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Posts posted by FernandLevi

  1. 15 hours ago, NoodleW said:

    @FernandLevi did they eventually consider your supplement letter and you didn't get any RFE right?

    With what you had omitted in your form did you send any other document? 

    I still have a few months to wait on my I-129F reply and I'm about to send a similar letter to add something I noticed to have omitted in the form and just wanted to see if it is actually considered when they're reviewing it. 

    Yes they accepted it. I called a few weeks after mailing it and she had a 'supplement letter' with the file. No RFE.

  2. 22 hours ago, Pakyman said:

    I am new to your forum and have a general question.  Has anyone here had any experiences with K1 visa requests in countries that condone gay marriage?  I met someone from Pakistan, and our plan is for him to move to the US and become my husband.  I would like to hear from others about their experiences and/or advice.



      In your K1 package for your letter of intent make sure you specific your intent to marry in a specific state that allows same sex marriage. You must specific your intent in a state that allows it or you LL get a RFE. The forms online here don't do it just add on.. 'in the state of California which recognizes homosexual marriages.'


    Just a heads up.

  3. Would it be acceptable and legal to try and expedite the EAD based on a business employment offer by the business that the petitioner owns?


    Petitioner marries benefianry and the P wants the B to work in his business the legal way. May the P produce the B a bussiness employment letter to expedite the EAD so the B may start to work legally for the P?




     The P

  4. 31 minutes ago, MyJourney said:

    The system is inclined to be biased on the female side and be willing to err on the male side on such situations.....That is why I think it is important to stay rational and think strategically. She knows she cannot derive aos from this marriage. She is going after the "batter spouse" now. He should not give her a chance to use this action, potentially (just potentially) to boost her "battered spouse" argument. 

    The system in the state of Florida wasn't bias towards me when I seperated.

  5. 2 hours ago, Going through said:

    Wives generally don't call the police on their husband, get them arrested, and file a protective order against them due to misunderstandings...I guess anything is possible though, of course.

    It's all common in child custody. File an injunction, get the house, kids, and ungodly amount of child support since she has 100% of the kids. the father can't afford a place or a lawyer , stable place for kids and lose the child custody battle. In the state of Florida though there needs to either be marks, creditable witness', or confession. 

  6. 9 hours ago, Diane and Chris said:

    Yes, but since it’s California, they probably won’t report it to the feds. Lol 😂 

    It really depends on the state. When I was at the CS office in wpb, I told them my job depends on having a passport, being a pilot it does. They told me as long as you are working to catch up and request not the be on the list they won't do it. A person can also go infront of a judge assigned to their case and explain the situation and ask to be removed from the list. Same way with their driver license. I have never fallen behind.



  7. 4 minutes ago, payxibka said:

    Passport issuance is a federal issue and should be the same across the country

    DLs are state issued so it varies from state to state

    Yes, but the state's the one who notifies the federal government. The state has the ability not to notice the federal government of the arrears and will do so if the obligee is working with them and request them not to do so.


  8. 11 minutes ago, Vovo said:



    thanks for your reply but

    1 .The lady was not sure who impregnated her for like 2 years  

    2 - As soon as he got a job he did start paying till to day ,

    3. I did state the reason why he could not pay 

    4.We considering applying for K1 but I want us get the arrears sorted out before we can start a new life

    If he has an agreement payment plan for the arrears then the state's Child support enforcement should sign a release even if he has more than $2,500. Same way with Driver license. If he is currently paying, paying arrears they won't suspend it. That would be counter productive. 


    I am a child support payer and I know the feeling he is going through. So yes if he goes down to the child support office and request to be able to get a passport they'll probably allow him takes a few weeks and then he'll receive a passport for ten years. 

  9. I don't have much family either and the ones I have wouldn't even bother calling back if I called. I look forward to being part of her family also. We are hoping for a November homecoming.



  10. 1 minute ago, John & Rose said:

    It isn’t great right now but it is all doable. Rose and the kids are amazing. We will get through this. 

    At this rate. We are day 119 on our 'adventure'. Best of wishes! 

  11. On 4/26/2018 at 12:46 AM, John & Rose said:

    I did contact the Embassy. They said it is denied and that I need to wait for the letter to know why. The CO told us everything was fine and even gave the paperwork about abuse. We did need the NBI AKA for the misspelling. We did that. 

    John, you are having an awful time.

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