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Posts posted by Nnnnnn

  1. 2 hours ago, OldUser said:

    Did you check processing times during the research?



    At the time of posting:

    California - 5.5 months

    NBC - 8.5 months

    Nebraska - 4 months

    Texas - 4 months

    Vermont - 10.5 months


    You don't get to pick the service center. Depending on your luck you can be done in 4 or 10.5 months.





    This is for the k3 right? I’ve done so much reading my brain is melting! It’s very confusing. I want to apply in the hope it’s quicker. Is there a thread for? 

  2. 18 minutes ago, Boiler said:

    I have not seen a K3 in years but seem to recollect it is multi entry? for 2 years, not going to bother looking it up as it is all moot.

    Ok, this is the first I have heard of and been looking into all sorts for the last day. The information I have seen is simply that you can apply, it is free to file and that whichever is first will get processed. I have now seen that on the uscis website it specifys they are rare due to uscis taking less time to process I-130 the need for a k3 is rare. All a massive minefield and I’m feeling quite overwhelmed 

  3. 17 hours ago, Rianna623 said:



    My US passport expires on June 2024 and I am planning to travel in April so i need to renew my passport. I currently have an i-130 pending for my spouse who lives overseas. If I renew my passport before the i-130 gets approved will this cause issues for me? Do I need to updated the passport number or will they ask for my old passport?


    Thank you in advance!

    I asked an immigration lawyer this and they said you are able to update your passport. It just needs to be done before you visa appointment. Company is called immigration for couples, they do a q and a live on Facebook every Tuesday. All their previous videos are available to watch too. I asked on this weeks live if you want to go look at what she said. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Crazy Cat said:

    Usually, the I-129F is administratively closed, and continues as a CR-1/IR-1.  Sometimes, USCIS then approves the I-130.  The major disadvantages of a K-3 (and K-1) are:

    - Adjustment of status is required ($$$$$$)

    - Applicant cannot legally work in the US for up to 8 months

    - Applicant cannot leave the country (& re-enter) for up to 8 months

    - Applicant will not receive Green card for up to a year or more after filing for adjustment

    - Applicant clock to qualify for citizenship does not start until Green Card is approved.

    I am not suggesting you are wrong, from the little research I have done it seems that the wait time is not this length. Also, there is mention of applying for an employment authorisation. Yes the adjustment of status is expensive but I am not too fussed about that as we have been waiting so long already. Appreciate others are in the same boats as us too. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Boiler said:

    Just your time, of you have a valid reason you can apply for an expedite.

    I was looking at the expedite but not sure I fit into one of them. We did file a fiance visa application last year but it must have got lost in the post because we never received anything. We even tried to take it to a field office after waiting so long, it turned out to be an ICE office and they checked the system for us and confirmed nothing, they are the ones who told us to just get married (which we wanted to do anyway!) 

  6. The application form itself is simple enough (for me, completing the form and providing documents was simple enough, appreciate may it be for others) I am just looking for recommendations should uscis come back to me with any issues, I would have already looked into someone I wanted and have everything in hand. I will be applying for my K visa now that my spousal application is in so again, I am just thinking ahead. 

  7. Hi, Does anyone have a lawyer they have used and could recommend? 

    I am just submitting my Spouse visa online, the form itself is straight forward but I am just getting ahead of the game so to speak and want to discuss a couple of legal matters with a lawyer but do not want to send thousands. I have just had a quote from a UK based lawyer who said £300 plus VAT just for a consultation. This just seems ridiculous. Grateful for any guidance/recommendtions. 


  8. And it wouldn’t matter if I travel on a new passport? I want to apply for a new passport for Identification purposes asap. My husband is retired air force so I have a spouse military ID in my married name. Just don’t want loads of questions or make things difficult with having new passport numbers and no border records plus two different IDs. All a headache this process 🤣

  9. Hi everyone, me and my husband just got married and I am going to be applying for my passport in my new name. My husband is USC and will be my petitioner and I am just wondering do I need to apply for my new passport and include my new number on the I-130 or my current one which is my maiden name which is what I have been travelling to the US with. I am a UK citizen. Any experience with this would be greatly received and may be an obvious question but I just feels like another delay to now wait for my new passport to be returned. 

  10. Hi all, me nd my fiancé are having some difficulties at the moment and decided to not continue at this time with our application until things are better. We have been approved for our 129f, I’ve had my medical and the next stage would be for me to have my interview at the London embassy. They sent me a letter that we have 60 days to inform them if we want to continue with the process. My question is, if we stop at this point and then decide in a couple months to put in a new application would we need to wait a period of time or will it even be considered if we’ve not continued with this first process? I’ve not booked my interview yet and not sure if their timeframe would be extended? 

  11. 4 minutes ago, kid1412 said:

    Agreed. If OP answer “no” to the arrest question, the risk is too great. If he gets caught and the CO has a bad day, he might even charge him with material mispresentation 6c1 then he’s toast. Answer “yes” might invite some questions but it easily defensible with all sorts of evidence that OP did nothing wrong. 

    I’m starting to see this more now. Thankyou very much

  12. 5 minutes ago, payxibka said:

    But you never violated the law therefore question 2 can be answered no and not be in conflict with the previous question.   I also think that your response to the arrest question is not only wrong place wrong time but also because of the level of vetting you were subjected to for your employment give credence to your story

    That’s what I am thinking. I am applying to get it removed as I didn’t do anything wrong and as much as I understand police formalities I don’t agree that this should pop up and cause stressful situations like this. I shouldn’t be worried about getting a visa when I have not done anything wrong. Thankyou for all your advice and assistance very much appreciated.

  13. 6 minutes ago, kris&me said:

    I don't know your age now but even if expunged,  if the arrest appeared in a newspaper (and was posted online)  the info is still there

    once online 

    always online

    so if immigration googles your name,  it could show up/ don't know if they ever do

    but try to google it yourself

    Was never in the newspaper. There was no charge and arrest was a formality. 

  14. Just now, payxibka said:

    The next question is have you ever violated or engaged in a conspiracy to violate any law relating to a controlled substance.   

    That’s where I found myself questioning my answer. I haven’t and I know I haven’t but would my arrest go against my answer of no. Does that make sense? I’m saying no but I have an arrest of a drug offence. 

  15. Just now, payxibka said:

    The question on the ds160 is have you ever been arrested for any offense eventhough subject to amnesty,  pardon or other similar action. 


    One would think expungement would qualify under other similar action.   Slippery slippery slope to not disclose as discovery of a failure to disclose guarantees refusal 

    There is another for drugs right? I haven’t ever taken drugs or anything like that, my concern of answering no would for them to argue the arrest by equally I’m not going to say yes to something I didn’t do.

    almost thinking it would better to me to apply, state yes to arrest, explain situation and in process of asking local police to remove this record. 

    What I don’t want is to do the wrong thing and get refused, but equally I have seen that drug offenses is a massive no entry. 

    I was sort of under the impression of it did not appear on my police certificate then it wouldn’t need to be disclosed. I really am not sure and that is why I posted as I don’t want to put in jeopardy my approval. 

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