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Posts posted by Shyone86

  1. 15 minutes ago, Aping26 said:

    Hi everyone! I am so happy to have been able to hear a lot of stories from a lot of people/couples from around the globe. But I guess i am not pursuing my application anymore. We are 147 days now waiting for the NOA2. It seems that my fiance is always jealous whenever he sees my comments on facebook. Commenting on my friends’ posts, throwing jokes on my friends (u know flirtatious jokes but u know it wouldnt happen cause they are your friends)Β 

    goodluck everyone! I am a bit sad because of this. But I really dont like the way my fiance is treating me. He is causing me emotional distress. Sorry for venting out. I think I just need to express what I have inside. God bless everyone. Anyone who’s open to talk to? Hit me up via whatsapp. +32465715520

    I'm sorry hun, this is not an easy journey to be on.LONG DISTANCE in itself takes hard work, dedication, and TRUST etc...Only the strongΒ survive... Not saying that your wrong for the decision that you are making because I have wanted to give up a couple of times. Although it is long distance it does not give him the right to make you feel that way. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. It will happen when the time is right. Take care. πŸ™‚

  2. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get a tier 2 on the phone. I feel like I want to know more about my case and that's not a good enough reason to call. Like seriously this is ridiculous. 😑

    Don't get me wrong I am truly happy for everyone, but I must admit as you all know this can really have you on an emotional roller coaster. 😞 

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.Β 

    Excuse my rant.

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