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Posts posted by Addie_Goodvibes

  1. ABSOLUTLY YES! For the security of our nation and the world, TSA should stop all suspicicous looking gun totin grannies and mischevious hyper children under 8.

    TSA should profile there is a specific demagraphic and profile that terrorisy fit and TSA should foucs thier resources on that info, thats not to say that there are not some atypical caucasian or other races who could be potential terrorists.

  2. Ca offers recycling pickup,

    what really burns me is that CA charges CRV .4 c / container yet there are not enough recycling centers to take your bottles or cans and get that CRV back.

    I want my .4 cents back! I think any state that charges a CRV should make sure that there are enough reccling centers that consumers can redeem their bottels and cans and get their CRV back.

    There are not enough centers as it is, and half the time the nes in South Bay are never working properly.

    I want my .4 cents back! :angry:

  3. Welcome- I spent time in Japan - had a visit to Miazaki once too, soo pretty there by the ocean, I checked out your pic's - super cute! Have a wonderful journey and enjoy vj

    Thank you! My wife is actually From Obi a small Samurai /castle town in Miyazaki Prefecture

    Miyazaki is beautiful! My wife & I plan to live there someday soon!

  4. we rarely argue, The one disagreement that comes up a lot is her letting our daughter sleep in our bed.

    I am against it, :( ( being woke up at 2:00am from my daughter kicking me in the unmentionables is no fun :angry:

    We never yell & she has only punched me a few times :hehe: kidding!

    if we do have a problem she is quiet and I do my best to find out what is bothering her, we have a rule never to go to sleep with unresolved problems.

  5. I am paying for everything, the immigration process, flying her to and from Japan,

    My wife is staying home with our beautiful energetic daughter, it is hard to live in Southern Ca. on one income, but for the benefit of our daughter it is worth the sacrifices we make financially for our daughter to have her mom home with her.

    As soon as Ako (my wife) gets her EAD she wants to work part-time on the weekends to help out.

  6. My fiance is always asking me "do you like big boobs?". I always tell her "no, you are perfect dear". :D

    My Japanese wife said that a few times as well, she asked me if I wanted her to get breast enlargement, I said "NO WAY! you are perfect! I like her perky little figure!

  7. None of those really were all that good!

    Some of my favorites

    Goodwill Hunting;Princess bride; Very Bad things, Braveheart; Pirates Of the Caribean; Patch Adams

    I Also like Heist & gangster movies


    Usual Suspects

    Pulp Fiction

    The Italian Job

    Donnie Brasco

    The Score


    Tru Romance

    The Hold Nine Yards

    Reservoir Dogs

    Oceans 11

    If I had to pick one romantic movie 10 things I hate about you was mildly entertaining

    I like comedies of the 80's John Hughes Films films the best

    Breakfast club

    Ferris Buellers day off

    the first 3 Lampoons Vacation Movies

    Weird Science

    other comedies I also Liked

    Steve martin's The Jerk and Dirt Rotten Scoundrels

    Real genius

    Gross point blank

    Pump Up the Volume

    Benny & Joon

    Whats Eating Gilbert Grape

    Star Wars was way ahead of its time and still tops most Sci-Fi action films today!

  8. IMO if you enjoy pleasing your lady then do so, if it is done out of obligation it usually isn't enjoyed by both parties and your lady will know the difference on that note I am leaving work early today!

  9. mostly water or

    Propel ( black Cherry)

    when I have a craving for soda of ( of which I have now thanks to this poll)!which is rare ...I'm a Pepper!

  10. When we first started seeing eachother my wife was shy about that , until I finally got my way and now she loves it!

    I like gently nibbling her hip bones while massaging her inner thighs all the up to the intersection. then i move in :P

    Ok I better stop too much detail may get me in trouble.


  11. oh gosh... i can only pick at every 20th word... dammit... it seems like some sort of hotel letter of complaint?

    the first part i think has something to do with the person making a suggestion.

    something about st. louis missouri is in the center of america...

    something like 'i go from the airport by taxi to the hotel' then something about maybe not reading the actual time of arrival?

    um, 5 person staff at the entrance... wait outside...

    its hot in saint louis... woman carrying cold drinks outside for your benefit... something about waiting more than 10 minutes before and feeling its inexcusable... someone in guest relations named Kelly/Kerry? something like 'i come for 7 months'... Japanese guest Mrs. Inoue... something something... considerably surprised... for 7 months people didn't come... didn't meet Japanese people... something about certainty and guarantee... please come... guest room... information... top of desk... left behind a letter... someone see writing paper with my name... ritz carlton, st. louis' hospitality... something about not much sightseeing...

    i am struggling with all the freakin' particles and #######. this is what happens when you stop studying.

    アメリカ is america

    ミズリー is missouri

    セントルイス is saint louis

    日本人 is japanese person/people (nihonjin)

    oh gawd, i am getting a headache from all the kanji... i haven't studied in quite a while...

    PM addie_goodvibes who is japanese and should be able to give you a hand.

    good luck :thumbs:

    hope i didn't confuse you further :blush:

    My Wife Akiko Goodvibes is Japanese, I speak and read it, however at this moment my office PC does not support Japanese fonts all i see is squares. so I will translate for you once I am home this evening.

  12. We made a CD of about 40 pictures and took it to Walgreens to have them printed as 4 x 6 photos and then put them all in a photo album. Cost about $20 altogether.

    They never asked to see it. Same thing with all the documentation I prepared. They didn't ask for any of it except our 2005 joint tax return. I mean NOTHING else at all. All the rest turned out to be a waste of time and energy (what the U.S. government does best, don't you know?).

    I disagree as far as the work putting together pictures and support evidence as being a waste of time and energy, I am a bit nestalgic & a romantic so my view on this is different.

    The way I see it, is my wife and I are gathering pieces of our relationship Past, and present and putting them together, gathering all the cards, letters, photos and other things that quantify our relationship, we get to walk back through the path to that led us into eachothers hearts & Lives. It is a great project and after the whole AOS process we will have a scrap book of this journey and more importantly a compilation of pieces of our relationship, it has brought us closer.

    We have enjoyed gathering all the personal evidence and if USCIS uses it great if not we still have created a beutiful symbol of our relationship to look back to in years to come.

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