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About CubaAndChill

  • Birthday 03/17/1988

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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Houston TX
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  1. Gracias for all of your hardwork on the scans. I found my case #

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Yasmin&Hab


      Hola Chica! I just read your post. hmmm, I am glad that you're surrounding yourself with loved ones,  practicing self-care, taking your time to grieve and eating yummy tacos.  I am surprised of Cubana making tacos but then again somos cubana y bueno sabemos concinar.:lol: Now in regards to the MIA Mister All i have to say is que cabezon  :bonk:  que le pasa, men are so slow, espero that he realizes what a gem you are and at least have the timbales to have a conversation with you y no sea cobarde and disappear como si nada.  But if that is his decision, HIS LOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! and you have everything to gain.  Espero that whatever is holding him back se resuelve y pronto y si se trata de orgullo he is able to realize that the woman that is in love with him is worth that and then some si no se va a quedar solo y con su orgullo. Sounds lonely to me and con el pensamiento de Quizas.  Pero tu pa'lante no marchar atras ni para cojer impulso;)

    3. CubaAndChill


      Gracias por tus palabras mi vida! I know right lol I told my mom I never thought I'd see the day when she'd have a taco truck.. maybe a croqueta truck, but not tacos!! :lol:


      You hit it right on the head. El es un cabezon y muy rencoroso. Me dijo que no queria dejar de hablar conmigo y despues de unos dias me bloqueo de hablar con el. Me dejo como coño no hice nada tan malo para merecer este tratamiento. Pero, like you said his loss si no quiere dejar el orgullo y hablar conmigo para resolver las cosas. De verdad, espero lo mismo. I would love to be able to have everything go back to it being good. Solo es que I can't be the only one. You sound like my stepmom lol she told me the same "Mija pa'lante! No marchas pa'tras ni para cojer impulso!.. Si el no puede ver la maravillosa mujer que eres, que se joda" :lol::lol:


      How are you mi amor? Como estan las cosas con el prometido tuyo? Yo se que tambien estaba teniendo unos problemas.

    4. Yasmin&Hab


      Hola Chica! 

      Im sorry i have disappeared. But things have been crazy wrapping things up with my current job and looking for another:blink:...lol  todavia estoy pasando trabajo con el mister, so de verdad no se por el momento. And how are you? work? dancing:dancing:? prometido? mom's taco truck?:rolleyes:

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