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Posts posted by Leilajohns73

  1. 1 hour ago, pumpkin26 said:

    Is it ok to create new DS-160 after signing and submitting?

    I paid and scheduled my interview already so Im not sure if I can create another DS-160. I made some mistake about the details of  previous visit in the US like the how many days I stayed and what year year. or is it ok to just leavve it like that and inform the CO during interview? 


    Any suggestion what should I do? Thanks in advance

    Call them they can open the one you already did... many have done this. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, geowrian said:

    Where is the corruption in the OP's case? The CO may have been hard on their case (due to the specific circumstances + abuse by others in the past), but nothing sounds even remotely corrupt here.

    True...money opens a lot of options. Like an investment visa. It doesn't open any doors for family-based immigration, though.

    Please first off my response was not for you but since you insisted on someone else's response Sir, first off you don't know anything but what I wrote not what happened after or how corrupt they may or not corrupt Ghana embassy is you only speaking from YOUR experience there if you even have any there...... so have a nice day I will not waste a moment more........

  3. Why won't your parents be around that sounds so sad...... I wanted my dad to walk me but now he won't he has dementia,  Parkinson's and now a mass on his brain.....I just pray,  this is soooo terrible that the states works like this and that these embassies are so corrupt.... they can't define your love for your significant other or your significant Other's Love For You. But, if you have money there's always a back door. Found that out as well but I chose to do it the right way. 

  4. On 11/18/2018 at 11:26 AM, MrsMensah said:

    I am sorry for what has happened to you however I’m sure you will overcome this . As everyone is stating , FaceTime is essential for this embassy. I meet my spouse during the same time frame as yours , however I know it’s expensive but find a way to spend more time . It’s the only way to be successful with this journey and move forward with y’all life . I’ve had 2 red flags ( married on the first visit , applied for visitors visa in 2017) . However I married in 2016 : we just recently passed the 2 year mark on 11/11 and I been to Ghana 5 times and we took a international visit once : 6 meet ups ! 

    Also its necessary to send quality evidence . I can send you a checkpoint via DM if you want 

    best wishes to you and your guy

    Yes please I am trying to do my homework on the cr-1 can't go through this hurt ever again trying to visit three times this yr,  one will be away from Ghana.....

  5. 7 hours ago, O&GForever said:

    We received the exact same letter when our K1 was denied 3 years ago. While it claims you can get the case revalidated, its doesn’t happen these days. They will send it back to USCIS and it will expire. 


    So go to Ghana, get married and start over with the CR1. If you want withdraw your K1 petition, all you need to do is send in a letter to USCIS asking them to withdraw it. I believe ours took about 3 months for that to happen. If you don’t get confirmation before you apply for the CR1, just include a copy of the letter you already sent in with the new paperwork. 

    Thank you sooo much I appreciate all your help. 

  6. 1 hour ago, K & R said:

    Completely agree with this. The CR1 is your only US option going forward. I know it’s tough to get time to spend together but I highly suggest more face to face time before you reapply. CR1 cases are much stronger (since you are spouses) but with Ghana being such a tough embassy it would be worth doing more visits prior to filing if possible. What did the 221g say?


  7. 54 minutes ago, O&GForever said:

    First off, I am sorry you were denied. I know the heartache of that. 


    I understand it’s difficult and expensive to travel to Ghana a bunch, but it’s something you need to do in order to be successful in Ghana especially if you have a red flag like a big age difference. My now husband is older than me, so we didn’t have that issue and didn’t have any other red flags. Still I traveled there 5 times over 2 1/2 years in order to get him here. Time spent together is like gold to this very difficult embassy. 


    Next steps is traveling to Ghana and getting married. This time you need to frontload with plenty of quality evidence (check my timeline to see what I submitted at each phase) and you really need to try to make at least one or two more trips there after the wedding. Best of luck. 

    Thank you soooo much

    1 hour ago, OlayemiLoray said:

    Sounds like not enough face time...As one person posted, just write a letter to withdraw the K1, go back to marry and file a CR1...In the meantime, keep on collecting evidence because we all know Ghana as well as Nigeria are difficult embassies...Good luck on the rest of your journey..

    Thank you so very much

  8. 34 minutes ago, O&GForever said:

    First off, I am sorry you were denied. I know the heartache of that. 


    I understand it’s difficult and expensive to travel to Ghana a bunch, but it’s something you need to do in order to be successful in Ghana especially if you have a red flag like a big age difference. My now husband is older than me, so we didn’t have that issue and didn’t have any other red flags. Still I traveled there 5 times over 2 1/2 years in order to get him here. Time spent together is like gold to this very difficult embassy. 


    Next steps is traveling to Ghana and getting married. This time you need to frontload with plenty of quality evidence (check my timeline to see what I submitted at each phase) and you really need to try to make at least one or two more trips there after the wedding. Best of luck. 

    Thank you all so much for all your knowledge and help I am very grateful

  9. 1 hour ago, adil-rafa said:

    Not much the Congressman can do for u

    your best step is to return to Ghana and marry and file the CR1

    just write a letter to withdraw the K1 / you can include it with the CR1 application

    you did not have enough quality time together

    Ghana is a hard embassy

    Thank you I'm going back in January,  How long do I got to file the withdrawal should I do that asap.  

  10. My fiance was denied a k-1 due to a few thing. First I started in this group after filing so didn't front load but,  you know our evidence in the end was on point thanks to the group. We had red flags so we loaded up that part in the end he had everything but blood but he knows my type (lol).  We been together since 2016 friends since 2015 engaged in June of 2017. I am 14 years older and only went to Ghana once so we were good with why I didn't visit and our parents sent their happiness in court and notorized letters. I have a regular job with limited vacation time so this yr I had surgery which took up my time for this year to go but had all surgery papers.... we had the questions down to a T because he knows everything about new by heart. He went in turned in documents then saw the first person who then gone him the pamphlet talking about the Visa then to the second white guy 30's who didn't look at evidence just starts questioning him about me, my job, my children and how did he feel about being a stepdad, then about my job which is a money counter for the state,  then asks him did I send him money he answers no because I didn't...... then he stops with the questions and hands him the white paper with 221 on it..... broken my fiance leaves. We are still broken but my faith in God is bigger than this situation. So I need advice as to what are my next steps already sent out 5 emails, faxes to my Congress, Senate, and councilmen yes 5 of them I know it's a long shot a but I need to be proactive this is our lives. I love him so and he me......I need step by step info, how long do I wait to hear from my councilmen? Do I then withdraw my application and the steps to withdrawal it..... then what's next? 

  11. 6 hours ago, bejaflora2000 said:

    They're saying I didn't submit the application within the two years after meeting my fiance and that I haven't established proof we met in person. Despite their ckaims I was there 2015 and filed 2017..... I went back in Feb 2018 as well to establish we were still together. When I see Proof of evidence they were asking for the exact same information I had previously submitted and the petition came back denied. 

    I wrote my senators and councilman 5 of them.....I am not trying to just let it happen the way it did. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Adutwum said:

    Honestly I think some VJ members scare us with comments about the Embassy in Ghana because I went  for my interview and that was my first but didn't experience those scary things that I read about the Ghana embassy being a tough embassy . My wife didn't frontload as they always say . Went to the interview with my wedding and engagement album and pictures of me and my wife and daughter together, money transfer receipts and about 30 pages of whatsapp chats and I was asked just 3 questions : how long we have been married , how long I have known her and whether my daughter is a citizen. The interview barely lasted 2 minutes.The CO too was very friendly.

    I think the whole interview is being real and God being on your side because if you truly have a relationship with the person sponsoring you then there is no need for concern .

    Do you mind sharing your process and what they did ask for us with upcoming interviews...


  13. 11 minutes ago, MelandA said:


    Start gathering your financial information such as 3 years tax transcripts, pay stubs, letter of employment etc. You can also complete the 134 form and make sure your fiancé has an updated birth certificate. Since you’re going through the Ghana consulate, it’s going to be a while until the embassy contacts you. After you have been contacted by the embassy via email, then you can start with the medicals and the police report. You probably have another 3 or more months before getting to this stage. My case has been at the embassy for more than a month and we are yet to hear from the embassy. You will also need to gather proof of ongoing relationship. Good luck and message me if you have anymore inquiries. 

    I have sent him my lease, employment verification, pay stubs, bank statements,  one years tax,  my birth certificate, he's making a photo album, I-134, new intent, he has all records of chats, text, calls.... etc cant think of others but Im sure I sent a lot more. Just want all ducks in a row. But you say another 2 months .....arggggg, patience definitely needs to be a virtue but all in Gods time. Thank you so much. 

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