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Posts posted by acidrain

  1. @DianalorenaI have really appreciated all of our correspondence with each other. I feel like I KNOW YOU!! I feel like there aren't too many people I can share my experience with or who would even care. At least we both know we have tried everything we can to be reunited with our spouses. At this point I'm not sure if rocking the boat any further is going to help. It was encouraging to see a few files get approved today. We should start a pool over who is going to get approved first (like a sports pool). I will say I'll be genuinely happy for you when you get approved even if it's before me. We have all been waiting too long.


    I never thought about filing for an expedite if my file has not been processed after the USCIS processing date. That's a really great idea. I also think at that point a political office can better intervene. I have faith everything is going to alright. We just might have to give it another month or two. I know I should feel lucky because so far the border has let me through to visit my spouse. I am glad you are able to see your spouse in another month.


    This whole experience has been so bizarre. First with Trump's travel ban and attempting to cross the border the day after. To the shootings and how I'm stuck in Canada while my spouse is down in Vegas. Then there of course is Nebraska. How the heck did all of us get stuck at this place? It's certainly tested our patience and our relationships. When they send the NOA2 letter it should be on gold paper and with some nice stickers. I have a feeling if there is some sort of customer satisfaction survey after all this they will not be asking us lol.

  2. 21 minutes ago, Vincent & Alejo said:

    Have you ever seen the show Border Security? On Netflix, they have a Canadian, US, and Australian Version (Australia is by far the best). It's filmed at the Port of Entries and is quite interesting.


    I hope my spouse doesn't have any issues entering at Fort Lauderdale in November. He's bringing his NOA1 and a letter from his boss that states his anticipated return to work date.

    I watch Border Security all the time. As I fly through YVR sometimes I half expect to be filmed for the US show since my case is unusual. I think they stopped filming in Canada because some guy complained his rights were violated. There is a lot of good information for people in our circumstances. It shows the point of view from the border officials so I adjusted my approach after I traveled with my section 212.


    I am sure your spouse won't have any issues. There isn't too many cases where people have been denied entry. Make sure to bring any immigration paperwork, correspondence with a lawyer if you have that, the letters you sent USCIS, even a print out with where your case is at. Both times they wanted proof I was doing things legally. Ties to his home country are equally important. A letter from his employer, future appointment dates, plans with friends and family all show a reason to go back home. Think if this were Judge Judy how would you prove to her you were going home? The first time I crossed the officer went through everything (took at least a half hour). The second time the officer was more interested in what classes I was taking. If your spouse has already traveled during the process it will come up on their screen. After my first time showing I flew back they were not as skeptical as the first time. Based on my experience the first customs officers won't put someone in secondary unless they have to. Both times the people I got wanted to let me through but couldn't because of my section 212. They both actually felt pretty bad for me/my son and seemed like good guys.


    Some tips if he gets questioned: keep answers short - I rambled the first time and almost got myself in a hole when I started going on about applying for an i130 in the past - it prompted the officer to ask why I didn't complete the process, be friendly and respectful - I can't believe how many people are rude when they are stressed out, don't appear desperate to get into the country - the more desperate someone looks the more likely the officer is going to question intent, be truthful - even if it means the answer is not ideal - I am on a month to month lease which both officers groaned at but I think because I was truthful they were more inclined to believe my story, always prepare yourself for the off chance you might get turned away - I am a control freak by nature so I know by taking this approach I'm not coming across as threatening. I am sure your spouse will get through without any problems.

  3. Just now, Vincent & Alejo said:

    Are you going to Las Vegas? My spouse and I are going to Las Vegas in November. He's flying from Colombia here to Orlando on Nov 4th then we're off to Vegas on Nov 6th for a week.

    We sure are. It's going to be pretty sad to visit after what happened. I will be back in Canada before the end of Oct otherwise I'd say let's meet up. I also have to get through the border which is always a dog and pony show. Enjoy your time together!

  4. Thank you to Sundee, Dianalorena, and others who responded to my message yesterday. Unfortunately I have nothing to share about the Nebraska office. With the mass shooting in Vegas which is where my spouse lives all of the political offices have a lot to deal with right now. I am not even going to bother following up on this issue. I heard back from USCIS Canada but they said the Nebraska office was out of their jurisdiction. I never heard back from the Ombudsman or the 2 USCIS directors I emailed and sent actual letters to. I am sorry. I honestly put out an effort but haven't gotten anywhere. Thank you to everyone who tried.


    At this point I've resigned myself to the fact everything is out of my control. It will be 8 months at the end of the week for us. I know we will more than likely get approved within the next 1-2 months. I have a trip scheduled to visit my spouse in a few weeks. I am going to focus on that.


    I wish everyone luck who want to continue seeing if they can speed up Nebraska.

  5. I just realized I posted this in the Feb filers thread as well thinking I had posted it here. I am so out of it.


    I'm having one of the worst days ever since our ordeal began. I'm venting to you because if I shared this with people in Canada they simply would not understand. They will try to talk me out of my move. I woke up this morning to a whole bunch of messages. I started to panic when the words "active shooter" and "is your husband alive" came in. This whole immigration experience has been a complete nightmare. People have told me I should write about what we've gone through. Then this shooting happened.


    My spouse was working at one of the biggest hotels on the Las Vegas strip yesterday on his day off. He's been working non stop because paying for two households has drained our savings. Ironically he does security systems. He had just taken a photo in front of one of the hotels before this mass shooting happened. My spouse told me this morning he is okay. But the whole thing has really shaken me up and made me physically ill. I don't want to take anything away from the victims. I am absolutely horrified for the poor people of Vegas and those who got massacred. I am in complete shock this happened.


    There are so many emotions going through my head. Imagine being apart from your spouse when something like this happens. Vegas is a place I visit frequently. I know the people, the sights, the politicians, etc. I know if I talk to anyone in Canada they will tell me I'm crazy for wanting to move there. Canadians don't understand American gun culture. All these thoughts are going through my head like should I move my son to a place like this? I want to see my spouse but with my section 212 I can't for another 18 days. That's if the border will let me through. I've tried to hold myself together and did after the border detained me back in Jan. I didn't cry. Not once. But our situation keeps getting crazier and crazier. It's like some sort of ongoing nightmare.


    I'm so upset at the Nebraska office for putting my family through this separation. Everyone is still asking me what the heck is going on. Why on earth am I separated, especially when something like this happens? What the heck is wrong with US immigration? I'm so frustrated. I don't know what to do anymore. I have followed all the rules legally. We have done everything that has been asked of us. Unfortunately I don't see an expedite for this situation because there is no ongoing threat. I can't help but wonder about the safety and security of my spouse though. He works at various hotels on the strip all the time.

  6. 1 hour ago, Vincent & Alejo said:

    What I find odd.... my sister married a Canadian. Without listening to me or without speaking to a lawyer, they show up at the Canadian border. The Canadians let them cross, give her indefinite stay and told her to file her Canadian paperwork. No issue whatsoever letting her and her Canadian husband cross the border after getting married in the US to start their lives in Canada. Two years later, she's now a Canadian Permanent Resident.

    I totally understand what you are saying because I thought what we were doing was legal. We showed up to the border with a U-haul and wanted to try out the US. We were not even 100% committed to moving there (my spouse didn't even have a job at that point). We said we'd adjust status later. What threw everything into a tailspin was Trump instated the travel ban the day before we crossed the border. We had absolutely no idea he'd pull that kind of stunt and did not have time to process the consequences. I could write my own story on the absolute chaos I witnessed at the Canadian border that day. Senior citizens being pulled out of their RV's, border officials photographing the inside of vehicles, the panic and fear among everyone. It was like being witness to some sort of WWII movie. Unfortunately we were caught up in the middle of it all. I was detained, processed and put on the special security list (I've since been taken off).


    I'm having one of the worst days ever since our ordeal began. I'm venting to you because if I shared this with people in Canada they simply would not understand. They will try to talk me out of my move. I woke up this morning to a whole bunch of messages. I started to panic when the words "active shooter" and "is your husband alive" came in. This whole immigration experience has been a complete nightmare. People have told me I should write about what we've gone through. Then this shooting happened.


    My spouse was working at one of the biggest hotels on the Las Vegas strip yesterday on his day off. He's been working non stop because paying for two households has drained our savings. Ironically he does security systems. He had just taken a photo in front of one of the hotels before this mass shooting happened. My spouse told me this morning he is okay. But the whole thing has really shaken me up and made me physically ill. I don't want to take anything away from the victims. I am absolutely horrified for the poor people of Vegas and those who got massacred. I am in complete shock this happened.


    There are so many emotions going through my head. Imagine being apart from your spouse when something like this happens. Vegas is a place I visit frequently. I know the people, the sights, the politicians, etc. I know if I talk to anyone in Canada they will tell me I'm crazy for wanting to move there. Canadians don't understand American gun culture. All these thoughts are going through my head like should I move my son to a place like this? I want to see my spouse but with my section 212 I can't for another 18 days. That's if the border will let me through. I've tried to hold myself together and did after the border detained me back in Jan. I didn't cry. Not once. But our situation keeps getting crazier and crazier. It's like some sort of ongoing nightmare.


    I'm so upset at the Nebraska office for putting my family through this separation. Everyone is still asking me what the heck is going on. Why on earth am I separated, especially when something like this happens? What the heck is wrong with US immigration? I'm so frustrated. I don't know what to do anymore. I have followed all the rules legally. We have done everything that has been asked of us. Unfortunately I don't see an expedite for this situation because there is no ongoing threat. I can't help but wonder about the safety and security of my spouse though. He works at various hotels on the strip all the time.

  7. The good news is I heard from USCIS Canada first thing this morning. The bad news is they say it's out of their jurisdiction and cannot help. I will post their reply:

    Thank you for your e-mail.

    We are sorry for the trouble you have gone through with this case.

    Please be advised that you are contacting an office of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services overseas. We don’t have jurisdiction over the Nebraska Service Center process.

    Please contact them directly.

    LIN - Nebraska Service Center: NSCFollowup.NCSC@uscis.dhs.gov




    My XpressPost letter I sent to Donald Neufeld was confirmed to be accepted this morning. I guess we'll see if anything happens with that.

  8. On 9/27/2017 at 8:19 PM, Umair Mohammad said:

    Hello Folks,


    I am March filer (March 22nd, 2017) and have been eagerly following this group for some time.  Let me start off by saying, for those that have received their NOA2, congratulations and for those like myself that are waiting, patience is key and not to lose focus.  I have been nagging my lawyer and he (reputable immigration lawyer) has informed me things are moving at a turtle's pace out of Nebraska. 


    I have reached out to my congressman and his immigration assistance asked that my wife fill out some form authorizing the congress man's office to personally follow-up on the matter.  The kind lady did inform me that there is only so much she can do regarding USCIS. 


    Currently, USCIS out of Nebraska has not even started 2017 filers.  Now, its a venting and game of patience....

    A few of us are trying to contact politicians, USCIS, Ombudsman, foreign embassies to bring attention to the fact Nebraska is at a standstill. Unfortunately NSC has been stuck in Nov/Dec for nearly 3 months now. You can follow what Nebraska filers are saying in this thread:

    If you speak to your congressman I encourage you to address the processing time at NSC. Until this problem is corrected none of us are going anywhere. If you solely request a case review they will just say you are within normal processing times for that center.

  9. @Vincent & Alejothank you so much for writing such an awesome letter to your Senator. Hopefully if enough of us write in it will lead to somebody somewhere doing something about it. I can only go so far with everything that I am doing. If everybody contacted one or two people imagine how much of a difference it would make. Have you thought about also emailing the Office of the Ombudsman cisombudsman.publicaffairs@hq.dhs.gov?


    @Dianalorena I honestly would never know English is not your first language. I love how passionate you are about life, your spouse and all things immigration. I wish I knew how to speak Spanish especially with moving to Vegas. When I get obsessed about something I'm the kind of person that doesn't take no for an answer. Have you ever thought about the Nebraska people creeping this page out? It's sort of the TMZ for USCIS lol (is this where they are spending all their time).


    It's getting pretty crazy when people are complaining from other service centers when their i130 hasn't gone through in 6 months. This used to be the old normal. I'm in disbelief a couple of Dec 12 petitions went through on Sept 29. The goal post in Nebraska isn't moving at all. I thought for sure they would be finished with all of Dec 16 petitions at the start of Oct. Someone has clearly dropped the ball. I'm just surprised more people haven't written in or freaked out about all the waiting.


  10. On 9/30/2017 at 7:05 AM, Irina872212 said:

    Hi everyone!


    And congratulations  for all who get approved!


    One question - Any approval from Nebraska? I see Photomac and Texas is almost 5-6 month and working fast.


    But not Nebraska :-( any news? It feels like beeing forever

    Feel free to check out the Nebraska filers thread. According to your estimated date you are looking at the middle to the end of Jan (another 3 1/2 months) to get approved.


    There is a serious problem going on at the NSC. I encourage anyone who is stuck in NSC to write to the contacts posted in the Nebraska filers thread. This week will be 8 months since I've waited for an approval. NSC isn't even finished processing applications from Dec. Generally it's taking 9-10 months for a i130 to get approved at the NSC. If things don't start picking up I am afraid it is going to be even longer.


    Vermont, Texas and Potomac are only taking 5-6 months.

  11. You can create an account on USCIS to check your case but it will probably be a while before your case is even touched. There are a number of us emailing various contacts at USCIS to try to get Nebraska to speed up their processing times. If you want to join the discussion on the NSC or just vent you can visit the thread here:


  12. To normalize the situation it is extremely difficult to get an expedite approved. There are only a few cases I have been in these forums where it has gone through. You can try to work with a member of Congress (Senator or Congressperson) to see if they can advocate on your behalf. But the situation has to be extreme in order for USCIS to consider the case.

  13. The K3 is obsolete. They very rarely process those anymore. Unfortunately the non USC spouse has to wait the process abroad.


    Some people are able to get a tourist visa to visit their USC spouse. But if the person doesn't already have one it can be hard to prove ties to their home country and be approved.

  14. Welcome everyone to the forum. I've been here for a while as my NOA1 date is Feb 8. Just wanted to give you all the heads up on what is going on. My file is currently stuck in Nebraska after almost 8 months of waiting. Currently it's taking 9-10 months at Nebraska and that center has come to a standstill. Me along with many others in Visa Journey are trying to speed up the processing times at NSC. For those who are stuck in Nebraska feel free to check out the Nebraska filers page where there are a number of people to contact to get things moving along.


    Potomac by all observation is the fastest. Many people are getting approved in 5-6 months along with Vermont. Texas is around the 6 month mark. I would not go by what USCIS processing times go by because they are 2 months behind. Right now it says Texas is behind Nebraska when it is not the case at all. The estimated date in Visa Journey is accurate according to today's data. However, my estimated date went from Sept to Oct and now to Nov as Nebraska has gotten worse and worse. If things don't pick up I could be looking at Dec (10 months).


    If any files start to get transferred from Nebraska this will start to effect the other 3 processing centers greatly.

  15. @DianalorenaI picture these guys at Nebraska attempting to work from home. Their kids running around while the worker isn't paying attention taking off with birth certificates and photos. I wonder if more RFE's get issued. I have no doubt there is a lot of googling and social media searches going on. Having worked for the government myself I know what goes on when people think they can get away with it. I laughed so hard at the eeny, miney, moe comment. It's like a lottery based system lol. I'm just shocked with all the privacy laws the government allows that to happen.


    I noticed a lot of people from the other centers are getting their interview dates. The part I'm sure that is frustrating for both of us is we have absolutely zero idea when this process will be finished. I would LOVE to know when my interview date is. Then I can plan my life and figure out where we will be and when.


    I have emailed everyone I can think of and sent in hard copies of my letters. I hope others consider doing what they feel comfortable doing. The consulates abroad are probably the best people to contact. I've had nothing but great experiences with the consulates here in Canada and the workers are exceptionally helpful. I saw there is an email address for the Nebraska office but didn't bother posting it. I have no doubt that office is aware of their own problems and have no interest to fix them.


    You are so funny btw! You are a WONDERFUL writer who expresses her feelings and yourself exceptionally well. Do not doubt that! Perhaps after this horrible ordeal is over you will gain confidence as an independent and strong woman you are!


    My hope is everyone keeps contacting people who will hopefully contact other people. At some point the message will start getting through. I had the same chaotic approach for my spouse's SSN. He never lived in the US as an adult so he never had a number. We applied for a number in Washington State which was the nearest office to us. Then the office said they wouldn't issue one unless he could prove he lived in Canada every year of his life. I gathered 168 certified government docs and it still wasn't enough. After that I got on the phone and just started calling people. The Washington State's Senator's office was involved, congressperson and then I called the US embassy in Ottawa who gave me a contact at headquarters in Baltimore. I'm positive that office laughed at us because of all the games they played. But the finale was someone from headquarters told the Supervisor to go in on her day off (Saturday) and issue the SSN herself! She called my husband and apologized. I could not believe it (still can't). The moral of the story is to not give up and try to get as many people involved as possible.

  16. I just sent an inquiry to the general email address I found for USCIS Canadian immigration issues. The auto reply states " We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible and in no later than 5 business days ".


    @Dianalorena this is the following Mexico field office contact information I found for you: mexico.uscis@uscis.dhs.gov


    5080-2000 ( from Mexico City)
    01-55-5080-2000 (from within Mexico)
    011-52-55-5080-2000 (from the U.S.)


    5080-2313 (from Mexico City)
    01-55-5080-2313 (from within Mexico)
    011-52-55-5080-2313 (from the U.S.)


  17. @DianalorenaThat's a great comparison. I couldn't imagine another scenario where it would be okay to take home all of someone's personal information. Can USCIS guarantee that not only their employees don't go rogue but that the people in their household don't have access to it too? It's quite frankly disturbing the NSC can take all of our personal information home.


    I am completely with you on how frustrating this whole situation is. People who have the same NOA1 date as us are now starting to get final interviews and we have absolutely no idea when our NOA2 will get approved. I have no doubt there is probably a lot more going on at the NSC than either one of us will ever know.


    In terms of writing the article I would do what you feel comfortable doing. If that means writing it anonymously than I would. A part of me wants to take this issue public but I am afraid of the repercussions. So far I've tried to contact people at USCIS but not one person has gotten back to me. The Senator's office I contacted has not gotten in touch with me. I can't believe how nobody takes our needs seriously and if we ever get through this process can become US citizens in a few years.


    You raise a very valid and good point about the CR1 process. It is really stupid to have to wait 18 months for the damn thing. But if you had waited 6 more months you'd have no conditions. I've seen CR1 applicants have trouble securing a mortgage because brokers think their green card status is not guaranteed.


    For anyone who might want to write in about the slow processing times at USCIS I will list the contact information below:

    1) Office of the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman
    U.S. Department of Homeland Security
    2) Donald Neufeld - Associate Director, Service Center Operations Directorate
    3) James McCament - Deputy Associate Director, Service Center Operations

  18. As mentioned in the Nebraska thread there is something that has gone horribly wrong. I'm just as frustrated as many others are. I think the biggest problem right now is the lack of communication. We have absolutely no idea what is going on. For people at every other processing center there is a degree you can plan your lives. I spoke to my spouse last night and he asked where are things at? I said Nebraska isn't even out of Dec and next week it will be 8 months of waiting. I think Nebraska has been stuck in Nov/Dec for 3 consecutive months. This process is eating up so much of our life savings. Having to pay for two households and it's confusing for my 4 year old son. I know it's not the fault of anyone here as to why things are the way they are. But it's frustrating when we have no idea how many more months it will be just to have our i130 approved and other people have an interview date.


    It just occurred to me that people from other service centers are starting to get final interview dates who have the same NOA1 date as me. I guess that's the part I'm the most frustrated with. I'm worried this process is going to eat up more of our savings and take a year and a half to complete. Imagine one person getting their entire IR1 approved in 8 months and another person having to wait 18 months? I joked in the beginning to get a divorce and apply for a K-1 Visa. I'm actually seriously wondering if it would've been a quicker route to reunite my family. I'm from Canada and been married to my spouse for 10 years, together for 12.


    I don't wish what we have experienced on anybody. Everybody deserves to be processed in a reasonable time. It's just so painful to feel like the people at Nebraska have been completely left behind.

  19. @DianalorenaYes Nebraska hung up on my lawyer who is a retired judge! He could not believe the level of disrespect! Someone else posted this article about what goes on at the Nebraska office: http://www.visalaw.com/update-entry/adam-cohen-authored-report-detailing-experience-nebraska-service-center-open-house/.


    What I could not believe is how the workers at Nebraska are allowed to take our files home!!! I'm picturing all of our ID that we sent in. We sent my spouse's birth certificate, our marriage certificate, old passport, my ID, my son's birth certificate, etc.. There is so much personal information about our lives and these guys get to take it home! It also raises a question over whether anyone has any level of quality control. If these guys are working from home who determines whether a worker is doing anything? How would anyone know? This may explain why when I went the direct consulate route in 2010 it was instantaneous and now it's taking 10+ months. How does a supervisor know these workers are processing people by way of chronological date? Are they randomly selecting people from countries they like first? All sorts of questions are coming up in my mind as to what is going on behind the scenes at the NSC. The crazy part is OUR FEES pay these guys wages and no tax dollars are used to fund these service centers!


    That is fantastic you are writing a letter to expose what is happening in immigration. It is shocking the level of disrespect that is given to us considering in 3 years many of us can apply to remove conditions and become a citizen! The part that I find absolutely appalling is there is nobody to complain to! I hope someone can get a hold of a politician that is willing to take on this cause. It just feels like these guys can do whatever they want with no consequence!

  20. @ChristinaMSWelcome to the forum and thank you for sharing. I think you've set a new record for an IR-1 applicant for total # of years together. I've been with my spouse for a total of 12, married 10 with a child who is 4. It is very discouraging to hear you filed back in Dec and are stuck in this black hole. I am so sorry you and your children have to go through this.


    I know there is a lot of contradictory information about whether you can visit your spouse while the application is pending. There is no law that prevents you from being able to visit on a tourist visa. But one has to be very careful. I have been section 212'd myself meaning I have been processed with the intent to immigrate. I have been told by our lawyer and the border I will get questioned during my Visa interview what happened. But it will not invalidate my IR-1 Visa in any way.


    My passport is flagged so every time I enter I have to go through an extensive screening process at the border. They look over every piece of information I provide. The last border official told me if there was a chance I would not get approved for my IR-1 I would be denied entry. They have confirmed I am allowed to enter the US for 1-2 week visits but must remain abroad for the majority of time I wait. I attempt to travel every 7 weeks (for about 12 days) and so far 2 visits have been successful. The most important things to travel with are a) ties to your home country and b) your immigration paperwork. It all comes down to the person who interviews you. If the border knows you are intending on immigrating their biggest fear will be (as it is with me) that you will split your country to join your spouse. Unfortunately when people have been together for many years the border assumes the couple may not be able to live without each other.


    I will say traveling during this process is extremely stressful. Every time I get on a plane I prepare myself mentally I may get sent back on the next flight home. After my first trip after I was section 212'd I almost backed out of visiting my spouse. I was put on a special screening list that has all sorts of extra steps I had to take to get through airport security. If there was even a shred of truth I would not get my green card because of that section 212 there is no way they would've let me through. I just wanted to mention my own situation as I was completely petrified over traveling to the US after what happened. You are able to visit but you also have to prove you will go home after the visit.

  21. @EDurevic

    OMG as soon as you said the Nebraska officer is playing eeny, meeny, mino, moe I couldn't stop laughing for a half an hour. I needed that today. I am just shocked that such sensitive information like an immigration application with copies of our ID (birth certificates never the less of USC's) is sent home with employees!!!! How on earth is this possible??? All sorts of flags are coming up for me like how is there any quality control over anything if Nebraska employees are allowed to telecommute from home? I also agree that fiances should be waiting longer than married couples. You can't tell me that marriage fraud is higher the longer two people have been together or if they got married.


    I haven't bothered much contacting politicians because most of their offices are useless. I worked as a constituency assistant and unless someone is willing to stick their neck out they won't. You will get a generic answer to wait your turn. I am sure there are effective offices but don't know which ones. The problem is you are bound to the representatives in your/spouse's area. Our lawyer claims he contacted our Senator and nothing ever came about it. The truth is the problem is not a single case issue but an operational issue with the entire Nebraska office. Somehow we need to find someone who cares enough to correct the problem.


    I am in disbelief how bad the system fails people. Back in 2010 I was able to do direct consulate processing. I drove 4 hours, didn't need an appointment, went upstairs and my i130 was approved on the spot. We got all our ID back and in 2 months NVC was completed and I could do consulate processing. Boy do I regret not keeping the i130 going all these years, I let it get cancelled.


    I picture these workers in Nebraska sitting in the comfort of their own home trying to figure out which application they will touch. As soon as I heard that article talk about their union it brought memories of when I used to work at Government and all the shannigans that would go on. Gosh if we were able to telecommute I can guarantee you nothing would've gotten done. The whole thing is a bad joke.

  22. 18 minutes ago, tcy said:

    I'll also join in. Enough is enough and we all need to make our voices heard! I'll also ask my husband to write emails. Ill ask him to first send in emails to senators and congressmen of texas state and if they can't do much then he'll write to others. Dear can you please kindly repost all those email address again. :)

    For those that want to their voices heard about the slow processing time in NSC:


    1) Office of the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman
    U.S. Department of Homeland Security

    2) Donald Neufeld - Associate Director, Service Center Operations Directorate
    3) James McCament - Deputy Associate Director, Service Center Operations
    UCSIS Headquarters
    111 Massachusetts Ave
    Washington, DC 20529-2140

  23. For those that want to their voices heard about the slow processing time in NSC:


    1) Office of the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman
    U.S. Department of Homeland Security

    2) Donald Neufeld - Associate Director, Service Center Operations Directorate
    3) James McCament - Deputy Associate Director, Service Center Operations
    UCSIS Headquarters
    111 Massachusetts Ave
    Washington, DC 20529-2140

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