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nvm lol

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Posts posted by nvm lol

  1. Hey guys, I just have a question. I had my interview on the 5th, so obviously I don’t have my passport yet. But I’ve been reading that people have just been getting their passports and no documents. 


    Well at my interview the woman only gave me my birth certificate back. I didn’t get my police records or my medical exam or any of these things back? Do I not need these things for AOS? I asked her if I needed any of the forms and she said no and took everything. I thought I would get them  back when they sent me my visa but I guess that’s not happening now?

    Idk what to do, should I email them and see or?

  2. Okay guys, I’m in a situation right now and I really need some input from anyone who can offer any info!


    I am currently in Montreal, Canada. My interview for my K-1 is on wednesday. My fiancé and I both flew and met here on this past wednesday. The same day we found out his father had a heart attack. He left on thursday to go be with his dad, while I am here waiting for the interview. I’m assuming I will get the visa as we have a very straight forward case..


    Things are up in the air regarding his dad and we just don’t know what to do. Is it possible to fly there after I have my K-1 but not activate it? Like use the regular B1 or B2 (i forget what it is lol) visa I get when entering like I usually do. If I can prove I still have work and ties here, and that I would just be going there to be with him. (This would be if god forbid something went wrong and he lost his dad. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. If that’s not your thing just please send good vibes our way for a good recovery.) We are not ready for me to move there yet and with everything going on we just don’t want to have to worry about our wedding right now. I’m just wondering if anyone has any idea if this is possible or if there is anything I can do. If I can use the travel visa I would obviously bring proof that I’m returning back to canada. (Letter from work, return flight, etc). 


    Idk you guys, I’m just a mess. I appreciate if anyone can help me out. Thank you. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Leah and Matt said:

    ugh me too! I'm getting very disappointed. And seeing everyone with a NOA1 date WAAAY after ours getting approved doesn't help. I know I shouldn't compare my case to others but its frustrating. I've called twice and both tier 2 officers gave me very generic answers! Try to keep your head up! Our approvals will be here soon!

    very disappointed doesn’t even cover it lol, it’s just hard. and don’t get me wrong i’m so happy for everyone, and i have a few friends in here who are at nvc stage already and it’s just like cmon man lol. im wishing you the best of luck as well! 

    1 minute ago, BJ & Christine said:

    Make sure ur checking both sites. See links in my signature line

    Thanks BJ, I have been checking them both everyday religiously lol 

  4. We are at 175 days - getting super impatient! Started selling some of my stuff I don’t use/won’t be taking with me when I move. I’ve also started putting together a binder of all our stuff - copy of the forms, receipts, my criminal record check, my immunizations. Just trying to get ahead of the caos that will hopefully pick up soon! Have you guys started getting your stuff together yet? 

  5. 11 minutes ago, S_Y said:

    Congratulations on graduating!

    I feel you! My fiance has been flying to see me once a month, but for only 3 days at a time. It's tough since we're both working and we can't take time off. You only have a few more months apart, so enjoy your time with family/friends! I'm hopeful things will pick up on their end.


    I'm from Vancouver, so I'll be flying to Montreal for the interview... kind of annoying bahaha. Where are you from? 

    Thank you! 

    Yeah that’s not fun either but at least you get to see him relatively often! 


    I’m from Saskatchewan lol it’s very annoying! Especially with the physical and stuff. There’s no certified doctor here for me to get it done so I have to get it done there before my interview! 

  6. On 5/28/2018 at 12:51 PM, S_Y said:


    Also - Since February, how often have you seen your fiancé?


    I went to see him a week after i was done university, april 17th - may 15th. We had such a great time, I miss being with him everyday. But he is flying in on tuesday for a week (short visit because of his work which really sucks) because i graduate on friday and he wanted to be here with me for it. I’m so excited to see him, even if i just saw him 3 weeks ago. it’s so shitty being away from your best friend. 


    but after he leaves we we have nothing planned because everything is up in the air. I’m going to have to spend a ton of money to get to and do my interview - if and when it’s accepted. Apparently canada has some fairly long interview wait times so I don’t know lol. if we don’t get our noa2 by last week of august i will probably go see him early september if not earlier. just sucks with everything being so unknown :( 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Ms. Arely C. said:

    Yup, Almost a year. We sent Form I-765 (EAD) & Form I-485 (AOS) at the same time in June 2017. We called USCIS around late September & they said to wait a month & call again and so we called again (for 3 months straight, September, October, November) but we didn’t call in December until January and they said there was a delay & to call back in February if we didn’t hear of anything. We gave up so we would just check the USCIS Case Status online.

    wow that is terrifying lol! congratulations on getting it now though!

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