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Posts posted by Addie_Goodvibes

  1. I prefer College Footie over NFL & support my USA Alma mater CU Boulder GO BUFFS!

    next favorites would have to be Ohio State Buckeyes! & Joe Paterno's Penn state.

    I am a Big 12 Fan , and being in CA. I try to keep up with PAC 10 !

    As far as NFL ANYONE who plays The Raiders! Ruck the Faiders!

    I like most of the AFC, I have always liked the Chiefs too bad Vermeil is gone :(, Denver is Solid & I would like Denver better if Shanahan wasn't the head coach! I Respect Marty Shottenheimer so would like to see the Chargers do well.

    I have two favorite teams: whoever's playing the Rams, and whoever's playing the Raiders.

    /DIAF, Al & Georgia

    Good on Ye

    Ruck the Faiders! Buck the Foncos

    Thank God Football season is here and baseball Ends soon, Baseball how boring!

  2. What a tragedy, I live right down Hermosa Ave/ ( Hermosa & 2nd) My wife & I would go there every Tuesday ( taco Tuesday) We miss that place a lot, the rest of the spots on Pier avenue don't have the character or good food that Sharkeys did, Hennessy food is bland, Not too wild about Sangria either!

    Fat face Fenners is Ok. Hopefully rebuilt Sharkeys will have most of the same old character it had before.

    minus the USC brats :no:

  3. When ever we have opportunity to drop our daughter off with my parents My spouse & I go out together to social events such as beach parties occasioanlly a club night. We used to watch College Footie every Saturday at our favorite Sports bar which recently burned down (Rest in peace Sharkeys :( )

    I go out with my mates once a week & my spouse has a ladies night out.

    It is healthy for the relationship to have the freedom, it shows trust.

  4. Getting married in the midst of K1 processing can ####### things up a bit, and a pregnancy or child does not help with a K1 at all.Perhaps your final suggestion is what you would prefer in this case - waiting a year to avoid the stress of a baby in a new marriage. That is certainly the conventional wisdom we hear the most about this scenario.

    I suggest Waiting until after your married to have a baby, I do NOT suggest getting married in the midst of K1 processing, Marriage before baby was my point!

    I do not think a baby will guarntee any USCIS beenfit or special treatment, it does show in the case of AOS processing it does show more established legit relationship.

  5. Do NOT delay seeking treatment for the torn miniscus, there is very little vascularity to that area of the knee, Once one structure becomes damaged it compromises the integrity of the rest of the knee, which can cause further injury to ACL/ MCL and chondromalatia patella ( softening of the cartiliage in the knee) it needs time to heal and rehabilitation exercises to strengthen the joint,

    Do not rely on the diagnosis of a non Sports medicine Doctor. Get a refferal and have an Sports medicine Specialist/Orthopedist properly diagnose the injury , then immediately get into see a Physical Therapist. Early detection and treatment will reduces the need for Surgery.

    I am a Physical Therapist, too often I see people with injuries like this that let it go after a misdiagnosis from their family practitionor , go back to sports too soon without a specialist referral & don't allowing adequate time to recover and strengthen involved knee.

    As long as there is still swelling you should not play sports, apply ICE at least 3 times daily and use NSAID's ( Advil) to reduce Edema. One method to expidite healing is to take a cold Aluminum can and massage the area with the can, the massage combined with cold can will mobilize edema and reduce swelling.

    after edema is gone then you will want to begin rehabilitation to strengthen the knee. This involves strengthening the VMO, Adducters, Quad sets, 1/4 squats, and functional flexibility and Range of Motion exercises.

    Good luck & get into to see a PT ASAP!

  6. Do NOT delay seeking treatment for the torn miniscus, there is very little vascularity to that area of the knee, it needs time to heal and rehabilitation exercises to strengthen the joint,

    I am a Physical Therapist, too often I see people with injuris like this that let it go , go back to sports to soon without allowing adequate time to recover and strengthen the compromised structural integrity of the involved knee.

    As long as there is still swelling you should not play sports, apply ICE at least 3 times daily and use NSAID's ( Advil) to reduce Edema. One method to expidite healing is to take a cold Aluminum can and massage the area with the can, the massage combined with cold can will mobilize edema and reduce swelling.

    after edema is gone then you will want to begin rehabilitation to strengthen the knee. This involves strengthening the VMO, Adducters, Quad sets, 1/4 squats, and functional flexibility and Range of Motion exercises.

    Good luck & get into to see a PT ASAP!

  7. There's no way I would try to get pregnant before getting the K1 visa or before getting married.

    1-Beliefs of waiting til married to do that kind of thing

    2-Why would I want to be pregnant so far away from my fiance and have to go it alone until reunited. Doesn't sound fun. :no:

    Good o n ye~ Excellent point :thumbs:

    we were together every step of the pregnancy & did not miss any pre -natal visits

    it was an experience we shared & she needed me by her side. Her first 3 months of pregnancy she had lost over 30 lbs from severe Morning sickness and was on IV's several times.

    It is an expereince that i sbest shared by the side of your loved one & God forbid if any complications arise the mom to be would need support of the father to be.

  8. How about naming the baby "Seven" :)( Seinfeld episode 117..)

    or Addie :thumbs:

    I suggest using an ethnic yet somewhat easy to pronounce name.

    Our daughter is half Japanese her name is Airilei Kalea

    pronounced eye-ree lay

    We also have a boy on the way we are looking into Boys names

    We are thinking of Aidan or Tora

  9. congrats on the New Pregnancy, being pregnant will NOT speed up porcessing,

    It may help you come time for the interview, it does help show legitimacy in your relationship

    but thats is about all,

    An attorney had told my wife & I that since we have a daughter ( 18 months old) that even though our 2 year anniversary will be 2 weeks after our interview date the USCIS IO may grant her Permanant legal Resident right away.

  10. I suggest getting married First! Then IF as a couple you are financially ready and as a couple WANT to have children now then go for it, although it may will help you in the interview to show l bona fida marriage, IMO I dont think that should be the purpose for having your Child!

    Keep in mind if you aren't married yet things could change quick, having a baby can make thing worse if something happens and the marriage does not work out. The baby suffers the most!

    Spend time with your SO/ Fiance even after your married you should spend at least a year together, having a baby in a new marriage can be stressful and put a lot of burden on a new couple.

  11. I agree with Cali-

    Don't bring up any minor mistakes and you may not have any RFE's. At the interview you may be asked to verify info on the G3325-a At that time you can explain any minor mistakes if neccesary.

    If your Medical 693 was signed by the LA civil surgeon and he marked the box that all vaccines are up to date then it should be no problem, again don't worry about anything unless you get an RFE!

  12. last Friday since I had a the day off, my wife & I decided to do a "test run" for our AOS interview date

    It was a good thing we did this , we were able to see where the exact bldg was and how long ( Aprox. ) it would take us to get from our home to the USCIS Los Angeles DO via Metro Rail.

    We found out a few important things, (such as no cameras are allowed in the Bldg. so we took pictures for our memory book, in front of the DO Friday :D ) We were able to go up to the actual floor and room of where our interview will take place. It makes it easier knowing where everything is. That way on the interview date we can be relaxed and not rushed.

    We decided to take the metro rail so we won't have to worry about LA traffic, parking fees and driving (it will only cost us $6.00 for two 1 day pass'). We can focus on a relaxed ride downtown and prepare for the iinterview. We will leave about 2 hours prior to interview time, allowing for transfers and any delays that may occur, ( such as a emergency restroom break my wife needed. we had to go out of the metro xfer station and go searching for a public restroom. took 20 minutes :eek: ) We now know where we can find a public restroom clsoe to the station. and trust me in downtown LA , there are not many places that have public restrooms.

    It will take a little over an hour to get there via Metro Rail Green Line-->Blue Line-->Red line ---> Civic Center Station

    A short easy 5 minute walk from the Civic Center Metro station and we are there 300 N. Los Angeles St.

    Afterwards we will spend the afternoon either celebrating with a picnic in beautiful downtown or sobbing over a drink in a small little tokyo bar. :P

    After doing the test run I realised that I already knew how to get there as I have been to Disney Concert Hall & Little Tokyo several times, the USCIS office bldg. is within walking distance of all these places. It was nice to know that it will be easier than expected. I can be a bit anxious if i am going downtown as I rarely leave the South bay, & with Los Angeles Traffic it can be frusterating and easy to get delayed or veen lost on the way to a Downtown destination. The Rail system makes it so much easier!

    Anyway; I encourage anyone who has the opportunity and is within close proximity to their DO to do a test run if you can! At least drive by the actual bldg. and get familiar with where you will need to go before the interview date, No surprises!

    Now if only we could do a rehersal Interview ;)

  13. I proposed to her in Japan, we had planned on waiting until her family was ready & have a traditional Japanese wedding in Japan & A western Wedding in USA

    Things worked out a bit differently. Her parents were not supportive of her marrying a westerner, so we returned to the USA together, became pregnant and decided to marry with or without her parents blessings.

    Now they are ok and are slowly accepting the fact that their only daughter is married and has a family with a handsome Aussie~American Bloke!

    We had a Civil/ ceremony wedding at the Santa Barbara Courthouse garden only 27 people attended it was informal with the exception of her Gown & my tux.

    We then had a Japanese style reception at Carpenteria Beach.

    We plan on having our Japanese wedding early next year upon our return to Japan.

  14. Ohh, as a southerner, this is the debate you do not like to get into. It is heritage.
    disagreement over exactly what it symbolizes[/color]. To many in the US South it is simply a symbol of their heritage and pride in their ancestors who held out during years of war under terrible odds and sacrifice. Others see it as a symbol of the institution of slavery, or of the Jim Crow laws established by the many Southern states enforcing racial segregation within their borders for almost a century later. The Confederate battle flag is a controversial symbol in contemporary American politics. Because of its link to slavery and because Southern opponents of the Civil Rights Movement, the Ku Klux Klan, American neo-Nazis, and other white supremacists have used the flag as a symbol for their causes, many Americans, particularly African Americans, consider it a racist symbol akin to the Nazi swastika. As a result, there have been numerous political fights over the use of the Confederate battle flag in Southern state flags, at sporting events at Southern universities, and on public buildings. According to Civil War historian and southerner Shelby Foote, the flag traditionally represented the south's resistance to northern political dominance generally; it became racially charged during the Civil Rights Movement, when protecting segregation suddenly became the focal point of that resistance.

    Confederate Flag Controversy

    I am not offened by a flag anymore than i am offened by the middle finger, Depending on the purpose of how it is flown and the intentions of who displays it.

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