believe how quick that was! We also were assigned an IOE number so hopefully more information becomes available soon about how exactly that process works. 

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