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Everything posted by bakphx1

  1. It’s natural to have anxiety. After all the documentation and interview, it feels like you’re in for another interview or someone else to make a decision on your life. They aren’t there to re-interview you or second guess your visa. They just verify you’re holding a valid visa and initiate the green card. They may take you aside for some extra processing.
  2. How long has she been out of work? Is she looking? If she seems uninterested in working, I will be unlike the others and say your instincts may be right. I have seen this problem before and there’s never a good outcome. If it’s been a very short time, that’s one thing but if she seems to be fine letting you pay for everything, she may never look. As far as another wife-no one said being single is bad. At least for a while. I would just take of myself first and not worry about marrying until you have found someone you like.
  3. We went to the ceremony a few months ago in Phoenix. It was really only about 2 hours from walking in the courthouse to having the certificate in hand. That said, we added time on for doing a passport application right there to take advantage that someone was there (not always available in every city). There were also voter registrars (optional). That could add time. I think 2-3 hours would be a good timeframe to work with.
  4. I looked at what others had done-they said they had no problems going the I-751 route. If it matches the marriage certificate last name you don’t have to explain. Here’s a forum thread on this I found: https://forums.immigration.com/threads/a-question-about-i-751-name-change.259640/
  5. You can enter together. They will likely make the immigrating spouse go to secondary to process the visa, which you can’t do with them. It’s not a long process. But otherwise yes, people do it.
  6. My husband got his driver license updated with the extension letter to have current ID if needed (if you don’t drive, get a state ID). But like the other person said, we didn’t carry the letter anywhere. We would have to travel, but we filed just a few months before Covid, so no travel for a while.
  7. Under six months, you’re okay. Definitely keep meticulous records of leaving/entering the US. You have to list them on the application and you don’t want to omit anything.
  8. My husband HATES needles. In the end he got all the needed ones (you age out of some, which shortens the list). Also some are combo shots, so there may be just a few actual injections. It might save you money to see if any place provides free or low cost vaccines in her area and give a document. They take you at your word when they ask if you’ve had chicken pox.
  9. I found another thread where someone mentioned the same scenario. They didn’t follow through on ROC and got denied citizenship because they didn’t remove conditions. Keep the receipts, let us know what happens.
  10. Yes-that’s what I mean. So it’s an unresolved I-90. They may see that, or they may just say there’s no CR to process the ROC and make you wait. It’s more important to keep track of this for citizenship-show filed the I-90 and a timely I-751. Keep those receipts.
  11. My apologies-the standard question in your heading is frequent and I replied without understanding your situation. Did you report the error before?
  12. You are right-I live in a lockbox city that is also a USCIS location-so I didn’t think the lockbox even opened packets. I’m also embarrassed to say I missed that point about the 10 year GC by reading the title. And skimming. Normally that issue is reported when the GC is received, so if it’s not reported or was reported and never corrected you’re right that creates a processing issue.
  13. I’m not sure of a scenario that this would apply. Do you mean someone filing an I-751 for someone who doesn’t have a CR visa? The lockbox just takes and distributes the packets. If they go to process this and can’t find a matching CR case, then it would either be returned or get a request for info. Normally a copy of the CR green card is attached as a part of the packet. I don’t recall seeing this situation unless I misunderstood.
  14. Having seen others post, some thought 91, 92 or 93 days early was close enough and got it back. Just stressing the 90-day window is absolute.
  15. I would mention them and explain. If your reasons for not having them can be documented, document it. If you’re living with relatives or in a home owned by a relative, provide that deed copy and a statement from them that you are both living there. No car-if you live where you don’t use one, just state that. iI would also add you are having a child together.
  16. Even if you don’t have a joint bank account, if you can show you intermingle funds, or you pay her expenses as household expenses, that’s the next best thing. If she’s an authorized user of any credit card, that helps. I think that aside, you’re pretty solid. Writing a letter helps-address anticipated questions. Aldo shared gym membership, Costco accoun, AAAt-stuff like that can help. Just thinking beyond bank and utilities.
  17. Someone can correct me, but I think once both are pending, it will always be a “combo” interview where they finalize both together.
  18. If your complex has an office-could it have been left there?
  19. I would just file-as long as you have the A-number you can complete the paperwork. I would put a short letter on top outlining the info provided and state there that the green card was never received. They can verify in their own records that the green card was never received. It could even help if that reviewer sees it’s been hung up a long time to move it to being produced.
  20. Since it’s under a year, you’re in a lot better shape than if it were over a year. I don’t see a reason to think it should be a denial. It sounds perfectly reasonable to me. Since it can be documented, even better.
  21. They will likely ask if you understand what the oath of allegiance is and describe your understanding.
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