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    Lfx reacted to JackCassidyMusic in Slow day at the embassy today?   
    ...because gosh darn was that quick!

    I was looking for a queue or something to join, but there wasn't one, and as I approached the door to the security section, a lady opened it and said "Are you Jack?" to which I replied that I was, and she just said "Great, come on through." Didn't have to show any DS-160 or appointment letter or anything!
    It honestly happened so quickly that there's not a great deal to talk about. I seemed to be one of the only ones there as there was no queue to wait in! Just straight into the airport style security where I went through there no problem. The guard asked me to drink some of my water, I'm guessing to prove it's not poisoned or something?
    Then I headed into the reception, they put a sticker on my letter and told me to go up to the first floor where another lady directed me towards the smaller waiting area off from the main room.
    I sat down for less than 30 seconds before my number was called. Handed over my paperwork, did the fingerprints. He took the paystubs as well as the W2 and affidavit. Then I was told to sat back down.
    Less than 2 minutes passed and I was called up again! Asked where my fiancé lived and what he does, when we met, and what my plan was for when I arrive in the US. She then told me my visa had been approved and that was it!
    My appointment time was 11:30, I turned up at 11 and was out by 11:18. Crazy!

  2. Thanks
    Lfx reacted to Royce91 in K1 interview/medical London experience (2018)   
    Hey guys, from the time we sent out our initial petition this website has been amazing at helping us know what’s going on and everyone else’s experience. It has helped ALOT and it’s amazing that we can all come together and help each other out going through the same experiences!! Thanks so much guys! I thought I could do my bit and write about my experience with the K1 medical and interview in London.
    scheduling my medical was pretty easy and straight forward. I was able to call and book for about two weeks later.
    The place is close to Bond Street station and was easy to find.
    My experience here was very nice which was very important because it put me at ease and I was optimistic about the whole k1 experience from then on. I was expecting stern, robotic people who can deny you if you say or do something wrong and then your whole visa will be denied! 🙈. 
    When i arrived (early), I checked in at the reception, the receptionist was very nice and gave me a form to fill in which asked about my medical history. When I took that back she gave me a little cup to pee in. And then I was asked to wait in the waiting area where they were about 10-15 other anxious looking people! The waiting area has water and some magazines and was comfortable. 
    After about 10 minutes a very friendly man called me in for the chest X-ray. This took about 5-10 minutes and I was told he was happy with my X-ray. I was asked to go back out into the waiting area. After about 15 minutes a nurse called me up. She was friendly too but not as nice as the X-ray guy. We went through my vaccinations and my medical history. I needed two vaccinations for the vaccinations requirement- she gave me the option of getting them there or deferring until I get to the U.S as k1 applicants are not required to fulfill this requirement now. I chose to defer and was given a paper to give to the officials in the US when I apply for my Adjustment of Status. 
    Then I was sent out again into the waiting area and after about 5 minutes a doctor called me in. He asked me if I needed a chaperone and I said no. He weighed me, did an eye test and asked me to change into one of those hospital gowns and leave my underwear on (they don’t check your genitals anymore) he asked me if I ever self harmed and I said no then asked me to show him my arms. Checked my neck and mouth and took my blood then asked me to lay down. He felt my belly and twisted my legs (checking joints) we chatted as he did all this. Then we sat down and went over my medical history and he told me my results would be with the embassy in 5 working days.
    i was asked to go back to the waiting area to wait for the receptionist to call me and I would be ready to go. I sat down and chatted to a man in the waiting area who was also there for a k1 visa. 5 minutes later I was called and paid my fee at the reception and I was done. In and out of there in less than an hour.
    The Interview  6March2018
    My interview was for 11.30 and I arrived at vauxhall station (10 minute walk to embassy) SUPER early at 9.30. I walked around to the embassy to see how long it would take me to walk there. Then I walked around and found a Pret A Manger where I sat and had a sandwich and drink (I was so nervous I wasn’t even hungry but I knew I had to eat because I didnt know how long I would be at the embassy!). I left at half 10 and walked over to the embassy. A nice building with lots of construction around and armed police guarding the area. I was turned away for being too early  and refered to a Waitrose down the road which had a cafe. I went there and there were lots of Americans and people going for interviews (they were carrying folders like me). At 11 o’clock I made my way to the embassy and was finally let in! Lol. 
    there was NOBODY there. No queue nothing. So I went straight through the airport style security and outside and walked on fursther into another building which was the actual inside of the embassy. I was given a number stuck onto my DS160 and told to go up a lift into the 1st floor. When The lift opened it was a huge waiting area full of people. I was confused. There were TV screens everywhere which told you which window to go to. My number was already on the screen (it doesn’t flash or make a noise you have to look for your number on the screen and the corresponding window you should go to.)
    i went to my window where a friendly but serious (if that makes sense) man asked me for my passport, birth certificate, affidavit of support and my instructions page. Entered things on the computer and asked me to sit and wait to be called again.
    i was sat down for 2 minutes when a young American lady called me over. She asked me for my police certificate and my fiancé’s previous divorce certificate.
    she then asked me;
    how we met
    what he does for work
    if he has been here
    if I have been to America
    if he owns a house in America 
    what I intend to do when I get there
    Then she told me my medical results have not been received yet:( but she approved my visa!! :D!!!! As long as my medical was all good. Super happy!! I had to ask her to confirm it’s been approved again!
    And I was free to go. I was there for 10 minutes. 
    I called Knightsbridge as my results should have been there (my medical was 8 working days ago) and they told me due to The bad weather this past week (Beast from the East, you know, the snow we had last week that stopped the whole country) their couriers could reach them and there was a delay but they assured me my results would be arriving today. 
    So so that was my experience and I hope it helps you out! If you have any questions inbox me And good luck!!
  3. Like
    Lfx reacted to Lucy123123 in NVC To embassy - london   
    My interview is April 3rd 😁
  4. Like
    Lfx reacted to Boiler in Us border email- should I panic?   
    I assume not a visa, the VWP.
  5. Like
    Lfx reacted to Boiler in Us border email- should I panic?   
    OP is adjusting status.
  6. Thanks
    Lfx reacted to JackCassidyMusic in Another Knightsbridge Medical Review!   
    Yup, another one. I know I found comfort reading these, so hopefully another one for y'all will be helpful!

    I went today! Had a 10:50 appointment on Saturday 24th of February. 

    Aired a little too much on the side of caution and ended up getting there over an hour early, so went inside and asked if I was cool to get breakfast, as the last time I had a medical of this nature, I had to fast the night before. They said it was fine, and in fact, recommended I went and got breakfast before hand. I went and got a cheeky breakfast wrap from McDonald's.

    I got back about 25 minutes before my appointment time and went to reception, where they took all my documents and photocopied and gave them back to me. They even chopped off the extra photo on the passport photos I gave them, as they only needed four. Then I was given some extra forms to fill out, very simple "yes or no" kind of things, then handed it back and was given a urine cup to fill. After I returned that, I was sat in reception for maybe 10 minutes before my name was called.

    I had a quick chat with the nurse about vaccines and she was quite happy that everything was up to date. Although I had my flu jab added to my GP vaccination record, she still asked for proof that it was done, as I had it at Tescos. Luckily, I brought along the forms and she was happy with that and wrote everything down. She then asked if I had chicken pox before, and I said yes, and that was that. She was very lovely and calming and kind! I headed back to the waiting room and about 10 minutes later I was called once more, this time for the chest x-ray. Pretty simple stuff, went inside, took off my shirt and emptied my pockets. Was put into the position against the x-ray plate and she took the x-ray, loaded it onto her computer, briefly looked at it and said I was ok to put my clothes back on and return to the waiting room.

    Then another 10-15 minutes go by, and I was called to the doctor's office. She sat me down and asked me the same questions on the form I had filled out earlier, which was basically me just sat there saying "Nope" for a minute. Then we did the eye test - putting a palm over each eye and reading from a chart across the room. Then she looked inside my eyes and ears, tested my knee reflexes, listen to my chest with a stethoscope on the front and back. Then she went to take my blood pressure, and I explained I seemed to have this condition where my blood pressure shoots up while at the doctor's, and that I was fitted with an all-day blood pressure monitor and it said I'm fine. However, she took it and said that my blood pressure was just fine, and joked that I must have "gotten over it." Then she took the blood sample which was very quick and painless (although ripping the tape off my hairy arms after wasn't! Jeez!) and that was pretty much it. I went back to the waiting room for five minutes and was called through by the receptionist who gave me a certified list of my vaccines for my AOS, and asked when my interview would be. I told her March 8th and she said "Ah ok, you'll have plenty of time. If you don't hear from us by this Friday, then no news is good news and it'll be taken to the embassy and will already be there when you arrive for the interview."

    Then I lost 300lbs. :')

    Overall, a good, non-stressful experience! Absolutely nothing to worry about, everyone! They're very nice and friendly and professional!

    Best of luck! <3
  7. Like
    Lfx reacted to Lucy123123 in NVC To embassy - london   
    Ahhh it's so exciting isn't it 😁 I gave my leaving date at work for the 28th April. 
    I know the folder just gets bigger and bigger doesn't it lol.
    What's the longest you've stayed out There? 
  8. Like
    Lfx reacted to Lucy123123 in NVC To embassy - london   
    Amazing thank you:) created my account ready for next week. Have you seen the AOS form yet?? Just a small 18 page booklet 😧😧
  9. Like
    Lfx got a reaction from Lucy123123 in NVC To embassy - london   

    Create an account on here, pick the option about getting a letter regarding K1 to book an interview and then it'll just ask you some basic questions. Then you pay the fee, arrange courier service for your visa and you can have a look at the dates available for interview and pick one  

    (as far as I remember) but the process was fairly simple and it directs you all the way through x
  10. Like
    Lfx reacted to Andy davies in So.... nervous   
    So!!!!! Embassy didn’t have the results . But the dr called and said she would happily sign my past syphilis infection as being ok etc! And my interview went swimmingly ! APPROVED just pending medical results !!!! 
  11. Sad
    Lfx reacted to Tracey&Terence in NVC To embassy - london   
    No, that’s the thing. Both cards are debit cards. Two cards from two different addresses. I tried today and the same. So frustrating, I will have to wait till Tuesday morning to call! 😔
  12. Like
    Lfx reacted to Lucy123123 in NVC To embassy - london   
    Awww cute, we met 8 years ago on MySpace, finally officially got together last feb, we knew it would be marriage to be together so we made sure it was 100% before we took it to the next level. 
    Oh that's poo about train fares I know they are expensive 
  13. Like
    Lfx reacted to Lucy123123 in NVC To embassy - london   
    Yeah same just want the process to be over. It's gone so fast since the NOA2 mines been 2 weeks and 6 days. 
    Aww how did you both meet? Where are you from in England? I'm in Essex thankfully I don't have to travel far for medical and interview as I'm on the underground. I'll be moving to North Carolina 
  14. Like
    Lfx reacted to Lucy123123 in NVC To embassy - london   
    Thank you. Same for you too. I'm gonna submit the DS160 next week and book the interview for the first week in April hopefully. I'm not in a rush as I plan on POE first week in may 
  15. Like
    Lfx got a reaction from Lucy123123 in NVC To embassy - london   
    Wow!!! That’s amazing! Hope everything goes this smoothly for you now to interview x
  16. Like
    Lfx reacted to Lucy123123 in NVC To embassy - london   
    Blimey it's ready all ready 😁
  17. Like
    Lfx got a reaction from Lucy123123 in NVC To embassy - london   
    it’s $265 you’re actually paying to the embassy, so it’s probably exchange rate at the time   and I had a feeling, mine also got shipped out on a Friday 🧐  woooop!!! Congrats!! Xx
  18. Like
    Lfx reacted to Lucy123123 in NVC To embassy - london   
    Yessss I'm in transit also how was it different prices lol @Lfx and @Cyxs?
  19. Like
    Lfx reacted to Lucy123123 in NVC To embassy - london   
    I've booked my medical on the 16th March. 
    When you booked your interview do you pay online?
  20. Like
    Lfx reacted to Lucy123123 in NVC To embassy - london   
    I hope so 😁
    Have you booked your medical or interview yet? 
  21. Like
    Lfx got a reaction from Lucy123123 in NVC To embassy - london   
    Hopefully won’t be too long then!!  tomorrow might be the dayyyyy it goes in to transit   
  22. Like
    Lfx reacted to Lucy123123 in NVC To embassy - london   
    Still says at NVC it arrived on the 12th and case number assigned 13th 
  23. Like
    Lfx got a reaction from Lucy123123 in NVC To embassy - london   
    7 days for mine - quite recently. Arrived at NVC 31st Jan, left NVC 02nd Feb and then arrived at London Embassy on 09th Feb
  24. Like
    Lfx reacted to vocaledge in UK Visa Medical - Knightsbridge Review   
    Right now there is 27th Feb (10.30 or 11.30) and 28th Feb (10.30 or 11.30).

    Thats literally right now at this moment on my screen :-)
  25. Like
    Lfx got a reaction from ambrella in UK Visa Medical - Knightsbridge Review   
    There was one for 27th February but I don’t remember what time.  
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