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About CubaAndChill

  • Birthday 03/17/1988

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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Houston TX
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  1. Gracias for all of your hardwork on the scans. I found my case #

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    2. Yasmin&Hab


      I was disheartened to hear all about your current hardships.  It is extremely difficult to lose a family member because that is what our pets are, family.  The issue will lack of communication with your fiancee, I can totally empathize, we to are going thru a extremely frustrating time which makes it difficult to navigate with communication being our current obstacle that is exacerbated by the distance:unsure: Hay chica, por dios, i too have contemplated on whether to continue this process and praying to God to guide and enlighten me on this path.  This is definitely not an easy situation and trying not to rush into a decision.  The question isn't  IF I love the person, but is it enough. The heart and mind not on the same wave length IS NO FUN AT ALL:wacko: But I am putting my faith in God and trusting him to lead me down this path. He created the opportunity for us to meet and fall in love, which was a complete surprise especially with someone on the other side of the world, so it is a blessing for i have learned many things in this relationship.  So keeping that in mind although challenging I'm choosing to continue to trust God and be true to myself and that is giving me solace.  So just know you are not alone in this, we are strong women who have decided to take a leap of faith and this is apparently apart of our ride, so hang on, cry, laugh and pray ;)  

    3. CubaAndChill


      Thank you for your kind words Yasmin. I really appreciate it. I can't tell you how comforting it is that I have someone/other people that understand what I'm going through and how stressful this whole process is. No es facil mama, but if you need to vent don't ever hesitate to PM me, and I can give you my whatsapp, or email as well so we can talk privately. I definitely understand, it's not a question of IF I love him, but it's a question of if it's enough and if we can get over this hard time that we're going through and if he can find it in his heart to communicate with me so we can try to get over the rough patch. But, like you I'm putting faith in God that he'll work things out and if this man is for me then we'll work out our problems and we'll continue on and if not then God has something better out there... and that goes for the both of us. I can totally agree that God has given us this opportunity,  I know for myself I didn't go out to Cuba to meet anyone and I wasn't planning on getting attached to anyone. I went to Cuba to get to know my roots and bond with my dad and my sister, but it just happened and now I'm questioning why because we're going through this BS. I have to just wait it out though and allow God to reveal what he's doing with me and what path he wants me to go down. Same for you. We just have to keep putting our faith in him and allow him to lead us down the right path and just give it time. That's the benefit of this whole visa thing is that it gives us that time because it takes awhile to get  anywhere with it and you can always ask for extensions or prolong it as needed. Anyway, like I said if you ever want to speak privately don't hesitate to PM me and we can go from there.

    4. Yasmin&Hab



      I just wanted to check-in and see how you are doing? Sorry i have been gone, but i am also looking for employment, since my contract with my current employer is up, which was a surprise.  Things between me and my mister, well haven't gotten better:( so my heart is breaking and i'm not feeling to confident that we can work through this:cry:

      Hay Chica, i hope things are better with you and your fiance, how is the job hunting going?

      I also wanted to say thank you for your encouraging words, us Cubanas have to stick together:dancing:

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