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Posts posted by Lorie00

  1. 1 hour ago, USS_Voyager said:

    Exactly. That’s why the story is sooo wild I am not even sure it’s fiction or truth. So according to her (OP), there is a conspiracy to frame her by labeling her marriage as fraud and this conspiracy involves her ex, her ex’s lawyer and the Judge and they all hated her and the Judge basically just threw out all of her evidence and based purely on the oral testimony of a vindictive ex, ruled that her entire two years of marriage was fraud and annulled it. Meanwhile, her lawyer just sat there watching all of this happening and didn’t do a thing. 

    Now you tell, does any of it make sense to us normal people?

    This make sense only to good people who believe in justice. I lost my belief when the judge ruled against me. 

  2. 54 minutes ago, USS_Voyager said:

    Exactly. That’s why the story is sooo wild I am not even sure it’s fiction or truth. So according to her (OP), there is a conspiracy to frame her by labeling her marriage as fraud and this conspiracy involves her ex, her ex’s lawyer and the Judge and they all hated her and the Judge basically just threw out all of her evidence and based purely on the oral testimony of a vindictive ex, ruled that her entire two years of marriage was fraud and annulled it. Meanwhile, her lawyer just sat there watching all of this happening and didn’t do a thing. 

    Now you tell, does any of it make sense to us normal people?

    Yes that's right. I also was naive and believed in justice once upon a time. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Duke & Marie said:

    A judge must review all hard evidence placed in front of him during a hearing THAT IS LAW he cannot base his finding on verbal allocations only there has to be supporting evidence.. 


    takes two to generate and gather supporting evidNce for i130... if one guilty of fraud the other is possibly guilty too

    We had all the bona fide evidence because we were truly married for 2 years and established life together. When separated I submitted I 751 waiver, not i130. 

  4. Just now, Duke & Marie said:

    A judge must review all hard evidence placed in front of him during a hearing THAT IS LAW he cannot base his finding on verbal allocations only there has to be supporting evidence.. 

    This was a family law, not criminal case, yet he created a criminal case for me due to his decision. As I said before there are a lot of people in jail in this country and the judge never had any evidence just accusations...

  5. 1 minute ago, Duke & Marie said:

    Yet when submitting your i130 etc you were able to prove this as not the case for immigration... did you submit the same evidence that proved bonified to this judge during the annulment hearing, to counter your ex’s accusations?

    I never submitted i130. I presented my evidence but the judge said he preferred oral testimonies. My ex's attorney also said I collected the bona fide marriage evidence to get a green card. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Beth & Achraf said:

    Did the Judge give you the opportunity to present your case that  intercourse did take place during the 2 year marriage? and present a  rebuttal  on all he presented for testimony from your ex?



    Yes I testified completely opposite to my ex, yet the judge said in his annulment judgment that there has been 'undisputed' proof that I commited an immigration fraud, simply because" I identified opportunities in this country "and married for a green card. As I said before, I and my then fiance wanted to live in my country initially but he encouraged me to come here. This post is to warn you guys of injustice you can become a victim of anytime in your life. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Boiler said:

    You said the annulment was based on a fraudulent marriage, so I was going by that and assumed the annulment said that was the reason it was given.


    So a Judge determined that the marriage was fraudulent? And you submitted a document that said the marriage was fraudulent.


    Annulments are talked about a lot on this site but seem incredibly rare.

    I didn't commit a fraud. The judge stated that after my ex's testimony that I married him for a green card, with no evidence. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, Jorgedig said:

    I agree.  I did a quick Google search, and it seems that an annulment is not easy to get in Florida, and are actually rarely granted.


    Something in this whole story is off.

    I'm telling the truth. My ex is a psychopathic person who's goal in life was to destroy my life. I have all the evidence of bona fide marriage. 

    3 minutes ago, Boiler said:

    It is the reason for the annulment that is the issue here, and a fraudulent marriage goes to the root of the basis for PR status.

    There is no evidence that I commited a fraud because I did not. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, dwheels76 said:

    The issue is whatever your husband presented but Bonafide out the window. All that evidence you have means nothing. So they are refuting the notion it was real. They are believing what your ex said that you married for a green card and it wasn't bonafide.

    'They'means the judge... 

    USCIS officer never reviewed my evidence and annulment judgment. He refused to interview me.

  10. 13 minutes ago, dwheels76 said:

    This is odd. No the judge doesn't hate you he doesn't know you. But your ex definitely wrote up enough compelling evidence to get an annulment which is not easy after 2 years of marriage.

    no way to prove if you have sex or not. This is truly a he said she said. You need to get yourself a kickass Lawyer that will fight for you. With this denial now will come the deportation letter also.


    One this I would like to ask you you said you wanted him to live with you in your country. Then you said you left and that's when he filed for annulment.

    So when did you leave? How long were you gone? Did you abandon the marriage? Go back to your country?

    Initially when we met we were planning to live in my country, but in the end we decided to live together in the United States. Once I left him after 2 years he got vindictive and filed for annulment. 

  11. 5 minutes ago, carmel34 said:

    You can't file for ROC with a divorce waiver if your marriage ended in anullment not divorce.  A very good, expensive, immigration attorney in the US may be able to fight the deportation order when you receive it in front of an immigration judge.  That's your best path forward if you want to try and remain in the US.  Start gathering documents and find the best immigration lawyer you can afford, go into debt if you have to.  Even then, there's no guarantee you will win, so have a backup plan ready to return to your home country eventually if it ends up not working out.  A family court judge can't order you to leave the country, only an immigration judge can do that.  Good luck whatever happens!

    So why the USCIS says that I can file,  based on the instruction of their i751form ( bona fide marriage ended in annulment)?

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